The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
If you had the same name as a notorious killer (Hitler, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc.), would you change your name, or would you keep it?
Talk about it….
Yes, I would change my name.
It all depends whether I liked my name or not. Charles (Chuck) and Jeffrey (Jeff) isn’t so bad, but I don’t think I’d be too happy with Adolf. What would they call me for short, Addy, Dolf, or Olf? Nope, I don’t think so.
Actually, I’ve always liked Jesse James and Al Capone, their names are kinda cool.
I would not call my valuable forum “WC,” if I were you. That is a common shorthand in Europe for “water closet,” AKA “toilet.” France: “Où est le WC?” (pronounced due-bl-vay-say).
I like “The Professor”. Why would I change it?
Besides, “The Mayor” wouldn’t post my comments if I tried to change it.
Yeah my name is unpronounceable so I change it all the time.
If I had names like those ewwwwww. I don know…
History is written by the winners. I always thought it was curious that native Mexicans retain surnames like Cortez, Coronado, etc.
There were way too many letters and syllables in the indigenous names.
Well you should ask, WC (Water Closet)!
I am a manager of others, it could only help. Let them be pleasantly surprised when I turn out to be (slightly) magnanimous. When they realize you are a “nice” guy- THAT is when they take advantage!
I have a middle name that I’m not proud of. My drill sergeants loved it!
Well, it didn’t kill you, and it mighta made you stronger!😉 I have one of those middle names too. Not many people alive know what it is.
I really didn’t read the question very well. Should say “Yep”.
Yes indeed, I would. And I would also change it even if the name was like that of a person famous for something GOOD.
I hate my last name. I’d definitely change it. I think that my parents had a sick sense of humor when they named me.
Could be worse
Your middle name could be Dover
Charge for autographs, (humor)
I wouldn’t change my name, but I might go by my middle name. Why should I have to change my name legally and go through all the headaches because somebody else tarnished it? I want the same name as my family, and no criminal is going to destroy it. I’m stronger than that.
My gardener calls me Pocho Cabrón because I look like him!
(famous Mexican actor) so I’d probably go with that.
An “actor” . . . . Was he the guy that’d eat anything?
Cabrón: Literally, a castrated goat. Mexicans understand it better as “a**hole.”
Find another gardener.
Now that was funny!!😁 Thanks for the new word too Dr. Jellyfinger. I had to look up Pocho! That’s a good word. I’ve never heard it before.
Really? Dang!
Please tell me Pinche Gringo still means “Handsome White Guy”…
or is the Housekeeper fibbing too?
Did you ever notice no one names their kid Adolph anymore?
I always use Adolf at Fuddruckers so they don’t ask me for my last name initial.
Only Dolph. Like Dolph Lundgren
Adolph’s Meat Tenderizer also slowly disappeared from the market, if I’m not mistaken.
adolphs is still readily acailable at stores… people just dont use it much…
@ Gittyup, Adidas is named after it’s founder Adolf Dassler. Adi is his nickname and in naming his company he shortened his last name to Das and came up with Adidas.
Really? I haven’t seen it in … like … thirty years. Will have to look for it.
Gittyup, I got some a couple of years ago, and I’m 92% sure I got it at Foodmaxx on Clayton Road.
Oh, I wondered where the name Adidas came from. Interesting factoid! Thanks!
I must be looking in the wrong place. I thought it would be with things like salt and pepper.
Well since you mentioned it I remember finding it back near the meat department, and thinking that was a very convenient location, but I bet they had it in the herbs and spice area too. And enough time has passed, the store’s probably been rearranged a few times.
HUMmmmm, would a store placing the Adolph’s in the meat department be an admission of selling tough meat????
You don’t need Adolph’s Meat tenderizer…. you just need the essential ingredient “Bromelain” it’s a protein-digesting (proteolytic) enzyme complex of Pineapple (specifically the stem) and it breaks down connective tissue very efficiently. Use too much & you can turn a tough steak to mush!
When Jim and I got married 21 years ago, I kept my maiden name. I figured if I changed it to Moore, I would be the target of Mary Tyler Moore jokes for the rest of my life.
My very old school late mother in law never forgave me for what she considered a mortal infraction on my part, which she would bring up at family gatherings. That, plus that we got married in a 1 witness only short ceremony in Eureka at the Carter House Inn, with no family members invited.
Ah, family.
I have a friend named Moore, jokingly he said if he ever had a son he will name him Lawn…Lawn Moore.
Haha! And Mary Tyler Moore’s name included the “Tyler” part so as not to be confused with Mary Moore.
I just went to REI for the first time. They have a big sign saying “It all started with an ice axe”. I was tempted to ask if that was the title of the Jeffrey Dahmer biography.
I’m fine with my name. However, my Grandfather’s first name was Adolph, and by the late 1930s, he switched to his middle name. Some of my cousins have argued with me about his original first name, but I have a paper trail, including census records.
I wouldn’t change my name. It isn’t my fault for whatever they did. Now if my parents used a name of some horrible person after the fact. Then I would wonder what they are thinking and change it.
My Grandma had a brother named Adolph. I like the name. But wouldn’t give it to a child.
I would definitely change my name if it had some negative connotation to it. After all, I’ve changed my name on a whim a few times in my life, just for fun!!
To change it legally is quite a hassle, or so I’ve heard. So, probably not. I’d just try to be so much better than the bad person who had the same name. I actually think it’s a copout the way so many change their name. They don’t appear to like themselves very much. Or, they don’t like something in their past and want to start over. I also think a lot of people do it for nefarious reasons … or to hide income from the government … or whatever. San Francisco and the Bay Area has become ripe with cutsie, made-up last names. And, of course, Hollywood pretty much founded the name change phenomenon. However, as the saying goes, “Where ever you go, there you are.” You’re still who you are even if you change your name.
I like the name Adolph … and Charles … and Jeffrey. Because there were criminals with the same name doesn’t effect how I feel about the name, just how I feel about the person. Besides, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people with the name who aren’t criminals.
My mother used to talk about two girls from Arkansas she grew up with. The last name was Hogg and they named the two girls Ima and Ura. In a case like that, yes, I think it was cruel of the parents, and I wouldn’t hold it against the girls if they changed their names. Most other instances, I think it’s dishonest.
Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg is horribly cruel. My dad went to school with Ima June Bug, and I knew a Chanda Leir. What were these parents thinking?
They must not have been thinking at all! That a horrible thing to do to a child. Kinda hostile, even!
I once had a doctor who’s last name was Manson. He was my OBGYN when I pregnant with my daughter. He came highly recommended, the best around, was very costly & wasn’t taking new patients at the time. But long story short he took me as a patient. Many many years later he killed his wife & is now spending the remainder of his life behind bars!!! CREEPY!
Remember when Frank Zappa named his kids “Dweezil and Moon Unit”?…..doesn’t seem that weird now days.
Frank Zappa always maintained it would be their last name that would get them into trouble.