The price for a gallon of gas in California remains over $4 a gallon, at $4.17, according to AAA.
The states average price is the highest in the nation, and California is the only state above $4.
The highest recorded average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas in California was $4.67 in 2012.
The state with the lowest price in the U.S. is Louisiana, at $2.25 a gallon.
pretty ridiculous most of you voted for that
At least our governor is looking into this VIGOR. THANK HIM FOR THAT.
Newsom will find nothing. Another Democrat when serving as State Attorney General, Kamala Harris, found nothing after years and years of investigating the very same problem and spending millions and millions of taxpayer dollars. Wonder where those taxpayer dollars went, because when it was over nothing was ever reported as to the cause, or steps taken to alleviate the burden. Newsom just figures it worked to further Harris’ career in government, why not try it himself.
Actually, we don’t pay any attention to anything you say.
@ Gittyup And ditto for you.
Not sure why everyone is so glum. This is good news! California voters deserve to get what they want.
Ignorant and uninformed voters who vote more taxes upon their fellow citizens deserve $5 a gallon gas.
Keep it going dummies!
If your state demands 2 special fuels that no other state requires, and loads it up with unreasonable taxes($0.47/gallon), then yes, it will be expensive.
Gov Newsome doesn’t like Oil companies. but he sure likes the revenue stream.
What’s sad about the blend is it really doesn’t do much in the modern engine that already burns pretty clean. But it does drop the MPG since it generates a little less power due to cooler combustion temps. There is no real need for it, except for them to way over charge for a small amount of chemicals added to the blend that do not add up to much in cost.
mico c said “most of you voted” not “you all voted for it” cause I certainly did not.
Recall Governor Newsom campaign is underway.
Yep. You can sign the petition at City Arms in Pleasant Hill amongst other places.
Thanks, Bad Nombre.
The Bay Area, South Bay, LA, etc.. are all very crowded – higher prices is one way to weed out the folks who would be better off in a different state. Not everyone is cut out to be a Californian.
The problem with this statement Rob:
It is the working class people that are leaving the state because of the higher costs. This state has become a diaper state and it is a shame. Now it is a vagrent state which makes it shamful. Those that govern this state should be made accountable for the deplorabel condition they have put this state in. Once self sufficient now is dependant.
No elitism in that comment… Why not just say I’m better than you and be down with it?
Nope – only the very rich elitest liberals and the homeless (soon to be liberals).
Rob is a classis NIMBY liberal.
This guy votes.
Yet, you probably favor things like rent control
What the Governor has asked the Attorney General to investigate is a level of high gas prices that began FIVE YEARS AGO and continues today. This PRECEDES the recent tax increase passes by California voters
When you strip away costs caused by taxes and required gas formulations California drivers seem to be paying a “mystery surcharge” not paid in other states. The Governor wants to know if there is a price fixing collusion between gas manufacturers and suppliers that is gouging California drivers.
Read more about the issue here:
I love how we are all just pretending the Cap and Trade carbon tax system has nothing to do with this. Driving up the cost of carbon fuels was the ENTIRE POINT of the program, to drive down carbon emissions.
I was just in Hawaii where gas was $390. If the companies can conspire to inflate prices in a state as big as California, you’d think they could do even worse in a little island state.
California gas prices are a combination of market variables compounded by ridiculous amounts of state regulation and taxation. This investigation is a sham to get people who vote for Democrats to direct their ire at evil corporations instead of the people they voted for.
Maybe because cap-and-trade is not the major factor you think it is with regard to gas prices. Cap and trade has been ongoing in New England for several years, with some of the lowest gas prices in the nation, and other states are trying to join RGGI.
It’s just another tool to force Californians out of their cars and into public transportation. Sacramento has allowed the conditions that have overloaded the State with more people than it can comfortably accommodate, and they all need a car to get from A to B in most places outside major urban areas. Sacramento don’t have the money to build the freeways and surface roads to alleviate the traffic nightmare and the federal government isn’t chipping in. They can also sell it as a measure to reduce climate change and in a largely Democratic state, it passes the smell test.
Re: weed out. Next you’ll see stories about businesses in high cost areas complaining they can’t find people willing to drive long distances to work for little pay. Note: the businesses never seem to admit they won’t pay a living wage
So Rich,
How much do you think a company should pay an employee to obtain your “living wage” and what do you think the consequences would be to the economy if you got your wish?
Is $50, $100, $150 an hour enough? Who pays for that increase in labor costs? What happens when you have too many dollars chasing too few goods (inflation)? What happens to jobs in general when cost of labor goes up? Does it create more job or are job cut?
With more pay does productivity go up or stay the same? Unless productivity goes up, the cost of good will never come down and any “living wage” gain will be eaten up by higher inflation and you are exactly in the same place you started… with the Living Wage Fallacy.
What a shock, liberal politicians blaming others for conditions they and their unaccountable bureaucrats helped create. An what does newsom do, he calls for an investigation as public indignation grows.
He’s doing NOTHING but stalling, waiting for the date Winter blend and cheaper prices happen. Something he’ll probably try to take credit for.
Don’t worry Gruesome Newsom is looking into it! He’s going to find a bunch of bullsh*t taxes, but we can all pretend we don’t know why!
Newsom trying to find out the reason gas prices are so high in like OJ Simpson looking for the real killer.
Reap what you sow Ca.
The rich get richer, the middle class gets squeezed, the poor multiply, and those connected with government live nice comfortable lives.
Ain’t it grand, high gas prices . . . . Hmm, are they attempting to push people into buying electric vehicles ? So typical of way this state is run, people buy electric vehicles then they turn off the electricity . . . . .
Some say this state is failing.
Saw this on another site,
The difference between CA and the Titanic is that when the Titanic went down, the lights were still on.
second third..grandkids fourth….One of the biggest fears in america is ice on the road?…does anyone in the bay area even know what a mosquito coil to burn is?? Ever have to decide in February if you are going to go snow skiing or stay home and play tennis..Go sailing on the bay January 1? Not run an air conditioner 24 hours a day for three months? ..Pay to heat your house from 40 degrees to 70? not from 20? The reason houses are it expensive here is because people are moving in not out…If you bought your house when you were young the property tax is cheap…I don’t think you could live in Mexico food cheapest in the world….House is not worth a million if no one wants it…….Not perfect but if gas goes to 5$..the sun is still out who cares…you got to have a job and save some doe but what??
Other states can import gas, California cannot because it has a special blend. California is an energy island. There are multiple refineries in the state having production issues at this time. Some states have much higher taxes on gas and much lower prices.
You can blame the states politicians for this mess because of their CO2 paranoia. 0.06% CO2 means that .0006 of dry air is CO2. The theory is wrong. It is not fact it is theory. There cannot be a linear relationship between CO2 and temperature in a dynamic system. The media is very powerful and usually very wrong in its attempts to brainwash people.
Warm planet good, cold planet bad. Animal and plant life is abundant when it is warm and scant when it is cold. The history of the Earth clearly proves that fact.
The high cost of dixie-peach must be more of a concern for this excuse of a governor than gasoline prices.
We voted for it.
Right on the money, Original G!