Home » Walnut Creek City Council Could Approve 30-Year Vision Plan For North Downtown

Walnut Creek City Council Could Approve 30-Year Vision Plan For North Downtown


The Walnut Creek City Council on Tuesday will discuss approving the North Downtown Specific Plan, a 30-year vision and regulatory framework for future development of new homes, offices, community and retail space within the northern downtown area.

The plan is the product of five years worth of public meetings, other community input and discussion by local government panels. There were 14 stakeholder interviews and focus group meetings in February 2017, plus three community workshops and three online surveys.

Among the downtown plan’s goals are to help reinforce the downtown area as a regional attraction, increase urbanized development near the Walnut Creek BART station, add jobs to downtown, attract auto dealerships to the North Downtown zone, enhance non-vehicular transportation (especially for bicyclists and pedestrians) and to “direct and facilitate reinvestment and redevelopment within this portion of the core area of the city.”

Tuesday’s meeting begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 1666 N. Main St.


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Wow so a bunch of speak to allow more Bart area housing and parking increases
Anytime a council approves housing its agenda driven and lines their pockets

You should be proud you didn’t get to vote

And so it continues with the people not having a say in anything.

Keeping a close eye on the masses crammed into small places.
Agenda 21.

The “people” can attend council meetings and have their “say” there.

Great more traffic it’s as if these people don’t live in Walnut Creek stop building stuff here we don’t need more people you’re ruining the quality of life for everybody that’s been here for a minute. The infrastructure literally cannot handle another 10,000 people. We don’t need more housing here! if anything You need to start working with ice and deport all the illegals that are clogging the roads. it’s pretty obvious being political must pay pretty well to sell out your own people and over developer while lining your pockets.

This country doesn’t need lazy people!! If you want to act like our president then i feel sorry for you. California doesn’t need people like you living here!

And the NIMBYs cry “Get off my street!”

I absolutely HATE the new condos/apts(?) that were built so close to the street near the WC BART station! Ugly. They block the old views of Mt. Diablo and tower over the street with barely any room left. Talk about using up all the space you can to make a buck.
Walnut Creek must stop development because the quality of life is being destroyed for all but those who live here temporarily on their way up the corporate ladder.

I remember the crowd we had on the council that was for slow growth to keep downtown for Walnut Creek residents.

Don’t forget to raise the parking rate so I can pay more in order to spend money supporting the stores. And make the meters reset themselves to zero again just to see how many people will fight the bogus parking tickets.

I haven’t been to downtown WC in years because of the parking and traffic; ever since the Nordstrom’s parking lot was torn down and rebuilt into a pay lot.

You are aware that you get 3 hours free right? Or are you just wanting to complain?

Dwight is correct! Plus, you can exit the lot a few minutes before your 3 hours are up, drive around the corner and into the garage again for ANOTHER 3 hours…. as many times as you’d like. It prevents the Park and Ride syndrome, the park and camp syndrome, and the car theft warehouse syndrome…. others?
Concord would do well to adopt the same security patrols and payment rules for the same reasons!!!

More Soviet style gulag housing, only these will be painted better with the latest trendy colors.

I have noticed condos in Lafayette are not so boxy looking. Don’t see why they can’t come up with a decent design.

@Richardoh I agree! There are many off Mt. Diablo Road that blend right in with the hills, lots of plant life throughout, “classic” exterior paint colors that survive modern trends. The hostility towards these latest complexes might be slightly diminished if they were at least pleasant to look at.

Economies run in cycles. We are probably nearing the end of an extended upswing in the cycle. When it inevitably starts cycling down, who’s going to rent or buy all these units? Section 8?

I’m sure when they built all those apartments in the Monument corridor years ago, they thought the boom times would last forever too.

Give me a break. Section 8 my ass. You know who is going to buy? All the 25-35 year olds who haven’t been able to buy and are paying ridiculous rental fees at homes old people won’t sell.

Have you noticed who has been moving into Monument area and across from Park n Shop? It’s not the poor…they are slowly being priced out.

We’re haven’t started the downtown in the economic cycle yet. Let’s see what’s going to happen to all those units when that happens.

All those units on momument were built for middle and lower middle class blue collar families. Once the economy turned those units started going vacant and prices were lowered to the point where lower income and section 8 renters could afford them. That was 30 years ago.

And yeah….sure, I’ll give you a break.

I was in Russia and Europe this summer, and you’re right, the newer apartments and condos DO look like ‘Soviet Style’! And such ugly colors, some are what I call ‘baby poop brown and green’. WC has lost its charm.

Translation – a 30-year plan on increasing taxes…

More like 30 minutes.

Yes! I’m no NIMBY here! Bring on high density and while we are at it let’s improve bussing down YV for the pubic and student use! Drives me nuts to see that people have to walk from BART to John Muir. There should be regular bus service up and down YV so people can leave their cars at home! The day of the East Bay bedroom community is over, the future is urban! I’m behind the younger generations that see and understand the needs of urban development. Time for the old folks to move to Arizona.

That there is no bus service on YVR is completely ridiculous.

Sorry Nimby’s, more people are coming.
Better to have a critical mass of apartments/condos in downtown Walnut Creek than more single family homes in Brentwood and beyond.
I wish we had more condos vs. apartments though.

Better for who, Brentwood or Walnut Creek?
WC hit critical mass a decade or two ago…

Moses you are so right! WC did hit a critical mass a long time ago. Enough condos and apts!!! Traffic is horrible, the condos already built are ugly, and no to high density! How many businesses have gone under? Many of us already avoid downtown.

30 year plan and you believe auto dealerships will be in high demand? What a waste of space we’re being fooled by the lies of the current auto industry. Tesla and Fremont are going to rip apart the current auto market within those 30 years.

Bay Area rent is out of control. Focus on that.



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