236 guns were brought to the voluntary gun buyback event at the Concord Pavilion this past weekend, according to the Concord Police Department.
In exchange for the guns, police handed out a total of $17,700 in Target gift cards.
The event was co-sponsored by the Concord, Walnut Creek and Clayton Police Departments.
Excellent, now our streets are safe again. I may even take a chance and ride BART.
Get a knife proof vest.
Statistically, knives are 5x more likely to kill you than by rifles (that includes scary AR 15s)
Is that a pile of Remington 51X bolt action .22 rifles?
They are quite pretty. I love a single shot bolt action rifle. No need for ear plugs.
Looks like they care from a Boy Scout troop too, based on the “names” taped to them.
Looks like a bunch of .22 bolt action rifles.
Some of the older Winchesters are worth alot of $$$.
Such a waste… these are sporting & target rifles… aka plinker or squirrel rifle.
Not exactly the type of guns associated with most crimes but they are capable of killing people.
I have one of these. Gee…. I could get $50 for it at the Pavillion?
Earned many marksmanship medals using bolt action .22LR in early 1960s thru Mt. Diablo YMCA. No it’s not a mistype, Mt. Diablo YMCA. Back when there was sanity towards firearms in CA. Back when kids learned SAFE gun handling and Respect for firearms.
Dollars well spent. These programs should be expanded.
What a joke , look the pic, all rifles….. when was the last time you heard of a crime involving a rifle? Glad you got all those rifles off the streets, makes me feel safer……
you can make a shotgun in 20 minutes for under 10 dollars at home depot.
50 dollars per shotgun, thats 120 an hour.
side note, looks like a table of bolt action .22 rifles
which statistically does nothing but waste taxpayer money to buy.
more people are murdered by feet than ALL rifle types combined each year. that includes assault rifles, machine guns, ar-15,ak47
but you got a pile of .22 bolt actions….
Exactly – since you cannot stop every possible way of being killed we should never do anything about anything.
It’s not that we shouldn’t do somthing to save innocent lives but rather that before spending tax payer dollars buying broken guns or guns that aren’t commonly used to kill people maybe the state could try to come up with a way to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and repeat offenders. Also being that you are more likely to be injured with a knife or hit by a drunk driver I would like to know what you propose we do to solve those problems. Buy back cars? Buy back knives? Maybe outlaw them? Those sound like silly ideas because that’s what they are.
Buying back .22 bolt guns to stop gun crime is like buying back Ibuprofen to stop the opioid crisis. They have done nothing but waste money.
Typical feel good policy that does nothing to actually address the problem.
They got Target gift cards. No “taxpayer money.” Read to the end of the the article.
No taxpayer money. Read all the way through. I know it’s hard. Target gift cards.
“Robmf” Where does it say the the cards were donated? If they weren’t donated taxpayer money paid for them.
Even if the cards were donated, that was at least $10-20k in overtime for the LEOs (good for them), but bad for us.
Haha, that picture shows a bunch of .22’s that are about 60 years old. Hilarious!
I know right?
Years ago, people would have donated them to firearm safety programs (that have since gone away) where they would teach children safety first, and the seriousness of firearms next.
We got a $100 gift certificate for a broken old pistol. Couldn’t be happier. Thank you for this.
Congratulations. Thank you for pointing out that the gun you turned in was not dangerous and that this gun buyback program was a sham. Enjoy your 100$
I’m not sure why it’s a scam?
Well done!
It’s a “sham” because your broken gun wasn’t going to kill anybody. 🙄 Our tax dollars would be better spent on metal detectors to keep guns from ending up on campuses. I wonder how many “criminals” turned their guns in for a Target gift card. I’m betting 0.
Yea! More guns off the street and out of the hands of those who don’t need them.
Looks like a bunch of old 22 bolt rifles. About is likely to be used in crime as a BB gun. These programs are absolutely useless. They have no effect on crime. Criminals would never turn in the tools of the trade.
When things go bad, these people are going to regret turning in their instruments of freedom for a lousy gift card. It’s sad to think that these people have so little regard for what is one of the few constitutional rights that we have here that nobody else in the world has basically. The right to own firearms.
All single shot hunting rifles
On another note, I think all logical gun owners and supporters of the 2nd amendment agree on one thing – people that turn in their guns for gift cards should not own guns period.
(I’m not talking about the few of us that turned in pieces of garbage that were otherwise worthless) 🙂 . ChaChing! $$
The weapons you need to be getting are the ones that criminals have not law abiding citizens. These programs are a joke liberals seem to not understand the difference between criminals and citizens. pretty sad. By the way the joke of a governor here signed in a bunch of unconstitutional laws that target good citizens firearms…..
Man, folks are going to kick themselves when they realize there is no more Bill of Rights because they sold their liberties for a hollow sense of security.
Wouldn’t turn in a water pistol for a target gift card…
a Fool and his Weapon are soon parted
The stickers on the stocks in the photo make it seem like they were turned in by a Boy Scout Troop.
That was my first thought. I guess they won’t be getting badges in marksmanship anymore.
It seems that our society wants children to learn about firearms (and their “responsible” handling) from movies and video games and nothing else.
Personally, I could care less if people want to turn in their guns for a fraction of what they’re worth, as long as they don’t think they’re actually doing anything to reduce crime. It’s when the “buybacks” become mandatory that I’ll have problems with it.
chip.. chip chip… chip chip chip chip chip….chip
Dr. J,
I agree with you but, at the same time, I’m a strong advocate of property rights. People should be able to do whatever they want with their personal property, even if I think they’re idiots for doing it. And I also sincerely believe that people who don’t want to own guns shouldn’t own guns. I just hope they don’t regret that decision someday.
Just talked to a friend about this. He and his family feel much safer.
(They’re squirrels)
@Bad Nombre
Man, you worded that perfectly! The older I get, the more I realize too much security can be dangerous, if it requires giving up the ability to make certain personal choices.
And how do we get back guns that are a problem?
Simple … just erode rights a little more …
Hope when Pelosi and Feinstein retire, they encourage those who need them to stay in office to hunt down and dump every gun law on California books and start over.
In other news, an estimated 30,000 new guns were manufactured today. It’s a good thing we used taxpayer resources to remove a bunch of bolt action 22’s from grandma and grandpas closet.