Concord Police shot and killed a 60-year-old man this morning after he allegedly assaulted his elderly parents at their home on Oasis Dr.
The following information is from the Concord Police Dept.:
This morning around 11:45 am, officers with the Concord Police Department were involved in an officer involved shooting on the 900 block of Oasis Drive.
The 85 and 90-year-old residents called the dispatch center and reported their 60-year-old son was acting erratically and was possibly under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
They told dispatchers their son was armed with a knife and plastic gun.
Neighbors also called in saying the man was in the front yard with a firearm. Officers arrived and tried to talk with the man, but he went back into the house. The officers then saw an elderly man walk out of the house suffering from serious injuries. When officers got into the home, they found the man straddling his mother while holding a knife.
At that point, two officers used their service weapons.
Officers provided medical aid to both elderly victims and the man, but the 60-year-old son was pronounced dead at the scene.
The elderly residents were transported to a local hospital where they are being treated for serious injuries.
photo credit: Kiera
How very decent of you to rejoice that an older couple’s son had to be shot and killed.
WOW!! Quality people here!
Mental illness is an issue that many families have to deal with. It’s unfortunate that this incident had to end this way, but, I’m sure the officers did what they needed to do.
That being said, those rejoicing are disgusting! You should be very happy you do not have to deal with this, as you would probably react differently! But…..given your comments, maybe not! I’m sure the elderly couple is devastated!
@ Sign from Above,
Neighbors of the elderly victims said the son was a junkie.
@Sign from above:
Where in the story did you find a reference to mental illness?
I agree with you…at least the police were able to rescue the elderly couple before their violent son could have done some more serious damage to his parents. This guy was a lunatic attacking his old parents and abusing them. So many elderly people get abused physically, emotionally and even financially by their undeserving children.
Tragic…..Glad the Parents made it out even though they were hurt…..but the Son sounds like he was a mess Mentally. My heart goes out to his parents. No one completely wins or comes out unscathed in a situation like that.
So true Beverly, sad situation all around.
@ikrissy. Agreed! Thank goodness the elderly couple are going to be ok. the son was trying to kill his own parents !!! He deserved what he got!!!
i wonder if his poor parents would agree with you.
It doesn’t matter if his “poor parents would agree”…any dispassionate assessment would find that yes, a lunatic who assaulted his elderly parents and was straddling his mother while holding a knife did indeed get exactly what he deserved, which was cops stopping the threat with lethal force.
Well Mariner, at least the Mother is around to ponder that question….
A feel bad for these poor elderly parents, but I have a hard time thinking any parent would want their child shot, especially right in front of them. I understand it was necessary, but if you’re a parent and you want your child shot (under any circumstances) you’re not a loving parent.
Agreed….the 60 year old assailant got what was coming to him, regardless of whether he was their son or not.
Too many overly doting parents around here who cannot understand the concept of assault with a deadly weapon, and what happens afterwards.
Oh my gawd, how awful!! Is there some reason why the man wasn’t tazed instead of shooting him? How awful for those elderly parents!!
He was straddling his mother with a knife, all it would take is half a second to stab and kill his mother. The police didn’t have the time to think about a taser, it’s kill him before he kills her.
Did you read the story? He was straddling his mother with the knife in hand. Tazing him would not neutralize the threat to the mother.
Why wouldn’t they just use a stun gun ? I don’t get the shot to kill .
DMan. Cops don’t shoot to kill. They shoot to stop the threat. If a man had a knife to your mom, would you really want them to depend on a taser that only works from 25 ft away or closer to save her?
1) The police don’t “shot to kill”. They shoot to stop a threat. Contrary to what you obviously believe, the police are people just like everyone else. They are not killing machines.
2) I’m am quite positive the police entered the house with their guns drawn. Any reasonable and prudent officer or person would have. So the police see this guy straddling his mother stabbing her. How many more stab wounds could be inflict in the time it would take the officer to holster their weapon. Then draw, aim and fire a Taser. 5 or more?
3) A Taser works by overriding the muscle impulsed from the brain. The Taser forces the muscles to involuntarily flex with maximum effort. What would happen if the officer fired the Taser with the suspect in a downward stabbing thrust? If the person wasn’t stabbing his Mother with enthusiasm he would be after he got Tasered and he would be locked into place for 5 seconds.
4) A Taser was never designed or intended to be used in a deadly force situation and this is a classic deadly force situation. To save someone for immediate death or great bodily injury.
Due to the fact he was straddling his Mother while holding a knife and had already injured her, his Mother’s life takes precedence, a sure stop was needed. Many individuals on drugs are not automatically taken out by a taser.
Clearly people who question why the police shot this guy have never been any closer to this situation than watching Dragnet reruns. I spent 34 years in those officers shoes and I have a question for those people who are doubting those officers actions……,How is that view from the cheap seats?
First – thank you for your service. Second – the people complaining about the guy being shot instead of tasered, are the same people that would say that the cops didn’t do their job if they had tasered him and it had no effect and he killed his mother anyway. There. Is so much sympathy for this drug abusing jackass that beat up his elderly parents and was potentially about to murder his own mom. So ridiculous. What the hell is happening in our country?
10-4 Paladin………………..108RS
If someone is standing over me or you, with a knife …. think about that….pray an Officer shows up to save you.
When you tell someone to “get over it”, you guarantee that the last thing they will ever do is get over it.
Good grief it’s a wonder some people can get dressed in the morning…where do people get this idiotic notion that a Taser is some “wonder drug” cure-all non-lethal weapon? Distance from target, just one barb that fails to gain purchase due to a jacket/thick clothing, PCP/other drugs that can make suspect impervious, etc etc, there are MANY reasons why a Taser is not much more than 50-60% effective. A NON-LETHAL weapon It is NOT the proportional and proper option when someone is presenting an immediate LETHAL threat, as was the case here with knife-wielding nutjobb straddling elderly woman after already assaulting elderly man.
Concord PD Is on top
Of it ! I’m thrilled no officer got hurt ! Great news! This 60 year old nut job got what he had coming! Concord Police always
make a person feel safe ! They are by far one Great Police Dept
The 60 year old has probably been abusing his parents for a long time now
It is very 😞 sad
Mom probably is suffering intensely while also feeling a great sense of relief
Right! This 60 year old got what was coming to him…and it is correct to also assume that he was physically, emotionally and financially abusing his elderly parents. This is not a child we are dealing with here anymore.
Only clueless, overly doting parents would fail to comprehend why the police did what they did.
My heart aches in every way possible for the poor parents.
God knows what these people have most likely endured before this tragedy. Their son most likely has tortured them in one way or another for years. I don’t know for sure but I’d bet they have been through hell with their son. Whatever the reason for his behavior, Concord PD did the right thing in my opinion. It’s just sad anyway you look at it.
First of all, this can never be easy for LE to kill someone no matter the circumstances. Thank you CPD. Once again when citizens call any agency for help they must realize what the outcome maybe. I am sorry for the parents but in their later years despite the issues with their son, they reached out for help. Everyone seems to forget that. The person who was attacking them, regardless, if it is a relative or stranger, needed to be subdued and stopped-however and whatever it took. This happens repeatedly just like in Walnut Creek when several members of a family called Walnut Creek PD when the son-grandson was threatening them. What do you expect the outcome to be? Get real people. The person in most instances has a history of mental illness that either cannot be controlled or refuses help to get it controlled. Then they go on anther rampage. It is not the polices’ fault that they are called in to assist. They are assigned to protect us. It cannot be easy for them. Society can not have it both ways.
Jesus- what a tragic situation. I feel for the parents and what they will be going through for the rest of their lives but thank God the police got there in time to stop their son before it got any worse. Thank you CPD!
This guy was probably plaguing his parents for decades. I’m sure the parents have mixed emotions though.
I agree. Addicts often beg parents for money and sympathy. Some people can’t handle freedom. Now, the parents will be plagued with this memory along with the loss of their son and, the need for care as they get older. Tragic, any way you look at it.
And then there is the officer who did his duty. Bless you for your service. Stay safe and well.
Very tragic. I’m hoping his parents have special memories they can remember their son by. That being said, they are too elderly to have to put up with this kind of behavior. The officers did what they had to do…..he was standing over his mother with a knife for god sake! I’m sure if there was a next time, he would have killed her and his father! He’s were he needs to be…..
What’s with all of the losers commenting play by play armchair quarterbacking about the Police actions???
Please go back over to BART and protest your “right” to eat in a NON-EATING area!
Those poor people. That is heartbreaking.