Home » Woman Attacked By Man With Box Cutter On BART Train – Suspect Arrested

Woman Attacked By Man With Box Cutter On BART Train – Suspect Arrested


A man suspected of attacking a BART passenger with a box cutter Friday morning was arrested at the West Oakland Station, according to a BART spokesman.

At about 9:45 a.m., BART police responded to a call about a “disruptive” man making threats and carrying a weapon on a train at the Montgomery Street station in San Francisco, according to BART spokesman Chris Filippi.

Officers stopped the train at the West Oakland station at 9:53 a.m. and learned that the suspect had allegedly injured a woman on the train, according to Filippi.


The man was uncooperative and refused to obey officers’ commands, so they used their Tasers in an attempt to subdue him.

When that didn’t work, officers used a Wrap restraint device, which is wrapped around a person’s whole body and pulls them into a seated position, to take the man into custody, Filippi said.

The suspect is in custody and will be given a physiological evaluation.

The woman suffered a cut to her left hand.


The attack and police activity led to major delays to trains heading into and out of San Francisco.

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How does a taser not work?

Drugs or prong doesn’t hit a good contact point.

@ Aunt Barbara & No one

When a Taser is used as a projectile with barbs it is not pain compliance. Drive stuns are pain compliance – (no barb projectiles).

When the barbs make contact with the skin they make a closed electrical circuit and a current flows between the barbs causing a disruption to the voluntary control of muscles, causing “neuromuscular incapacitation.” In other words, between the barbs you flex your muscles as hard as you can involuntarily for as long as the current flows through the barbs and an electrical circuit is maintained.

You can be anesthetized to the point of unconsciousness and you will still stiffen up like a board. Your muscles operate on electrical impulses and the Taser overrides your voluntary control of your muscles.

A problem can happen when the barbs don’t have a large enough spread and the muscles affected between the circuit is too small to make a noticeable impact on the suspect control of his body or a barb doesn’t make good contact or one or both get pulled out by the suspect’s initial muscle contractions.

Every tool a police officer carries has failures; be it a gun, O.C., impact weapons, hands-on or a Taser. Every good officer has a Plan A and a Plan B when Plan A fails.

This area is completely out of control. The crazies have all the protection and the average hardworking citizen has none whatsoever. This state is a massive failure in almost every way.


Can’t argue with that.

They are California’s royalty. If you have no wealth to seize, you are immune from our justice system.

Bart what a great idea and easy transport to such a beautiful city. Those days are sadly gone. I will not ride Bart or enjoy a day or evening in SF anymore. We only hear about a few of the incidents not worth the risk or the stench.

Though not as convenient, take the ferry from Alameda. It is wonderful and part of a relaxing, enjoyable journey to the City. Clean, cheap, and nice.

@ Palermo


Used to take Bart to and from the city for work and pleasure, refuse to even go to the city now because it has become a disaster, Nothing will change, until the revenue to business is dropped, only then will the politicians do something to clean it up

It is time for us to take measures and enact sensible box cutter reform. If this was a box-cutter free zone this would not have happened!

When you outlaw box cutters then only outlaws will use scalpels. No wait… when you outlaw box cutters then only outlaws will have pocket knives. No, thats not it… Let’s see here… If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; but if you give him a box cutter he can cut his own darned bait and catch another fish???? Hummmm…. It’s gotta be something along those lines…..

I don think he is going to like his new digs.

IF news media digs will they report AGAIN, “suspect is well known to law enforcement” ?

These days here in CA criminals, chemically impared and mentally ill have to work really hard to be charged and convicted of a Felony. Very glad my choice of employer doesn’t involve bart or a long commute.

Glad victim survived. This state is turning into a nightmare.

Arm all the passengers. Pick up a piece when you get on the train; drop it off at the exit gate. Should work.

Concealed carry, People.

Youd be amazed how many folks do it sans permit around here. I know a couple personally. Better to be judged by twelve, than carried by six.

It’s easy for women. Just put it in the purse. There are lots of purses designed for concealed carry.

in a purse is a bad place, immediate access; which is how you need it, is difficult.

@Deal with it – I hear ya. We moved here from NY in 1994 and I thought BART was pretty cool for a while. It was how I preferred to travel into the city without worrying about parking, etc. My only complaints then were that it didn’t run late enough, esp on weekends, and it didn’t get around much of the city (had to also take MUNI, etc.).

I used to think nothing of taking the very last train home on a Sat night after being out with my city friends in the Mission. And on weeknights after work, I wouldn’t think twice about dining with friends in the city and later walking to my car at 11PM, by myself, to the overfill lot at Concord BART. I feel like things really began to take a dive about 10-12 years ago. I remember walking back to my car one night to that overfill lot with my visiting parents in tow. My mom (from the Bronx) and dad (Harlem) shared their concerns about my safety. I scoffed, but a few years later I was out past 11 with a friend Pleasant Hill and asked him to get off at my stop to walk with me and I’d drive him home.

Another time my husband actually drove to Concord BART just to take me to the end of the overfill lot. These last 5-6 years, BART and the city vibe have deteriorated and I don’t even like taking the train on a Saturday anymore to go to museums or other events (and I still don’t want to deal with Sat traffic/parking). Instead, I opt to go to the city from Oakland on weekdays, usually for lunch. And if I do go into the city in the evening when I’m not in a car with my husband, I make sure I get to Concord BART much earlier to snag a parking space in one of the lots closest to the platform. But more often than not, I get to the lot early every morning, go to the gym near my job after work, then come straight home to Claycord. Weekends, I love to be here.

At first I wondered if my disinterest was just part of aging – that I no longer had ‘FOMO’ (about city life), but I soon realized it was that it is not as enjoyable there anymore and I longer felt safe walking around stations in the city or in Concord. Since 2015, I visit NY twice a year to see my family and friends there and get my ‘real’ city fix then. In the meantime, my husband gave me a “heavy duty” stun gun several years ago to use while commuting. BART is just such a drag now – overcrowded during the commute hours (though, that may be the safest times to be on them) and pretty much every day, there are drugged out/mentally unstable people screaming obscenities, punks reeking of weed and being loud and obnoxious or homeless people passed out in their own filth. And when you disembark at Concord, there are the same cannabis-soaked punks, vaulting over the fare gates and sketchy people hanging around outside, usually smoking or dealing. Anyway, excuse this long post, but it’s something that’s been on my mind lately. Sadly, this type of horrible news (man with box cutter) is not surprising.

Be safe out there and enjoy a Claycordian weekend!

I have had two very scary experiences on BART. I am too tired to go into it, but I am sick of BART being risky to use. I like BART but remain on edge while using the thing. Be careful and be very aware of your surroundings.

I’ve found that rush hour rides are fine, but off hours like the middle of the day or after 9 pm, it gets sketchy rill quick.

Years of voting for liberal policies will always end up like this.
Does anyone know what history is? Read about it. It is educating yourself.

Plus who has time to go to court to testify only to see the perp gets released on some technicality.

One scary late night trip home on BART to the Concord station from San Francisco in the early ’80s was all it took to convince me it was no longer safe to use at night. About a year ago, I rode it home from San Francisco in the late afternoon. I got off at West Oakland to get another train because some really weird guy was on the train I was riding. But, the weird guys loitering at the West Oakland station were even worse, and there were way more of them. Seemed like an eternity before another Concord train came along. Things on BART only get worse and I don’t know if I even ever want to go to San Francisco again, because it doesn’t look like anything ever gets any better there, either.

My BART card wasn’t working at the Collieum/ airport tram. Instead of scanning my card to correct the problem, The female BART agent, who WAS extremely RUDE, told me I had to purchase a new ticket {even though my original ticket had plenty of money on it.). The BART AGENT LITERALLY FOLLOWED ME TO THE TICKET MACHINE and stood right behind me IN LINE. When The tram suddenly pulled up to the station, The same BART AGENT took the cash OUT OF my hand and pLACED it into her coat pocket. BASICALLY, I GOT ROBBED BY A BART AGENT AN COULDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.



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