A quarter-acre of grass burned during a fire in the creek behind Hobby Lobby on Willow Pass Rd. in Concord.
The fire started in a homeless camp, according to firefighters.
The blaze started at about 11:45 today, it was extinguished within 10-minutes.
No injuries were reported.
Well, at least the undomiciled (homeless) got some entertainment from the firefighters.
There has to be some way for the homeless to pay back all the extra costs they are costing the city and taxpayers for their behavior. Make them work off the cost of using city, county and state services that are draining us dry.
Do road cleanup and community service to pay off their debts, including stealing us blind. Why is this never addressed by our elected officials? Oh, foolish me, the elected officials are pandering to the entitlement crowd to get re elected and waste our funds pushing through duplicate bond measures and additional taxation and levys. This is LIBBIE California.