Home » State, Counties Prepping In Case Of Power Shutoff, Wildfire On Election Day

State, Counties Prepping In Case Of Power Shutoff, Wildfire On Election Day


California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, county election officials and electrical utilities are working to mitigate the impact of a possible power shutoff or wildfire on Election Day next week.

“Our elections must not be overlooked as California grapples with power shutoffs during wildfire season,” Padilla said.

There are elections in 32 counties and the Assembly District 1 Special General Election on Nov. 5, and Padilla advises each county to develop a contingency plan before each election and prepare for potential disasters including power outages.

Voters are encouraged to vote by mail or vote early.


Padilla said in a news release that California utilities also have a responsibility to work with elections officials so voters are not disenfranchised because of power shutoffs.

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… or disenfranchised by Russian influence.

Last time I tried to vote the machine broke and the boomer oversight was of no help.

Not like it matters the same people win whichever way the pendulum of election swings.

Very Interesting……

One word: paper

It would probably be in the best interests of the incumbents to keep me away from the polls. The PSPS events correlate well with November elections.

Governor Newsom wants: 100% renewable energy by 2025.

California’s far left climate change politics is the primary reason for the power outages. The left has over-regulated PG&E. it very difficult for them to operate.

Solution? Sue PG&E out of existence. No electricity, no gas. No cars. Just pedal power.

That is simply not true.

PG&E has known about this problem for many decades.

As an Investor Owned Company that is publically traded they CHOSE to do nothing, they CHOSE to give millions in bonuses to their Execs and they CHOSE increasing Shareholder Wealth rather paying to deal with this exact problem they are in now.

This is exactly the reason to move to Green Energy, PG&E has proven time after time that they will put their Customers last in the pecking order and will screw them over every chance in order to make one more cent in profit.

@Rob, perhaps more could be done to curb the greed of some arge share holders and corporate leaders. But here’s a little secret, some of them have basic common sense, and ethics. And they hold themselves accountable for their actions. These traits are lacking in many Democrat leaders. They are quick to point fingers at everyone else. They use “green policies” as a way to gain power, and grow socialism.

From Forbes:

Decades of environmental mismanagement has created a tinderbox of unharvested timber, dead trees, and thick underbrush.

If federal and state environmental policies continue to make it difficult and costly to harvest timber and manage the fuel load, then the wildfires will continue and they will be bigger and deadlier. This will, in due course, cause some politicians to blame the fires on climate change.

In the meantime, the timber harvest infrastructure is less than one-third of what it was 30 years ago, meaning that even if politicians were sincere in wanting to manage the public forests, there few people remaining to manage them.


Should be mentioned that no elections scheduled for Contra Costa county.



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