With PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff underway Wednesday morning, for the second straight day the utility’s website is not accessible for customers to find out the latest information about the shutoff.
For most of Tuesday, PGE’s website was down, and the utility had to post maps on Twitter of the affected portions of all 34 counties across the state that would be losing power. The site remained down as of shortly after 7 a.m. Wednesday.
PG&E spokeswoman Kristi Jourdan said their teams had doubled the database capacity on the website earlier this week in anticipation for increased traffic, but that there is seven or eight times the normal traffic
on the site.
Jourdan said PG&E is continuing to work to increase server capacity and the number of customer requests the site can handle, as well as developing other ways to communicate outage information.
“Our teams are fully engaged and working on multiple fronts to address the issue as quickly as we can,” she said.
According to PG&E, the shutoff is happening in three phases, with power having been shut off in the early morning hours Wednesday to 513,000 customers across 22 counties, including Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma
Around noon, an additional 234,000 customers will lose power in the second phase of the shutoff, including those in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.
A third phase of the shutoff is still being considered for the southernmost part of PG&E’s service range.
The decision to turn off power was because of a forecast for dry, hot and windy weather, with peak winds reaching 60-70 mph at higher elevations, according to PG&E.
More (3rd) World Class Service from PG&E. Nice.
Well… we can see how things will be handled in a real emergency….
We are a bunch of stupid sheep to allow PG&E and the oil companies to manipulate us and do what they are doing. In other countries people would rise up to fight against this kind of Injustice, here everybody just sits back and thinks this is the way it’s supposed to be.I hope we wake up soon otherwise this will all just keep getting worse.
Hear, hear.
Then do something about it. Don’t just hide behind a keyboard.
PG&E is the worst company.
However, I did find some map links from their twitter and KCRA’s websites.
From my observation, they are shutting down power where there are a lot of mountains and vegetation. Also, sucks for tourists visiting Napa. That entire area is shut down.
I wonder if we will seen an uptick in crime during this shutdown…
Contra Costa County Map
KCRA Link (The map is towards the bottom of the article)
If they can’t even ensure a working website with critical information that alone speaks volumes!
And Diablo, I agree with your comment.
I live in Dana Estates on a street that should not be considered in a danger area. This is ridiculous!
Is there a follow up to this riveting tale or is this how it all ends?
How do you like the New Green Deal now? Enjoy yourselves.
They always say California could be its own country.
Did they mean Venezuela or North Korea, though?
Pay extra attention at each intersection while driving or walking. You can be sure there are plenty of people not paying attention to signal lights out. Remind your kids, too.
California is well on its way to becoming Baja Venezuela
I’m not sure what their “normal” website traffic is, but they just to millions of people that their power could be shut off. A lot of these people will check PG&E website to see if they will be affected. So it seems reasonable to expect a significant increase in traffic. PG&E should have anticipated this when developing this power shut off plan. Another example of their incompetence, but I guess I’m not surprised.
Do you work in IT? I do. I have for many decades. Websites run on physical servers, and require network bandwidth sufficient to support the load. You engineer your system to support your expected load, plus some spare for peak situations. It take months to acquire, install and configure these physical assets. If you overshoot, you are paying for assets never (or rarely) used. So yeah, they didn’t have enough… but if they had enough, the ratepayers would have been paying for unused assets every minute of every day of every week. One solution is to migrate your physical assets to a ‘cloud’ provider who is able to scale you up/down on demand… but there are issues there as well. No, I don’t and never have worked for PG&E.
Did PG&E hire the team that gave us the Obamacare website?.
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Dang! I just tried to pay my bill online as usual…. no way!
Site is clustered up…. oh well….. I tried.