Home » UPDATE: Gunshot Victim Located On Oasis Dr. In Concord

UPDATE: Gunshot Victim Located On Oasis Dr. In Concord


At least one gunshot victim was located in the 900 block of Oasis Dr. in Concord this morning around 11:45.

Police and at least three ambulances are on scene.


Oasis Dr. is located just west of Oak Grove Rd. and North of David Ave.

UPDATE: One person is dead inside the home, according to ConFire. It’s unknown if it’s the suspect, and it’s unknown if this was an officer-involved shooting.

UPDATE: 60-Year-Old Man Shot, Killed By Concord Police

map: google maps


photo credit: Kiera

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I was literally just walking my kids and dog on Oasis. I didn’t see any sirens, when did this happen?

I was just on Oasis and didn’t see any sirens. When did this happen?

cops shot the elderly couples junkie son who beat up the mother

If that’s true, how sad for the mother.

So he beat her up and killed her inside the home then cops shot him outside?? That is just so horrible if I’m reading this correctly. Poor women’s husband my heart just breaks for him.

if true, good. safe space will be provided for snowflakes. let the banter begin…

he beat up his mom pretty bad and then the cops shot and killed him. only the one death.

Was there a shootout at another location and the perp holed up at Oasis???

Does anyone have an update on this? There is a lot of speculation going around but nothing official. What actually happened?

Where does it say the mom died?

At Oasis and Nuala….So sad

Junkie son of elderly couple shot dead after beating both of the elderly parents and waving a gun around in the front yard. Cops said the couple is okay after being taken away in an ambulance.

I grew up next door to that family. I saw the parents a couple of years ago. They were very sweet. I’m sad to hear this happened to them.

Whatever happened, such a tragic story from an angle.

My old neighborhood and one of the best in Concord.,Most home owners are sensible and armed in that area.I remember be nosey as a kid and finding my fathers very nice 9 mm semi auto.He was ready for em.



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