The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Regarding Daylight Saving Time….do you enjoy it when it gets darker earlier, or darker later?
Talk about it….
Darker later…..much better!
Voting for darker later.
Being well past having school aged kids, time change isn’t really a big deal, except for one thing. Still haven’t found how to change setting on the cat.
So true about the cat =^^=
I believe DST is outdated and no longer needed.
The Law should be rescinded and Standard time should be the common time.
Everyone has their own argument for and against.
The sudden time changes by even one hour are rediculous and cause more problems and potentially dangerous situations than benefits.
I completely agree. It seems useless at this point and everyone should just be on Standard time. Sometimes I feel a bit jetlagged until getting used to it.
I think lots of folks enjoy dark later, I do too.
But I do like morning light more.
But it’s coming to that time of year that the daylight is shorter anyway.
If sticking to Standard Time year around, it would balance out since the daylight gets longer for the summer anyway.
I prefer darker later. It’s nice to be able to mow the yard after work.
You can always hire a gardener….I have a gardener that comes once a week and is paid $80/mo. including trimming of bushes, etc.
I used to liked it when it got dark later, but now I don’t care one way or the other. I do like it when it gets light early, I like waking up in the morning with the Sun shining through my window.
Darker later! I was smoking a pork shoulder this weekend, started at quarter to nine and the sun had set before it was finished!
Bad Nombre ~
We solved that issue!
We have those LED Head Lamps,…works out great and also perfect if there is a power outage, since both hands are free.
Going on sale, a 3-pack at Costco starting November 22nd.
DST became outdated with the invention of electricity.
I’m a compromising kind of guy. I say we Left Coasters set our clocks 30 minutes ahead next spring, and leave them there permanently. I don’t care what the rest of the country does,
Afghanistan does that. Set their time off by 30 min. No wonder why it is such an ineffective country
Well, we’re slipping right into that trap of sectarian violence, so it will suit the US perfectly.
Darker later!!! It’s awful for folks who go to work in the dark and come home from work in the dark!
While in the working world I preferred dark later, sunrise didn’t matter because I worked indoors. I could get household chores done after work leaving the weekends free for hobbies or leisure. Back then home landscaping was more elaborate than what is typical today. Nowadays I don’t care when the sun comes up or goes down, I can mow the lawn at 11:00 am.
B.T.W. At the Summer solstice, sunset is about 4:45 pm.
>> At the Summer solstice, sunset is about 4:45 pm.
Say what?
Oops, missed that big time! I should have looked it up before posting instead of trying to remember; the earliest sunset occurs at 4:50 pm this year the first week of December, NOT the Winter solstice on Dec 21. Sorry! I usually just look over the hills to the West.
I like the dark later most of the year.
But in the winter, it’s too dark to do anything after work even with DST, so I like moving the extra daylight to the morning.
I like it earlier, Love the lighter mornings
One hour doesn’t make any difference one way or the other. I just go with the flow. It’s a smoother ride…
Asking a question like this shows why we have a republic and not a democracy, the latter being mob rule. There are all kinds of issues and effects to be considered when time zones are changed, not just the whim of the public.
Definitely, darker later, gives you an hour or so to go for a run or walk the dogs before night sets in.
Darker later- I hate leaving work in the dark. Get more done when there’s light in the evening.
Last night at 6:30 it felt like 10.
I hate the switch back to Standard Time. Tennessee, like several states, has passed a law establishing Daylight Saving Time as the new “Standard” time. And now we are waiting for Congressional approval. Several New England states are trying to switch to the Atlantic Time Zone.
Well, I was supposed to get an extra hour of sleep when the time changed this weekend, so my kids woke me up at 4:30 instead of 5:30. I’m not amused.
Funny how life getting along before DST. No twice a year changing time. But of course we now have all our gizmos and electronics keeping time for us.
Oh, Darker LATER, that’s for sure!!
I love Standard time. DST IS weird. It is way too light in the evening.
Hands down darker EARLIER and DST is outdated, unnecessary, and stupid.
It is easier to get up in the morning now since it is lighter, but it is dark at 5:15!! It is so depressing….makes me want to just go to bed. This time of the year is very hard for people who suffer from depression.
I go to work in the dark, regardless of the time of year, so I’d much rather have the extra hour of daylight after work, when I can use it.
Would prefer standard time year around. Darker earlier is fine. Need that extra hour of sleep.