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Earthquake! Did You Feel It?


Earthquake! Who felt it?

This was a 4.5 magnitude earthquake centered near Pleasant Hill.

UPDATE: There are no reports of damage anywhere in the Bay Area, according to the USGS.


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oh yeah! shaker

2 of them actually – first a tremble, then a long jolt. Ayers and Ygnacio.

Yes. Nice little punch. Felt very local.

Just a few minutes ago I felt a small shake and my closet doors shook and gave my cat a fright. Concord CA

Woke me up!

Yes! I thought I was going crazy. Woke me right up lol thanks to this you, I can go back to sleep now 😄

Rocked our home at 10:34 PM

We did in Holbrook Heights.

My guess 4.7 is east bay.

That was pretty strong


Yes! Scary! My husband accused me of shaking him awake! Geez!

Herein northern pleasant hill felt it big time.

Yep, we felt in near Baldwin Park.

Like a fast dog

She felt it too, Jim! She jumped into my husband’s lap on the couch.

Yup. Rattled walls and furniture really well. Several smaller aftershocks within a few mins. In Concord, on Clayton border.

Felt it off Solano, felt like about a 4.5

Really felt it! Shook the house and scared the dog! Live near downtown Bart.

“All shook up”. Is that you Elvis!
Like that famous seismologist Jerry Lee
said- We ain’t fakin’! Whole lotta shakin’
goin’ on!

Felt Canterbury village. 4.7

Pretty good earthshake! Rattled the windows and scared my 🐱

At 10.22 PM my first thought was a tree crashed on my roof. My floor was shook and some metal sound like the storm door was slammed.

Yeah! Holy cow!!!

I did. So small and quick no one felt it if sleeping or room was somewhat loud.

Franklin Canyon- yes

Moderate to heavy but short

Yes. Felt pretty good in Pittsburg (Loveridge & Stoneman). Woke the wife, rattled the house, and made the door of the medicine cabinet swing.

At 10.22 PM my first thought was a tree crashed on my roof. My floor was shook and some metal sound like the storm door was slammed. I am near Four Corners.

I sure did… we’re at sunshine dr

Woke me from sleep. I was like what’s that. Realized, Earthquake!
So happy it’s over.
That was a big, long shake!!

I felt it STRONG at 10:34 PM.

Rattled sideways, was very loud, & knocked things off my desk. Had a rumbling sound

Same here. Very STRONG sharp jolt on the Ruth Drive side of DVC . Knocked a few items off selves.
I’ve been through many Earthquakes over 60+ years, but this one was scary. Felt like the Big one. Checked water heater and outside gas meter, all ok AFAIK. Will need to check for any damage tomorrow in the light.
The Earthquake in 1989 was the worst I ever felt.
This one kicked the house real good, shook hard, followed by another sharp kick. Don’t ever recall Pleasant Hill being at the epicenter of a Quake.

Felt it here in Walnut Creek

Hell yes!!!! Don’t know how big it was.

Laying in bed around 10:33 – definitely felt the shake. Lasted for approximately 5 seconds in Brentwood. Nothing too serious, though.

Oh yea felt that one. It was more of a rocking and rolling than a jarring shift. Nothing broke just pictures got knocked off counter. My guess is a 3.3 on the concord fault.

– A-Block Reporting from Landana

Sure did feel that earthquake! The first place I checked was claycord, and of course you were the first to acknowledge that there had been one! Thank you!

Yes. KRON is saying 4.7 in Pleasant Hill. I knew it was local because the time between Primary and Secondary wave was quick.

Staying in Lafayette. And definitely heard and felt it.

Yes! Woke me from sleep.
Loooooong, big, shake. Hope it’s all over!

Yes, we felt it near baldwin park.

Great now everyone will be coming to the ER claiming some type of injury..

Sorry it’s a big F’ing inconvenience for you. Suck it up and do your job.

I got the humor 😊

My job is to treat the sick and injured. Not the insurance frauds. Stop coming to the ER and wasting valuable resources when we could be helping the ones that truly need it.

I broke my fingernail, I’m coming in.

Barbie, LOL!

Well, TraumaRx, why don’t you tell us what you think are legitimate reasons to visit the Emergency Room? We’re having to guess who your admonitions include. You can’t do it because it’s not up to you to decide what is worthy of an Emergency Room visit.

We felt them both. Little brother, then 10 minutes later, big brother. Let’s hope their old man stays asleep on the couch!!!

Yes! I’m in Martinez off Morello near Lucky’s and it shook my whole apartment. I heard a couple things fall off the walls and some car alarms are going off.

Downtown, all of my kitchen cabinets opened.
Bathroom vanities opened and a few things dropped out.
Felt bigger than the Napa earthquake 2014, but it was not as long – thank goodness!

yep woke me up on san miguel rd in concord

Biggest one in a long time. Countrywood area.

We felt them both. Little brother, then 10 minutes later, big brother. Let’s hope their old man stays asleep on the couch!!!

Yep, shook pretty good, pets jumped up. It was during there at Treat and 680.

I was almost asleep when it hit. Of course, my kids slept right through it. My poor kitties are a bit rattled.

4.5 . Epicenter in pleasant hill

2.5 then 4.7. Look out for the next one! Imagine what a 8.0+ would feel like around here. People would die of literal heart attacks.

4.5 in Pleasant Hill according to USGS website…. still updating

Yo I thought it was a ghost rushing me 😂😂😭

Gosh yes, scary!! We’re at Treat/Cowell. First there was a single jolt, then shaking. Puppies are terrified.

I felt it BIG time. Also, loud noise. I thought someone rammed their car into my house.

4.5 epicenter PH

Felt it in Concord. Pretty big shake.

Yup – Canterbury Village, Concord..

Yessiree…felt is as a 5! Jolted and shook everything on the walls.

My wife warned me there would be trouble if I ate that bean burrito from Taco Bell this evening.

Was just about asleep. Been a while since I have felt a jolt like that. Concord

Wow! Be prepare for another one.

My dog is still barking

I was asleep and it woke me! It was a good jolt though

Im next to Hwy242 and it moved are house really good

Holy Moley it was scary. I’m near Parkside and Concord Blvd. Dog barking, walls creaking and shaking.

Very loud in Martinez! I thought a large truck crashed into my house.

Yep! It was a good shaker here by Home Depot!

Really strong here off San Miguel in Concord. Heart still pounding. And I had just taken ZQuil to get to sleep…we’ll see how that works.

Yup! Felt it here in Kirkwood, only a couple of seconds but loud. Movement was the usual north/south.

Definitely felt it. Woke us up in Pleasant Hill. Rattled the room and made and echoing sound as it went away.

Felt it here in San Francisco. Just a little jiggle.

Yup. number being revised upward, now at M 4.5 – 1km SSE of Pleasant Hill, CA Depth 14.6 km.
USGS site is showing five quakes.

Was just about asleep.

Felt it big time in Martinez. Woke everyone up and my dog is very nervous. Read it was 4.7 in Pleasant Hill.

I felt it. I’m in Martinez on Pacheco blvd

Forth earthquake in Pleasant Hill/Walden since 10P; 1.0, 1.6, 2.5 & 4.5 (this one was between best buy and the shopping center)

Who didn’t?

The 1st was 2.5 and the 2nd was 4.7 both around Best Buy in P. Hill and within 10 minutes of each other….

It rolled through my house in Clayton.

Felt it here near Oak Grove & Ygnacio Valley Rd

I heard it coming and I knew an earthquake was about to hit, the sound lasted about two seconds then the shaker.

Whoo hoo! That was a strong one. Ygnacio and Walnut Blvd.

Not goin to lie….spooked me was pretty srtong

Pleasant Hill. Felt that one pretty good.

it was more then a toe tickler just rock n reeling in Concord

Felt it! Concord Blvd cross streets Ayers and Ygnacio. Daughter in Martinez on Rose St. near refinery’s felt it. Dogs going crazy.

What was date of Loma prieta?

Oct. 17, 1989 @ 5:04 pm.

I was up at the computer, the ground heaved up then dropped with a loud thud, followed by shaking. My two story home swayed a bit. I’m over by Treat and Clayton, pretty substantial.

Felt it in Suisun move my couch

I seemed to hear it before feeling it out in Clayton but it was over really quick. Good jolt though. Although I was kind of snoozing in front of the TV. At 4.5, I’m sure Pleasant Hill residents felt something much stronger…

Yes! It was a good one. Shaking and loud rumbling. Classic earthquake and no damage or death

On Claycord, lots of shaking. Haven’t felt one like that in a long time. Happy 30th anniversary Loma Prita

Damn Right!!

Live in South PH. Was outside in backyard with dogs on leash for potty when it hit. Ground shook, saw and heard whole house shake and crack, railings and columns. Jim checked gas meter, no leakage. Some things dumped off shelves but nothing breakable. Going to check outside of house with flashlight re: damage at joints etc.

Hit hard upstairs at our place in Martinez. Dog and wife jumped off the bed. Felt like a 5. Would’ve be bad if it lasted. So much for sleep, time for more beer..

Whoa! Sure did… two shaking, rattling jolts. Last one was longer, stronger and had a harder shake. I was about to drop and cover from the couch when it stopped. Cats very freaked out. Pool had some waves. It’s the season!

Can anyone confirm what fault this hit on?

My apartment building felt like it’s about to fall apart… pretty scary. What’s fascinating about earthquakes is that we can do nothing to stop it and it can happen anytime for any amount of time…

Was playing a video game I lost hit my desk then my house started shaking and I thought what did I just do.

Had to try hard not to loud laugh and wake my fam lol

Really big shake, things came close to falling off shelves. If TV wasn’t strapped to the wall, it would have tipped over. Over by De LaSalle HS. Felt a small shake a bit earlier.

What fault line was that?

Knocked a glass vase off my sister’s dresser in Alamo.

W6CX active now on 2m Mt. Diablo repeater.

Felt very strong in martinez, pictures off the wall and off shelves

I’m about a mile east of the Concord BART station. A mild shake, then a half-second of nothing, then a much stronger shake, about 5 seconds. I have free-standing tower speakers aside my TV and they did a little dance! Almost fell over.

It was loud! Felt it here in Concord, shook my bed and woke me up.

So far USGS is reporting twelve quakes, first one was a 1.0 at 10:02 pm and there have been eight since the biggest one.

I went for the doorway. A couple of small things fell off the shelves onto the floor and pictures hanging on the walls went slightly askew. No damage to the house. It woke some relatives in Orinda.

Actually, the count is over a dozen in the last hour. Except for the 4.5, mostly in the 1.X range though a couple of 2.0’s. Go to USGS Latest Earthquakes

Loma Prieta – October 17 – 1989
This quake – October 14 – 2019

The big one is comming soon. It will be horrific.

Hope not!

There is absolutely ZERO science to support your comment. Scare tactics don’t sell quake insurance. Stop being such an alarmist 🙄

Smelling smoke in Holbrook Heights…anyone know what it is?

Everyone – Check your gas meters and water heaters. Ours our fine. But if you smell gas call 911.

I have a shake valve on my gas meter and it didn’t shake hard enough to turn the gas off. Maybe something for people to look at if they don’t have one one their meter.

USGS website says 4.5. Imagine a 7.5 – 1000 times as strong! Tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanos – Planet Earth is a dangerous place.

Glad to know I’m not the only one WIDE AWAKE 😮

Felt it off of Oak Grove and Rockne, big shake.

Checked with PD and Public Works and no significant damage detected.

Heard sirens heading towards Treat, but could be usual stuff.

Yes, felt the 4.7 in the Concord high school area. I was lying in bed when everything started shaking moderately. Windows and walls rattled quite a bit. Dogs barked uncontrollably. Hopefully not a precursor for the big one.

Yeah shook our house pretty good felt like something hit it

I felt it, my brother felt it, and it woke my mom up.
USGS says it was a 4.5, then a 2.5 aftershock, over in Pleasant Hill.

**Sorry, I meant, 2.5, and then 4.5.
Didn’t feel the little one, but definitely felt the bigger one.

Ooh! It was our very own fault line.

Landana area, if felt like a train hit our house. I watched the ceiling drywall roll and the fireplace swayed pretty damn good. The windows all rattled and it sound like a herd of cattle were running across our roof. Large mirrors and pictures on the wall are all tilted. Wine glasses and bottles on the wine display case were clinking. My duck call collection fell off the shelves and a dozen calls were knocked to the ground. My wife yield “WHOA” I laughed at her reaction. It felt a whole lot stronger than an 4.7 to us.

Yep felt it here in Pacheco near center Ave. Felt as if the epicenter was right below me. Was in bed when it hit I immediately jumped out ready to run outside with very little clothes on. LOL

I think I saw you 😉

It tripped my Earthquake device ( which shuts off gas to the house ). If you have one, it’s a red thing located between the gas meter and your house – you might need to reset it and then light your water heater pilot.

Let’s play a game!
Give the line of a song related to an earthquake. .
I’ll start.
California tumbles into the sea…
I feel the earth move under my feet. Feel the sky tumbelin down

Can anyone confirm reports that something is going down at the Tesoro Refinery as a result of the earthquake?

Yes, was on the 4 floor of a downtown concord building and saw some kind of after explosion at Tesero. Sky was red and sparkly in a crescent above the refinery. Saw flames shooting up from two locations at the refinery. It was out in less than five minutes. Not a word about it in the media.

Try to come up with one not using the word shake, as there’s just so many of them

1/2 mile from Epicenter. Weird, really loud but never felt a jolt.

Yes Felt it. I was at the Stick in 89. For me just a rumble.

Was outside heard it the felt big jolt and shaking was a nice one. Then was going inside and saw the sky light up orange with some smoke towards the refinery’s and in about 5 mins looked like flames were gone must of shut the pipes down

Yes, it was a jolt! Some things came off a shelf.
Live off of Gregory Ln., Pleasant hill

Felt it near DVC. Scary! My daughter felt it in north Berkeley

make sure u have hard sole slippers or shoes bedside. a top injury for earthquakes at night is cut feet… put on your slippers before u hit the floor if a big one hits… G’Nite Ya’ll…

Felt like I was sitting on my washing machine on high spin cycle. Scared the BAJEEBERS OUT OF ME!!

Have a quiet restful night, guys!

11:55pm – After shock in south PH, Isabella Ln and Dorothy.

Does October 17, 1989 ring a bell? Yikes.

Felt super strong here at Walnut Country by Ygnacio rd.
I was watching tv.
The whole house shook n rattled like crazy. A picture in my bathroom got knocked over from a shed-incredibly it didn’t break. I also felt a jolt at 11:54.
I’m just scared to fall asleep now. 🙁
Now I’m

12:44 am – another after shock in south PH. Going to try and get 3 sleep.

I live in Concord of East Olivera, was driving home from work when I heard about the quake on KCBS, have been home since 11 p.m. and have not felt anything at all. I’m sitting in bed on my computer, but haven’t felt a thing. Some books on one of my bookcases had fallen over, not off the case, just fallen down instead of being upright.

Yep! felt it,…nice size jolt. Almost on the 30 year Anniversary.
On my 32nd Birthday was Loma Prieta ~ October 17th, 1989.
So, I guess it was a bit early,… my fault,…LOL!

I see what you did there Roz…my fault…hilarious!!!

I have over 3000 Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars hanging on my walls and now they all need to be straightened out

Have you tried Museum Wax? It’s good stuff if you don’t want a big mess on the floor after a quake instead of your collection where it belongs.

weren’t we supposed to get a warning . technology ,siren anything

10:33pm best shake since shake n bake came out


Btw, on the Concord/Clayton boarder.

Woke me up, sounded like a Freight Train.

Sitting in a chair watching the news. It felt like I was sitting in an old jalopy riding down a bumpy road. Bouncing was straight up and down. For a few seconds it was a rough ride.

According to USGS website, with filter set to 1 Day, all magnitudes, there have been 30 quakes.

Yep felt it while watching a movie

Blame PG&E.

No but my husband did and woke me up to ask me if i had felt it, he was still awake.

YES! Woke me up in Martinez (Muir/Vine Hill). Lived in CA for 30 years-this was the first time I was a bit scared during an earthquake. Then it was over. My kiddo slept through it course.



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