Consumer prices in the Bay Area rose faster than prices nationwide over the last 12 months, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Bay Area prices were up 3 percent compared with a nationwide increase of 1.8 percent. BLS officials said households in the region spent about $81,000 annually in 2017-18 and 39.4 percent of that went toward the cost of housing.
Bay Area families had 1.7 vehicles on average and spent 11.3 percent of their expenditures on transportation.
Gee, what a surprise!
You voted for it, now do you get it…?
Your power being shut off again? Enjoy!
I concur Noj.
I don’t think they get it, Noj…
Exactly which vote was it where I voted to increase the cost of everything?
For the reason, . . . . LOOK in the mirror.
Higher transportation costs in turn causes cost of transported goods to be higher, making those goods more expensive.
So is problem the ME FIRST generation short attention span voter or is it teaching of economics in our school systems is substandard and completely inadequate?
Higher cost of goods and services means less disposable income to spend at local businesses.
Just think of higher costs as reward, for way you vote.
@ Original G,
Are you referring to ‘Boomers’ as the ME FIRST generation?
If so, you are correct, the original privileged / selfish generation.
So! What else is new?
How many new taxes have y’all gotten during the past year?
Too many.
Another case where a survey of general conditions, doesn’t apply to me. My car and house are paid for so inflation isn’t that bad for us.
@ Fred – was there any point to your post, or were you simply bragging about your good fortune?
If you spend money on Healthcare, Insurance, Gasoline, Utilities, & food, inflation is bad for you.
How many people will tell you that their monthly Health Insurance Premium is now higher than their mortgage payment was?
A lot.
Keep not reading the voter information and start doing your own research and not believe what garbage the media spews forth.
We are in some cases being taxed 3X’s for the same thing on bonds and the like.
Wake up and pay attention. Don’t vote yes on bleeding heart and entitlement issues aytomaticallt. Vote with your common sense brain hoing forward.
Demand on these issues that full disclosure is done so the voters are fully informed going forward.
We are partly to blame for not paying attention.
Stop the full time stealing of our hard earned money to support BS issues.
Rob’s in favor of more taxes….obviously.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand the cause of it – ie, profligate spending by out-of-control politicians.
But that’s ok – he can donate more to the DNC.
During daily walks we stop and converse with neighbors. Of six homes recently sold or for sale, four of them have or will be taking their handsome six figure profit from sale and leaving the state.
So CA no longer has those folks with paid for homes and large amount of discretionary spending power and has likely gained a couple, working two jobs, barely squeaking by, with little to no discretionary income to spend with local merchants.
And tell me how do you know the new owners can’t afford to maintain a healthy lifestyle without squeaking by? Do you know that for a fact they can’t or are you assuming? Plenty of people like myself can afford to live in this state because of great career choices we have made.
With three of the four new home owners, have visited with them while out walking and they’re out doing yard work an such, have listened to complaints of how tight money is.
You are correct, those with unique skill sets in demand do earn a comfortable living and can maintain a home and have a comfortable lifestyle on a single income. With that said those buying a house in area we walk are paying HIGH five digit monthly mortgage payments, not to mention parcel tax bill without benefit of Prop 13.
How many reading here got a three percent or greater increase in pay in past year that will compensate for consumer price increase mentioned in the article?
She’s said this same thing before. It’s made up.
Perfect example. Months ago they were going to investigate the gas mark up by station owners. Prices are still staying high have not come down.
CA Politicians just give lip service and turn their heads. So cost of gas is passed on to everything sold and we all feel it not to mention own driving expense. Same now with PG&E. PG&E, PUC and State did nothing but reap rewards. We pay some of the highest rates with no reliability or safety. Those high electric and gas rates are felt everywhere too and passed on in increased costs of products. State does nothing for either so inflation grows quick while they sit on a surplus doing nothing but holding for CA Pensions should it be needed.
That surplus could go back to tax payers offset some cost or use it to fix roads/power lines etc. Instead costs will all be passed on back to us in increased rates so more living expense. Completely mismanaged.