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The WC – Texting Stops On The Freeway


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The State of New York has “Texting Stops” on freeways, where you can pull over on the road and safely use your cell phone for texting, talking, etc. They even have signs that say “Texting Stop, 5 Miles”, and other similar signs.


Do you think we need those here in California?

Talk about it….

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Will do no good in this society. My Grandchildren’s Children will likely have necks that lean forward like apes. So sad.

Who is THAT important? And if you are, then you probably would have a driver.

And couldn’t they just get off at the next exit?

No…as we would have to pay for these stops…..similiar to the current “rest stops”

Text stops are just the normal rest stops in NY. We wouldn’t have to pay for them.

They are called “wayside rest stops” and we have them already. On state roads just pull into gas station or other business.

Unless the business kicks you out for using your phone while parked, like they did to me.

CY they were probably scared of you and that “car”.

@jon: More petty insults I see. SMH.

California already has something like what New York has, it’s called an exit. If it’s so dang important pull over on a surface street and take care of it.

Here’s a thought, turn the friggin’ thing off when you’re driving.
An if ya do turn it off, the world won’t come to an end.
Do believe those newfangled devices are capable of taking a message and hear tell, they can even save a text.

If I look in rear view mirror and see a person texting or talking I slow down. Last place for an IDIOT, with so little regard for their lives and lives of others, like that is behind me. Want them ahead of me so I can leave extra distance following and so I can be a witness for cops if there’s of an accident.

How many seconds does it take to read a text and how many feet will you travel during that time ?

YES! And thank you, Original G!

Won’t do a bit of good, children learn by Watching their parents actions…..not by what they say.
California is Do as you please….just don’t get caught.

Look at all of the Tinted Windshields!!!

I have already seen people on the side of the freeway texting here in California. Rather that, than while their driving,…but better to just take the next exit if it’s that important.

The problem is there are some exits where you cannot get back on the freeway without goibng way out of your way,.

No I don’t. I think those texting while driving should have their drivers license revoked and forced to take public transit. Especially those involved in accidents while driving.

Just kidding….sure whynot.

If I get a text, odds are that it’s from my wife or kids. If my wife is with me, I just hand the phone to her. If she’s not with me, the text can wait until I remember to check it.


It is completely unnecessary, although I can’t imagine anything being that important. If you have voice dictation enabled, you can simply tell Siri (with iPhone — Google has a similar “Assistant” and so does Microsoft) to text whoever you wish to text, and dictate the message without ever lifting your phone. You can also be notified audibly when a text arrives and what it says. You can do the same making phone calls. You don’t ever have to lift the phone from a rest where it is usually located on the dashboard.

A car my mother purchased in 2001 has a built in phone. You simply push a button on the rear view mirror and tell it to call a person or a number. which is stored in memory. When she got the car, we were driving to Danville and called her sister in San Diego without dialing numbers or holding phones, etc., just to try it out. It is all handled audibly by verbal commands. It’s not a new thing.

The problem is, the self important narcissists that cannot drive without their phone on are in too much of a hurry to pull over to text. Besides, how can they see a sign that reads, “Texting stop, 5 miles” when they are looking down at their phone?
If California does something this stupid, I’m sure there will be an increase in DMV fees and gas taxes to pay for it.

It won’t work with any of the entitled rule breakers around here, they’ll still want to get away with traveling while they talk and text. I don’t think I would use them unless I had to make an immediate stop, which almost never happens. I just want to get where I’m going when I’m driving somewhere.

Are people really that stupid that they need signs to tell them to pull over to the shoulder or the next exit? Well, actually most Californians ARE that stupid, but signs wouldn’t do any good, anyway, so just another colossal waste of tax dollars…which means 99% chance it will happen.

If we were interested in increasing safety and saving lives we would pass a law that forced cell phone companies to make phones inoperable when moving above 5 MPH, except for a call to 911. Period.

Wouldn’t work since you could be a passenger in a car or on a bus or Uber.

I agree 100 percent. And if my passengers are inconvenienced, good! We’ll converse among ourselves more.

yes of course
I mean this state is exactly like NY and should do as they do

just like this country is just like Europe so should be socialist as well

you do know that a socialist country has a ruler right
a ruler who has total control of the money and your life as they see fit …no standing on a milk crate spouting free speech …racism

and your freedoms will be gone

Oops, time to take your meds.

Amazing that the world kept spinning prior to cell phones and all the extra responsibilities we’ve seemingly created for our lives now. Thankfully my phone is never even on when I’m driving.

Why is it amazing? The world spun without cars, without electricity, without books, without farming, without central AC or central Heat, without well, pretty much almost everything a modern civilization takes for granted.

Just imagine without cars we would be with horses and buggies where speed would be limited and an animal that thinks is pulling the buggy that can ward off stupid human choices.

There is also a very real possibility they are checking map and navigation features. You input where you are and where you are going and the phone’s GPS (global positioning satellite) calculates the route and gives you audible turn-by-turn instructions to reach your destination.

When it was first introduced some years ago, it occasionally made mistakes. Out of curiosity, I used it on a Blackberry back then just to get driving directions from my house to the bank one day. They were wrong, but since I knew where I was going it didn’t matter. It was confusing, nevertheless. I didn’t trust it after that, but I know people who swear by it.

Those people pulling over on the freeway may be checking their GPS navigation, lost, or changing their route. In any case, when behind the wheel, your only focus should be driving.

Yes,…My Garmin GPS did that to once,…got off the freeway, reset the GPS and was happily on the road again.

Google Maps makes you push a button when it offers a faster route while driving.

Those are just regular rest stops in NY. I have driven past them a number of times.

Perfect – I look forward to these stops for texting. Clearly I don’t text while driving and having to get off the freeway, find a place to park – yada, yada, yada is a real pain so people don’t do it.

Spending the money for text stopping areas – once people get used to them – would be a significant step forward and good use of taxpayer dollars.

I’m eternally grateful for the primer on how nav on a phone works, I must admit that up until now I’ve been absolutely FLUMMOXED…even AUDIBLE turn-by-turn, oh my goodness gracious, what will they think of next??? And added BONUS!!!, I’m now clued us in on the heretofore unknown meaning of the acronym “GPS”, who knew??? Okay, well I’m gonna go fire up my Ericsson flip phone and see how it does with directions from my house to the corner…things might get dicey, but I have been imbued with an invigorating dose of self-confidence.

@Carpe Do I detect a note of sarcasm in your biting comment? From a previous discussion, it was clear many who post here are unfamiliar with the features of smartphones. And, reading these comments, many seems to think people are texting while driving. That may not be the case. They might be checking their navigation app for directions. Just sayin’

Well, no need to change the batteries in your sarcasm detector…and “note”, it was a 4-movement symphony. Pardon me if I throw the BS flag that many” here can’t figure out navigation on these newfangled smartphones that have been around for over a DECADE.

Did you mention the feature where Google tracks your route and uses it to target you with ads? Like the ones on the border of Claycord pages. Here’s a fun idea, next time you are out in your car drive through downtown Concord. Then open up Claycord and look at the ads. Lots of fun!

@Crape Well, well, aren’t you the smartass.

Potato You can opt out of Google “targeted ads” in your Google account settings. They are buried several layers down, but it never hurts to excavate where Google is concerned. If you don’t have a Google account, I guess you’re out of luck using Google Maps.

@Carpe Oh my goodness! That was supposed to be “Carpe” not “Crape.” The old dyslexia kicking in, again.

Jojo Potato, so that is why I keep getting these ads to adopt animals!? … because I frequent the household hazardous waste reuse facility in Martinez?

I had no idea!

@Gittyup – I try to use as little Google as possible. No maps that’s for sure. When Waze came out a while back my quiet residential street became a racetrack. Daily car traffic went from about 1000 per day to 6000 per day that it’s currently running at. The neighborhood association is currently trying.to make it not a through street.


Next would be greatly appreciated if you provide a dissertation on how to operate this exciting new piece of technology called a “VCR”…it’s just so CONFUSING, what with those buttons with arrows and squares on them, that flashing “12:00”, and sundry other features that surely were gifts from alien beings of appreciably higher intelligence. Oh, and don’t forget to advise as just what the h**l the letters “VCR” mean exactly.

How about Drive By stops. Where the gang bangers can pull over and shoot at each other to their hearts content (or until they are all dead) Have bullet proof barriers to keep the missed shots contained. I am sure the law abiding gang members would use this willingly.

In a decade they will be mostly obsolete with all the self-driving cars and voice-controlled everything. Not worth the effort.

Awww, please. Can’t people use common sense? Does everyone really think the Government should get involved in this dumb behavior? Rest stops are to pee and change your baby’s diapers. Grow up!

Sure. More traffic jams with people getting on/off the freeway to text. Just what we need is more traffic jams.

Please add my name to the list of those who object to having special text message turn-outs. Let alone the expense of such projects (plus the traffic disruptions while they are being constructed), we serious drivers would have to contend with those people trying to get BACK onto the road.

Known fact: people who are reckless enough to ignore a “No Texting While Driving” law will not bother to pull off the road to text; if it were otherwise, they would have been doing that all along!

I don’t know, do people actually use them?




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