Walnut Creek Police say Oakland resident Christopher Newton, who was investigated by WCPD in 2017 for wallet thefts from yoga studios, is wanted by the Berkeley Police Department for a similar crime.
If you know his whereabouts or have information about Newton, please contact the Berkeley Police Department at 510-981-5900 or notify the nearest police agency.
Police remind you to be vigilant in securing your personal belongings when you go to a yoga studio or gym to workout, because thieves target these locations.
UPDATE: Newton was arrested on Wednesday by police in Roseville for several warrants and for allegedly stealing more wallets/credit cards at a yoga studio, and using the credit cards, according to the Walnut Creek Police Department.
I believe in chopping off the hands of thieves. There are just too many of them. Fifty years ago you didn’t need mace, you could take your bike to school and not chain it up, you didn’t need a doorbell that videos anyone coming to your front door. It is almost like the court systems care more about criminals than they do the public. We have this underclass that thinks they will get away with just about anything. We don’t need them on the street get rid of them.
And, of course, this all happens in the Enabler State. We need more prisons and stricter laws.
The underclass CAN get away with it. That is THE reason for this amount of crime now.
Thank-you Democrats.
That is barbaric. Chop their hands off and you’ll be supporting them with your tax dollars on Social Security Disability the rest of their lives while they sit around doing nothing. No. They need to be required to hold down a mind-numbing desk job five days a week, fifty weeks a year for thirty years just like the rest of us. Make them pay their own way.
Very true. There’s so much concern over the “rights” of a thief/murderer/rapist/etc., how the police responded, was the suspect treated gently, etc. Forget it. The courts should be concerned with the rights of the law-abiding citizens, and how they’re going to be protected from these dirtbags.
Okay so what would you say to removing one finger? One finger each time they steal.
They could get early release for the finger…..say, half sentence? And you’d still know them on site.
Dont think the Yoga studio will miss their culturally appropriated art and statues.
…. the article says WALLET thefts … not art
Too bad people obsessing about “cultural appropriation” can’t read and comprehend the article.
I guess feelings ARE more important than facts.
Do you really care about cultural appropriation or is it just something for you to spew on and on about? Free country people can wear their hair or clothes that way they please and don’t need permission from you if it is culturally acceptable or not…deal with it!
Have no fear WC, 108RS is always in the hood.
What does 108RS mean?
Probably his radio sign. Wondering if the “R” stands for reserve? Reserves are valuable folks……………..
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
What you talking about Willace!!
he looks like Gary Coleman
Had to give a young mom a lecture today…………she left her baby on a table in a restaurant and her turned her back for at least three minutes to study the menu….could have easily been a stolen baby.
Time to Lock Him Up !
Any relation to Black Panther party co-founder Huey Newton?
Huey Newton wasn’t a thief.
Actually, Huey Newton was a thief and worse. He was convicted of voluntary manslaughter of a police officer in 1967. While the conviction was overturned, he was again accused of murder in 1974 and fled to Cuba. When he returned, the trial resulted in a hung jury which certainly did not mean he was innocence, only that the jury could not agree. In 1989, he was found guilty of misappropriating public funds intended for an Oakland school and served a six-month sentence. He was found shot dead later that year during a drug dispute.
Thanks for the update Claycord! Glad he’s off the street.
Why don’t we try to repeal #37. Our so called politicians waste so much money on nonsense why can’t we start a movement to repeal #47. At least that will get them to pay attention to things other than the liberals and entitlement crowd diversions.??????
” Felonies now get probation ” I don’t think so. If you can remember that far back, it costs about $200l a year to keep a pesron in prison and our jail are over crowded. How many prisoners will you pay to keep incarcerated? .
Sounds like a One-Trick Felon. Of course, he will probably face no or little time in prison.