The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) announced it has been awarded a $1.8 million grant, which will help fund several departmental programs that increase public safety by combating underage drinking and educating licensees about alcoholic beverage laws.
Additionally, the grant resources will be utilized for holiday enforcement operations throughout California.
To maximize the public safety campaign relating to alcoholic beverage use and sale, this grant allows ABC to award grants to local law enforcement agencies.
These local law enforcement grant dollar amounts vary from $10,000 to $25,000.
“Keeping alcohol out of the hands of youth is a priority for the ABC,” said ABC Director Jacob Appelsmith. “California had the second-highest number of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in the U.S. with 1,120 in 2017. This grant will help reduce youth access to alcohol, and increase safety in communities throughout California through ABC Education and Prevention Programs.”
The goal of the grant is to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors, and reduce alcohol-related crime through multiple enforcement, educational, and prevention programs conducted by ABC Agents and local law enforcement officers.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Thank You .
Thank you for what? Come on!
como what!!!
“Keeping alcohol out of the hands of youth is a priority for the ABC,” said ABC Director Jacob Appelsmith. “California had the second-highest number of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in the U.S. with 1,120 in 2017.
wow I knew the dems of this state were crooked and into everything
but to find out they own the police and only allow them to do what they want with grants ….for basic law enforcement
wow now wonder crime is on the loose the dems want it that way and promote it
you voters must be proud of this state and its law enforcement being hog tied by the politicians doing their bidding …..this is what unions get you …under the thumb of paid off politicians and their socialist antics
I mean the guy just out right stated that this is important and yet needs grant money to do it
I would love to see the police budget and politicians budget for police ….
follow the money is what they say now wonder dem politicians are always passing fake panels and committees and this one is the best a long winded passthrough for political power and payouts … California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
wow why is that needed you mean that a city can not determine where their highway safety money goes it has to be doled out by a fake state democrat housed office ….that can be corrupted …wow
now wonder crime is out of control it is a consentrated effort by the politicians to keep the voters on the hook ….
great work fish you will make great pets
“holiday enforcement operations?” Now the cops have special task forces to take out hot toddies and eggnog? Take me home, Lord, I’ve seen enough of this world.