Home » Concord City Council To Consider Appeal Of Grocery Store Design Review

Concord City Council To Consider Appeal Of Grocery Store Design Review


The Concord City Council is set to discuss some design aspects of a recently opened Cardenas Markets grocery store on Monument Blvd.

City staff is recommending the council uphold an appeal by Cardenas of an earlier Concord Planning Commission decision to side with a local business group that had challenged the property’s design review.

The Cardenas Market at 2250 Monument Blvd. opened in August in a former Safeway building that had been closed for several years.

Two months earlier, the Monument Business Owners Coalition appealed the city’s design review for the store. MBOC also alleged the project was not consistent with Concord’s general plan as it related to the Monument Community, “and would not enhance the image and character of the city,” according to a city staff report.


On Aug. 28, the city also received a letter from the Monument coalition’s attorney alleging Cardenas’ continuing operation violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by failing to conduct the proper
environmental review.

Complicating that situation had been the illegal removal in March of 19 trees on the former Safeway property by the property’s owners (not Cardenas). The property owners eventually paid a $32,300 fine for removing those trees without a city permit.

Tonight’s Concord City Council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 1950 Parkside Dr.

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What image is Concord trying to uphold ?
A homeless camp ?

Was down in Berkley last week taking plant cuttings and took a leisurely 90 minute drive around starting down around University and Sixth. Was surprised by number of abandon houses and what to me is a different city than I remember from 20 years ago. Reminded me of how antioch has deteriorated over past 20 years.

For those clueless like I was, the Monument Business Owners Coalition objection appears to fundamentally be the same type of objection to a Barnes & Noble opening up where there are a number of locally owned bookstores.

What other bookstores? We used to have a Half Price Books.

I don’t understand what the uproar . Cardenas has fresh produce and meats, a juice bar Chama …a delicious Mexican bakery, and a really beautiful store design. To say that it is inconsistent with the the appeal or look of Concord is ridiculous. If you drive around Concord you will see a majority of it is run down garbage strip malls with liquor stores. This is a welcome addition.

I agree. But I have to say that Mi Pueblo is better. The Mi Pueblo in Pittsburg is now Cardenas. I laugh at the image of Concord. I’ve live here all my life, 54 yrs. Even when I was a teenager I knew that the City favored “upper Concord” (YV/KP area) more then the Detroit Ave/Ellis St/4 Corners area

Exactly Mike. It’s the run down look they are obviously striving for along the Monument corridor. Down with any business that wants to add life to the area! Vacant buildings are always better that tax producing businesses!

Seems some businesses don’t want any competition.

Glad to see something back in that spot. Cardenas is a nice store that adds positively to the “image” of the area.

Its clean, bright and friendly. I enjoyed shopping there. In fact, its 1000% times better/cleaner than FoodMax. The produce prices are reasonable, and I LOVE the fresh juice bar. This is an asset to the community. I don’t understand why the attitude? have they been in there?

Until Monument where the “super” station juts out into traffic…a ridiculous lane merge for YEARS…the MBOC and the Concord City government have and deserve no respect.

If Concord is trying to IMPROVE it’s image from “dilapidated strip malls” and “homeless encampments”, shouldn’t they be encouraging a HIGHER standard and not more of the same? If Cardenas has other stores, surely they can afford to do whatever it is that the design calls for. Every city has standards and the relaxing of these standards will be so much worse in ten years, if they are still in business. Welcome to Concord Cardenas and hope you find that being a cooperative steward of your property is in the best interest of everyone.~ I hope that people groveling to be substandard actually decide a better future is to keep all new businesses to a higher standard, not lower.~

Cardenas is great – it’s the property owners who have been slumlords for years. Great fresh food, great meat selection – leave them alone.

I’d rather have Cardenas than yet another 7-11.

Maybe what they want is another convenience store? They could have put in a porn emporium and still upgraded that vacant swath of unused destitute land. Makes no sense to me…

Yet another example of all of the hassles of opening and running – or attempting to open and run – a business in this state. And I so tire of development opponents falling back on tire out the CEQA violation allegation.

People complain about the lack of comprehensive grocery stores in some communities, yet try to shut a new store down when it opens up in a neighborhood. And a store that caters to the demographics of the neighborhood, too. A real head shaker to me.

I have a question about the $32000.00 fine for removal of 19 trees without a permit…..
Did the City of Concord use that $32000.to planet 19 new trees in concord or did it just go in to the general fund never to be seen again.

Actually believe or not Cal Osha could also get involved and really fix the tree removal pests.


You don’t remove trees and then expect the climate to be mild and fresh.



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