Home » Spare The Air Alerts Issued For Today, Sunday – Wood Burning Banned

Spare The Air Alerts Issued For Today, Sunday – Wood Burning Banned


A high-pressure system trapping smoke over the Bay Area spurred the air district to issue the winter season’s first Spare the Air alerts for today and Sunday.

Burning wood, manufactured fire logs or any other solid fuel, both indoors and outdoors, is banned this weekend, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District said.

“Smoke from the 1.4 million fireplaces throughout the region can cause significant smoke buildup, similar to wildfire smoke, especially in inland valleys,” said Jack Broadbent, executive officer of the air district.


Cold temperatures, combined with calm winds can trap smoke and increase fine particulate pollution buildup inside and outside residences.

Natural gas, propane or electric fireplaces are allowed during Winter Spare the Air Alerts.

Exemptions to the wood-burning ban are available for homes without
permanently installed heating, where wood stoves or fireplaces are the only
source of heat.

Anyone whose sole source of heat is a wood-burning device must use an EPA-certified or pellet-fueled device that is registered with the Air District to qualify for an exemption. An open-hearth fireplace no longer qualifies for an exemption.


In San Francisco, the National Park Service also prohibits recreational beach fires at Ocean Beach in Golden Gate National Recreation Area through the end of February.

First-time violators of the wood-burning rule are encouraged to take a wood smoke awareness course.

Those violators who choose not to take the course will receive a $100 ticket.

Second violations are subject to a $500 ticket, with the ticket amount increasing for any subsequent violations.

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No charcoal grilling?

by definition charcoal is a solid… so, technically u can’t use it… never stopped me though.

I’m pretty sure cooking fires are exempt. You can cook over old tires if you want.

Charcoal is a no-no. You can use a gas grill outdoor but not wood or charcoal

Every time this Spare The Air Day is posted it never fails to attract the people who love to let all of us know how great it is to do the opposite. Like the person who has decided even if it is the bad thing to do by using their charcoal grill. These are people who do not care about the air quality. Well thanks a lot for messing up our precious air.

While I was planning to grill, I changed my mind and used the propane cooker. Nonetheless, I looked it up and, as Chicken Little wrote, cooking fires are exempt.

You’re welcome. My first post ever on Claycord was regarding “spare the air”, hence my name that I have used ever since. I live close to work & sometimes bike to work. I don’t have a huge garbage can full of crap every garbage day like so many hypocritical greenies. I was using fluorescent lights, recycling everything possible and composting before al gore invented it. So, if I want to burn on a no burn night, you bet your ass I will. Deal with it!

Told ya!

Thank you popcorns for taking a firm stance in all of your beliefs.

Going to smoke some Baby backs today. I’m licking my chops already.

I call the sheriff on my neighbor who always has a firepit going regardless of all the wildfires and they dont really seem to care much

I guess they do not endorse the laws when it comes to people ignoring the Spare the Air days. That doesn’t mean to go ahead and burn wood etc. We will always have the people who think they can make wood fires. Quite selfish and childish.

You’re right, they do not endorse the laws. If only we could get them to enforce the laws. Too bad that they are so busy not arresting people for breaking into cars and stealing merchandise. By the way, my fire is burning hot and clean, no smoke.

If the president can ignore the law, so can I!

I’ll choose not to participate. Thanks.

Go to the AirNow website to see the actual air quality as opposed to the Air Boards forecast. Don’t believe everything you are told, look up the data for yourself and be informed.



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