Home » Authorities Continue Search For Gunman Who Killed 5 At Orinda Halloween Party

Authorities Continue Search For Gunman Who Killed 5 At Orinda Halloween Party



Justifiable languor November 4, 2019 - 2:16 PM - 2:16 PM

So, no help from the party goers?

wcmom November 4, 2019 - 2:40 PM - 2:40 PM

They’re not going to cooperate.

Anon November 4, 2019 - 3:42 PM - 3:42 PM

Stop Snitchin’, Snitches get Stiches.

And it’s the Police Fault!!!

justifiable languor November 6, 2019 - 6:27 AM - 6:27 AM

I agree RSD. I worked with a young mother who espoused all of the ‘tude. I asked her why she would teach her baby (5) to be suspicious of whites. She assured me it was necessary for survival. The child may not survive this built in prejudice by his own mothers hand.

kilo November 4, 2019 - 2:49 PM - 2:49 PM

Do they demand justice or compensation?

They’re two different things.

TraumaRx November 4, 2019 - 2:52 PM - 2:52 PM

Why didn’t law enforcement respond to the initial call for service? This could have been prevented as the grieving father stated.

ManBearPig November 4, 2019 - 3:13 PM - 3:13 PM

Please tell me that you really don’t believe that this was the only complaint called into Orinda Police after 8:30 PM on Halloween Night?

A noise complaint on a holiday isn’t at the top of law enforcement’s priority list, even in a community like Orinda.

Ehh November 4, 2019 - 3:24 PM - 3:24 PM

Dont break laws wont need law enforcement.

Ripley November 4, 2019 - 3:24 PM - 3:24 PM

Most don’t know but Orinda PD only has 2 Officers at night and if one is dealing with an arrest they are busy for a couple hours. Halloween is one of the busiest nights for service calls and a loud party is not a priority so it would be handled based on how many none priority calls are already pending.
It would be interesting to see their service calls for the time frame, my guess is they were not ignoring calls…

Monday November 4, 2019 - 3:34 PM - 3:34 PM

A noise complaint is not high priority.

Anon November 4, 2019 - 3:44 PM - 3:44 PM

Lol, so now it’s Not the fault of the shooter or the IRRESPONSIBLE moron who owns this house, or AirBnB or the Renter……but the fault of the Police???

Hopefully they all wore seatbelts.

TraumaRx November 4, 2019 - 6:43 PM - 6:43 PM

If you call 911 the expectation is that an officer will arrive to address the call. Am I missing something here? The whole point is that they should have responded to call initially! Why is everyone on here so quick to blame the victim or family members.??

Rollo Tomasi November 4, 2019 - 8:53 PM - 8:53 PM


Yes, as usual you are missing something. From one of the early articles:

“Complaints were also lodged on Thursday night, when neighbors sent an email at 9:35 p.m., according to Orinda city manager Steve Solomon.

Solomon said neighbors also called police about the party. Police declined to say why officers did not respond.”

No mention of calls to 911. The shooting was reported at 10:50. Non-emergency reports of a rowdy or noisy party prior to that time, especially on Halloween, got the appropriate response – so yes, you’re missing something. Or are you one of those who thinks the only way to contact law enforcement is via 911?

Leo_citizen November 4, 2019 - 8:55 PM - 8:55 PM

Seriously? You’re blaming cops for this? Because they didn’t arrive in time? Wow…. you’re so clueless.

Rollo Tomasi November 4, 2019 - 11:55 PM - 11:55 PM

Law enforcement did their job exactly as expected on any high call volume night.

Gittyup November 5, 2019 - 12:55 AM - 12:55 AM

If you want to hang out with that crowd, you are kinda asking for the trouble that comes along with it. When you are aware that people you are partying with are known to carry firearms and seem to have no trouble using them at the drop of a hat, you might expect something like this. I don’t see any legitimate reason to blame the police for what happens at a risky and questionable event one freely chooses to attend and clearly must know the chances they are taking.

Sign from Above November 5, 2019 - 7:36 AM - 7:36 AM

Again, Trauma is trying to incite things by spewing his ridiculousness! Don’t bother reading his stuff. See Trauma? Move on!

TraumaRx November 5, 2019 - 8:44 AM - 8:44 AM

Stop blaming the victims.

Barbie Girl November 5, 2019 - 8:46 AM - 8:46 AM

There are only two police officers on duty in Orinda. (You know the town that has no crime, except the cheeleader murder) The original calls that came in were for noise disturbance. The blame is directly on the murderer no one else.

Rollo Tomasi November 5, 2019 - 6:43 PM - 6:43 PM

Stop blaming law enforcement.

Melissa November 4, 2019 - 3:09 PM - 3:09 PM

How about cameras , we all know those houses have cameras now you gonna tell me there is no footage of anybody driving suspiciously walking speciously around those houses 😡 and and if the neighbors were complaining about noises that means they went outside of the house and nobody saw anything 🤔😒

Jeff November 5, 2019 - 8:10 AM - 8:10 AM

We’ve already seen pics of two people with guns, not good pics and the fashion choice of hoodies in the hood often makes pics worthless.


Nutcreek Frontier November 4, 2019 - 3:24 PM - 3:24 PM

This has been an odd one….am sure law enforcement is working hard on this, and they aren’t required to disclose the progress of the investigation, but seems strange no “person of interest” name has been released. Unless the shooter was masked, didn’t 100 partygoers see his face? In fact, thought I saw video of the shooter released on the news, or at least a very casual partygoer tucking a gun into his back pants waistline. Out of 100 attendees, not one of them gave a name to the suspect?? I realize this is not a group that tends to be forthcoming, but come on, 5 murders, people need to do the right thing here.

RSD November 4, 2019 - 5:54 PM - 5:54 PM

Don’t try.. You can’t make sense of the stupidity.. This is the lifestyle they idolize.

Lambie November 4, 2019 - 6:01 PM - 6:01 PM

Maybe the people that knew the shooter died.
It seems like it was an open house party, it is possible no one knew the shooter.
Hopefully party goers will share their photos & videos with authorities, not just social media outlets.

Joatmeal November 4, 2019 - 7:48 PM - 7:48 PM

It was Halloween. Maybe they were wearing a mask.

Kentucky Derby November 4, 2019 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM

Blaming the police. Typical. How about blaming the shooter. Someone knows who it is, and why they were targeted. Is it gang related?

Carol November 5, 2019 - 8:05 AM - 8:05 AM

It probably is gang-related. Check the news.

Also, there was a home invasion in Lafayette that night which delayed law enforcement response to the Orinda noise complaint. Time to stop blaming the police for the victims’ poor choices. My daughter would run in the other direction if she saw that flyer. Why didn’t theirs?

Matt November 4, 2019 - 3:35 PM - 3:35 PM

Why did party goers attend an illegal party. You’re a moron.

Schmee November 4, 2019 - 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM

If your kid goes to shady house parties it’s partly on the parents. Take some responsibility for you own kids actions. What do you think happens at huge booze filled house parties? Fights, arrests, and in the black community shootings.

Barbie Girl November 5, 2019 - 8:59 AM - 8:59 AM

It wasn’t kids, it was young adults. Also, having an 18 and 19 year old…..they dont tell you everything. I was a helicopter mom and still don’t know everything they’re up to. Although my kids (young adults) dont like large, noisy parties so I guess we lucked out there. They were invited to several parties in high school where the parents supplied alchohol and were busted, drugs were being passed around, parents leavingmtheir teenagers alone formthe weekend, kids acting stupid. This was in Walnut Creek. A lot of spoiled kids and parents who think they’re cool and want to be their kids friends.

ConcordNative November 4, 2019 - 4:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Somebody knows something but finding the weakest link to talk won’t be easy.

Khloe November 5, 2019 - 9:25 PM - 9:25 PM

I’ve heard that Certain communities are taught to never snitch or even talk to cops. If they do “snitch” they could face serious consequences

Ricardoh November 4, 2019 - 4:58 PM - 4:58 PM

I will assume no one is co operating with the police. It was their friends who got killed and wounded. Be interested to know if the police got any leads at all from the party goers. Here is the deal I doubt if the killer or killers got rid of their guns and saw the light which means no one is safe. These kids have been taught the wrong values and they are continuing to be taught the wrong values. They have a miserable adult leadership. I see no end to this mess.

Jeff November 5, 2019 - 8:13 AM - 8:13 AM

Two guns were left at the scene. Why hold onto a stolen, now very hot gun.


Chicken Little November 5, 2019 - 11:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Because you can get gift cards for them at Concord’s gun “buyback”.

dave November 4, 2019 - 5:19 PM - 5:19 PM

These comments are truly some of the stupidest ever. C’mon people.

jon November 4, 2019 - 6:57 PM - 6:57 PM

Dave Dave Dave on social media all opinions are equal.But some are more equal than others,you must think.What on earth are you trying to defend?

Ricardus November 4, 2019 - 5:21 PM - 5:21 PM

It’s likely that the shooter came is a costume…
Either way, I hope Orinda bans short-term rental companies.

Rollo Tomasi November 5, 2019 - 6:47 PM - 6:47 PM

Has anybody accounted for the whereabouts of Justin Trudeau on Halloween?

Jon November 4, 2019 - 5:21 PM - 5:21 PM

The reason that the party goers are not cooperating is probably because half of them are gang bangers themselves.

Who ever blames the police in this situation, is a big part of the problem out there in society. Yeah, lets blame the police rather than hang those responsible.

TB November 4, 2019 - 5:30 PM - 5:30 PM

The owner said he did see people (more than the 12 they told him would be staying there) in his Ring video. He says he called police himself but everything gradients before they got there. Not their fault, but that’s what happened

Did I Say That Out Loud November 4, 2019 - 5:47 PM - 5:47 PM

While a noisy house party isn’t a priority, I understood from other articles that this house has a history of problems with loud and nuisance parties. Weren’t they fined previously for out of control events? Just for that reason the priority should have been escalated.

Bob November 4, 2019 - 5:51 PM - 5:51 PM

Day 4 and still zero calls for gun control or “red flag” laws from politicians and pundits.

jon November 4, 2019 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

Bob,that’s only done when the shooter is human

jon November 4, 2019 - 6:21 PM - 6:21 PM

100 witnesses,,no humans.The other comment from”Jon” is not me.

Dr. Jellyfinger November 4, 2019 - 6:44 PM - 6:44 PM

jon…. you may want to check around and make sure someone is not posting as you on this site… you might be more edgy than others here or maybe not but I’ve been wondering just where some of your posts are coming from.

jon November 4, 2019 - 7:13 PM - 7:13 PM

I think I will start posting as Yogurt with wildly over the top right wing comments that make it look like she actually woke up?

Commonsensenor November 4, 2019 - 6:46 PM - 6:46 PM

Relax, give it time. Turds like this can’t keep their mouth shut for very long. And remember, EVERYTHING is listening these days. Google, Amazon, FB, Insta, NSA, Echelon, Nest, Snap Chat and the list goes on.

SF oh November 4, 2019 - 7:27 PM - 7:27 PM

I’m sure we’ll be hearing about lawsuits against Air BnB; the homeowner; and Orinda PD next week. Ka-Ching!!!

Big Rob November 4, 2019 - 8:19 PM - 8:19 PM

Talk about your trick or treat!!

DD November 5, 2019 - 7:23 AM - 7:23 AM

Blaming the Police. If law enforcement had showed up when originally called they would have been mobbed and threatened.

Jeff November 5, 2019 - 8:16 AM - 8:16 AM

I could have prevented the crime and have this case solved by now, but of course I use the methods of 1980’s So. Central Los Angeles law enforcement.

Feel lucky today punk?


Jeff November 5, 2019 - 8:45 AM - 8:45 AM

Just to make it more clear to a few of the posters:

Orinda police officers later tracked the BMW to Oakland, where it was found abandoned.

The Evil One

Kentucky Derby November 5, 2019 - 11:22 AM - 11:22 AM

The BMW that was tracked to Oakland was a BMW stolen from a Lafayette homeowner during a home invasion, not the Orinda Halloween shooting. As a retired police officer, you know better than to mix up crimes that are still under investigation.

Jeff November 5, 2019 - 12:22 PM - 12:22 PM

It was likely the reason that Orinda PD may have had a slower than normal response time to the “noisy party” in Orinda.


Kentucky Derby November 5, 2019 - 3:02 PM - 3:02 PM

Jeff – It is the reason that Orinda PD had a slower response. Confirmed by a veteran journalist in Lamorinda.

Ricardoh November 5, 2019 - 8:47 AM - 8:47 AM

Last night on the news the father of one of the young guys killed was complaining that the police took to long to get there and it sounded like he was thinking of getting someone like John Burris to get him some compensation.

Here is the kicker. His son that was killed was his third son to be struck down by gun shot.

Sounds to me like his son may have been the target.

PO'd November 5, 2019 - 10:35 AM - 10:35 AM

Yes,prepping for a law suit. Lookin’ for a paycheck.

Hood rats are still hood rats, even if they’re in Orinda.

Nutcreek Frontier November 5, 2019 - 12:28 PM - 12:28 PM

Drives me insane when taxpayer dollars go to reward bad parenting. Assuming the sons are involved with gangs, why should the father get any compensation whatsoever?

Jeff November 6, 2019 - 8:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Orinda is sunk……..just get the checkbook out, unless the liberals on the council get a backbone and take it to the US Supreme Court.

And, Orinda likely now has the highest per capita murder rate in the nation. Will property values drop….chuckle chuckle.


SF oh November 5, 2019 - 9:24 AM - 9:24 AM

Gotta love it – they hate the police – always whining that the cops harass them and single them out. But, now, they’re whining that the police didn’t come and save them. If the cops had shown up and broken up the party, they’d all be complaining that it was racially motivated and that’s the only reason the cops were called and responded. From what I heard on KTVU, the cops were out on another call assisting Oakland PD. No matter what Orinda PD did that night they would’ve been blamed (and sued). Why not take a little personal responsibility?? Maybe think for yourself and realize the situation is getting out of hand and leave?? Maybe consider that this house – that is being trashed – is someone else’s property and that’s wrong. Maybe realize that the person who sent out the message of an open Halloween party is responsible. That same person who lied about the reason for renting the house that weekend. But, no, let’s blame the cops, the city, Air BnB, etc. It’s always somebody else’s fault.

justifiable languor November 6, 2019 - 6:14 AM - 6:14 AM

You just spelled out why socialism can NEVER work in the USA. The lack of cooperation is also a lack of work ethic that creates the atmosphere of take what you can get.

DVC Student November 5, 2019 - 12:07 PM - 12:07 PM

Certainly not going to find them in Orinda. This was not an Orinda problem nor an Orinda issue.

Jeff November 6, 2019 - 10:26 AM - 10:26 AM

Orinda is the murder capital of the US for 2019.


Sam Malone November 5, 2019 - 12:12 PM - 12:12 PM

In all of the video and pics released, sorry to say, were there any people there that were Caucasian? Just asking?

Stop blaming law enforcement. They cannot win. Seems like the gang bangers wanted to go to a “posh mansion”. Parents do not supervise their offspring and then want to sue the hell out of anyone breathing for their lack of parenting. How about going after the person who rented the place and suing the crap out them, Burris??????? That persons seems to be the one to blame foremost. They blatantly lied. Did they rent this to set up the shooting? Riddle me that?

martinezmike November 5, 2019 - 1:27 PM - 1:27 PM

It was right there on the flyer. BYOW. Bring your own weapon.

DVC Student November 5, 2019 - 1:35 PM - 1:35 PM

WAIT – I thought they’re always complaining that police are harassing them, coming up to them, singling them out….. but now they’re complaining that Police didn’t come up to them & that police took too long to get to them?

So confusing!

DVC Student November 5, 2019 - 1:49 PM - 1:49 PM

That father in the video is really stupid & he’s ignorant of his claims he’s making.

– He says police were called at 9:00 PM… No, they were not.

– He says police should’ve have shut down the party at 9:00 PM… Sure, and the father would have been claiming his son was racially profiled because Blacks were in Orinda & police kicked them out.

– He says AirBnB allowed this party to go down… No, they did not. They prohibited parties of any kind at this house & AirBnB put it in writing on the posting “No Parties Allowed.”

– He says his son has a baby on the way… One look at that flyer & you would know that’s not a good environment to hang out in so why put yourself in that situation if you have a baby on the way.

Khloe November 5, 2019 - 9:20 PM - 9:20 PM

WITh all due respect, if the cops shut down a predominately African American party in the city of Orinda, it would make national headlines that the cops are racist. These cops rarely deal with partygoers who shoot one another, just a fact. It’s a no win situation for police. Damned if they do and damned if they don’t

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