Home » ALERT: Vehicle -vs- Pedestrian On Kirker Pass Rd. In Concord

ALERT: Vehicle -vs- Pedestrian On Kirker Pass Rd. In Concord


Concord Police are responding to a vehicle -vs- pedestrian on Kirker Pass Rd., near Olive Dr.

The pedestrian is responsive, but possibly suffered a few broken bones.

Use caution if you’re in the area.

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Can anyone help me as to how to access Concord PD on Broadcastify?……. every time I try to tune in it says under “listeners” .. Off Line. What’s the solution?

I hope the pedestrian will be ok.

Concord and Clayton are no longer on Broadcastify. I find that a big problem because you cannot find any information about emergencies in the area if needed.

That means the user who’s streaming the CPD channels via his scanner stopped the feed for whatever reason.Have looked for other feeds for weeks with no luck. I miss it too, everytime I see or hear the cops hauling butt nearby.

Unfortunately, with more and more agencies switching to encrypted systems (100% illegal for private citizens to scan), scanning the cops should soon become a thing of the past.

Concord PD dispatch is not encrypted. . . YET. I am receiving them just fine on my scanner. Only two of their six channels are encrypted. Even if they were you would still be able to listen to the fire dept. If you really want to listen then you need to shell out the cash for a real radio and not rely on other people to provide an online feed.

During the Las Vegas mass shooting, their radio communications were streamed online for thousands to listen to. Soon after that they encrypted their whole radio system. I wonder why.

Download the 5-0 Radio App.

Concord is responsible for this! I lived on olive for most of my life and this is a constant story. I have petitioned for a light at this intersection and speed bumps on Olive. The speed bumps finally went in but we never the light. I am tired of people crossing illegally and dying……

Do you have inside information that this pedestrian was trying to cross at Olive? I drove by where the car came to rest after the crash. It’s near the driveway entrance to 1505 Kirker Pass. Which is very close to Clayton Rd and not at all close to Olive Drive.So how was the city at fault for this? The closest intersection had a controlled pedestrian crosswalk.

The only thing Concord is responsible for is too many speed bumps and too many traffic lights. We, as a society, seem to have lost the ability to function using common sense and courtesy. As a result, streetlights, stop signs, etc. are required to control the idiots who can’t seem to walk, drive, ride without stuffing their faces with food, playing on their phones or running their big mouths instead of paying attention to what they should be doing. Look at any new or repaired roadway. There are now idiots signs everywhere, special dedicated bike zones, and a tiny area for a car to squeeze by. Instead of fixing 10 miles of roadway, it now costs the same amount to fix a 1/4 mile section with all of the idiot requirements. It’s not about safety, it’s about control. Freedom is gone.

burnbaby – When you choose to live in a crowded society that is the price you must pay.

I believe the pedestrian was hit near Olive but the car came to a stop a bit further down towards Clayton Rd. This stretch of road is very dangerous with people crossing to go to or from the Safeway shopping center. People getting hit or near misses happen quite frequently there.

Hey as far as speed bumps go, yes I believe they are a good thing but only if they are installed correctly. Like the ones on Landana dr . I have no problem with those you can go over those at 25 miles an hour with no problem or damage to your car….!!!!
On the other hand I’ve been over some of the so called speed bumps in this City that at 25 miles an hour would damn near knock my rearview mirror off the windshield and then let alone the possible damage to the underside of my vehicle.
If the speed limit is 25 or 35 I should be able to drive over that speedbump at the posted speed limit with no problem to my cars drivetrain or other components .
Not have to slow down to 10 to 15 miles an hour just to go over a stupid ass bump that some moron doesn’t know how to install properly … if that’s the case I would just assume have them install a stop sign instead of a launching pad to wherever …..

It is very dangerous around that area. A woman was killed there back in Sep. 2017 in the wee morning hours.

I remember that well, I saw the poor soul under a tarp surrounded by police and fire personnel as I drove by

People are always crossing where they should’nt. Why would you cross a road where the speed limit is 45 mph. I am assuming they crossed from Olive and across Kirker Pass / Ygnacio going towards Safeway? Use your crosswalks or at least look both ways and run don’t walk.

Please provide an update if possible. The woman hit was one of my neighbors.

The woman is in stable condition and it seems will survive. This is great news! It also seems that the car was not speeding, no alcohol was involved and no distracted driving. Unfortunately, it seems like the pedestrian was crossing illegally in the dark and she was wearing dark clothing.

I see or hardly see people wearing dark clothes at night all the time. Walking dogs, crossing streets etc. I wear a safety vest and light on my head while walking my dogs. I wanna make sure they see me before they run me over.



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