Home » BART And The Salvation Army Launch “Partners for Change” Campaign To Help Homeless

BART And The Salvation Army Launch “Partners for Change” Campaign To Help Homeless


BART is teaming up with The Salvation Army during its seasonal Red Kettle Campaign with a new “Partners for Change” initiative inside BART stations systemwide.

The partnership will provide donated funds and paper BART tickets from BART riders to help pay for supportive services for homeless people inside BART stations and on-board trains.

The Salvation Army will position their Red Kettles in the free area of BART stations during the holiday season and collect donations from riders. BART will post signs inside stations near the vending machines that give change to encourage riders to donate to help the “unhoused who seek shelter,” according to BART.


Riders can also donate their paper BART tickets with remaining fare, which will be refunded for cash value.

The campaign will end December 24.

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not one penny to the S.A.

Unhoused without shelter
So change the socialist rhetoric to change then narrative

Hey want to house the unhoused Americans hmmmm
Well there are 18 million illegals taking up affordable housing
brought in by the democrats to gain an unheard of amount of federal money that they have total control over or rather can split up together

The politicians created this problem by enticing you bait words like
racism and diversity
All the while shoving American citizens and their children to the streets so the politicians can gain fed money to use for campaigns and nanny’s for their household
By Bart using the narrative of unhoused without shelter
To entice and advertise for a charity In their so called free area Bart is being biased
they Should Then allow and advertise for any group or panhandler or politically motivated organization or individual
Since it is actually publicly funded by tax payers and designated a free area

But I am sure if anyone from another party wanted to promote and set up collection bins and ask Bart to advertise for them they would be denied

So this is a biased and false advertisement since we all know a bucket of donations does not go only to the so called bart claimed unhoused without shelter partisans ….it goes to a fund used how ever they see fit
Just like Red Cross claimed donations go to New Orleans flood victims
only to be outed as false …as the funds are distributed as they desire and deem needed

Bart is not a private company ….so advertising and using political jargon and advertising and promoting and allowing organizations to pander on property is a abuse of public and biased use of tax payer property (free area)

I would hope that the Bart manager would post an apology to all taxpayers for over stepping and backing a politically biased stance with tax payer funded property

As well as labeling as a partnership ( a equal or agreed upon revenue share or funding ) is outrageous as it is tax money being used
to support as advertised a politically motivated stance
and exclusive rights to the free area for said party

So a pro trump charity will of course be denied access and rights to said area as well …right

I can not believe that this state is now running amuck with exclusive political bias on public funded property as well as tax payer funded

I mean why not just put up dem propaganda signs and form a democrat police force and derive a (ALL HAIL ) pelosi chant and start jailing anyone opposed


Well said !!!

The Salvation Army isn’t politically motivated. You should look at the 11 doctrines of the Salvation Army. Here’s a sample: “We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has, by His suffering and death, made an atonement for the whole world so that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

They are raising money for supportive housing, substance abuse treatment, and case management. This is to get people off the streets and to have healthy lives. This has nothing to do with Democrats or politics.

The Salvation Army ranks very high in the metrics that rate non-profit organizations.

I Love that “donated from BART riders.” Hey BART, you donate it. We pay too much already for the misery of BART woes everyday. What nerve! Every day another article and no action taken to clean things up. The Board and Management aka an old hens circle. Time to restructure and reorganize BART and disband the Board and management country club from the bottom up.

The Salvation Army does exceptional work. I think this is an excellent idea and very much appropriate for the holidays

Not one single penny should be given to this constant grab for our hard earned dollars. Let Newsome, Pelosi and all the other liberal dems, yes
you know who you are, support these causes by donating their salaries and opening up their homes to their supporters who do not want to work but drain the system. I pay to much in taxes, which they double and triple tax us on already. Hey, the thieves keep stealing they should be supporting me and you who get raped with over taxation without representation. BART has become the transportation of choice for robbers, thieves, fare cheats and the like. Have them pony up at least half of what they have stolen to help their unfortunate “I don’t want to work” but reap the benefits friends and relatives.

I suppose all the liberals will boycott and refuse to ride BART, right?



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