Home » McGallian Selected As Concord’s New Mayor, Aliano Named Vice Mayor

McGallian Selected As Concord’s New Mayor, Aliano Named Vice Mayor


At the Tuesday, Dec. 3 Concord City Council meeting, outgoing Mayor Carlyn Obringer turned over the gavel to Vice Mayor Tim McGallian after he was selected by fellow councilmembers as the City’s mayor for 2020.

Councilmember Dominic Aliano was selected to serve as vice mayor for the year ahead.

Obringer was elected to the City Council in November 2016 and served as Vice Mayor in 2018 and as Mayor in 2019. She previously served on Concord’s Design Review Board and the Planning Commission.

Tim McGallian was first appointed to the Concord City Council in January 2017 and elected to a four-year term in November 2018. His one-year term as Mayor began on Dec. 3, 2019.


He previously served as City Treasurer from July 2015 to January 2017. He served on the City of Concord’s Planning Commission from 2010 to 2015. He is the Past President of the Todos Santos Business Association Arts Foundation, through which he founded the Concord July 4th Festival and Fireworks in 2014.

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So, who among this gang foolishly supports the downtown stadium idiocy? All of them. They have to go next election!

absolute power by the council

equals a mayor-e-go-round of non consequential or powered or even bringing anything to the greatness of the city

accept taking a full ride in benefits some glad handing and a obvious nod from the city council for being a good boy and getting on board with the game

why this is announced as a hurray or yay for change or a much needed thing

is beyond me the mayor scam is the best picture of this states corruption

all the way down to the city council lowbees

prompted by the cccounty board of rip-offs

not be upended by a kamala or de slacker or better yet

a weiner allowing mass infecting of hiv without any recourse

or the DA stating that no illegal shall be convicted of any crime …just to serve community service or no punishment at all

You want to try that again in English.

Randy’s apparently having problem with English language. He demonstrated that he was unable to write coherently, yet he’s calling others out for the same thing.

Try again, sonny.

“Randy’s apparently having problem with English language.”

Wow, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!

Congratulations to Mayor McGallian and Vice Mayor Aliano, and kudos to former Mayor Obringer for her service to our city.

These three young council members are very hard working, compassionate, and smart. They are governing from the center, not the extremes. I believe they care about long term solutions and they care about all of Concord, not just a few special interest groups.

I remain very hopeful for the future of our city.

Mayor Mc’G will always be known as Grayson’s heir/beneficiary. Move one out, move one up, the CPD/POA way.

BFF Out!

I wish we could vote for who’s Mayor

Ya, that was my question, too. A bunch of insider cronies appoint each other? Am I missing something?

Obringer stepped down?
That is interesting.

Am I correct that the term for a mayor is just one year? If correct, then her term has ended, she isn’t stepping down. She now has “Mayor” to be included on her resumé.

Thank You Masked Poster.
It’s time for me to learn more about how Concord works.

yes she did

was she asked to
or better yet is she headed for the board of scammers
or better yet a de-slacker lackey

or she could be pulling a Greyson or jumping on a charter school scam position like others have done

either way they represent themselves and could care less about American citizens just special interest illegals and flooding the city and state with criminals and bums

shoving American citizens to the street as they house illegals in all the affordable housing all 18 million of them lol

You will be missed Carolyn Thank you for your service:) Well done.

Yes,…I will miss Carlyn Obringer.
Think she did the best she could, with what she had to work with, for the City of Concord.

It would be helpful if Concord council persons either each had an assistant representative available to talk to at city offices, or city council members made an effort to have regular open-office hours at the city offices. I understand that Concord has budget limitations, but it would be a benefit to the people and it would promote civic engagement if citizens could directly meet their council persons more often, or meet with someone representing them.

That’s a good one Natalie lol these people are not representing the common ppl

Can’t wait for the next general election, after the entire council voted for Marijuana dispensaries in our city none of them will get my vote. That vote formally killed the old city motto “Concord where families come first”.


You no longer get to vote for all Concord City Councilmembers, you only get to vote for the one representing your District. Concord City Council District 2 (Carlyn Obringer) and Concord City Council District 4 (Edi Birsan) are up in 2020.

I believe only 3 Concord City Councilmembers (Dominic Aliano D-3, Edi Birsan D-4, and Tim McGallian D-5) voted for the recreational marijuana dispensaries.

So APPOINTED to the council, and then elected for the first time (but as an incumbent?!) , and then APPOINTED as mayor… not a very robust electoral process we have in this burg.

Old Fart,

Tim McGallian lost the November 2012 at-large Concord City Council race to Edi Birsan. He was then APPOINTED Concord City Treasurer in July 2015, then APPOINTED to the Concord City Council in late January 2017, he then ran unopposed as an incumbent and was elected in the newly created and GERRYMANDERED Concord City Council District 5 in November 2018, he was then APPOINTED Concord Vice Mayor in December 2019, and then he was APPOINTED to the position of Mayor of the City of Concord in December 2019. McGallian has his political career all planned out, Concord is merely a stepping stone for him.

Sounds like political incest.

Black Knight is so correct. Can’t stand Timmy. I am so disappointed that no one ran against him. The voters vote for incumbents. So disappointing.

It is time for the Council to have the courage to dump the city manager, and make sure that the new police chief is a leader, not a manager.

Agreed! Time to rotate out the old guard, and bring a new wave of ideas into the building. Mature county hubs are not successful being managed like a county corner store catering to reliable donors of the past.

BFF Out!



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