Home » UPDATE: CPD: Reckless Driving Appears To Be Cause Of Overturned Vehicle In Concord High School Parking Lot

UPDATE: CPD: Reckless Driving Appears To Be Cause Of Overturned Vehicle In Concord High School Parking Lot


Concord Police have released more information on the overturned vehicle in the parking lot of Concord High School today.


Police say according to several witnesses, the juvenile driver of the SUV was driving recklessly in the parking lot of the high school shortly after classes let out for the day.

The SUV overturned in the parking lot, causing minor to moderate injuries to three of the four juvenile passengers.

The solo-vehicle collision is currently under investigation.
photo credit: Concord Police Dept.

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Oh that poor, poor chil’…. please don’t charge him for reckless driving or suspend him from school…. He’s basically a good kid…. A misunderstood Yout’

Uh… did you say yutes?

“Did you say yout?…what’s a yout?”


He wasn’t screwing around…
He was only attempting to make a yute turn.

@S . I get it! I love that movie! “Did you say yout?”

Like Homer Simpson once said, “Why do the things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?!?”

Looks like some of the stuff my almost 90 yr old husband and his friends used to do at MT Diablo high..yrs ago…kid screwed up showing off.learned lesson the hard way. Critics. Remember back…hope No one is seriously hurt.

New nickname, . . . . Squirrel.

Cops shoulda went all Rodney King on the driver

Congratulations, Garth. You are the problem.

Did the driver resist?

Tow that SUV back to the drive way of that juvenile’s parents home. It would be a nice reminder just how proud his parents are with his judgement. Meanwhile, the parents will find out their auto insurance policy doesn’t cover stupid. Those emergency room and hospitalization fees for the passengers will come out of his allowance for life!

Insurance does cover stupid acts.

It would have to be intentional wrecking of the auto and if a claim were then filed, possibly insurance fraud.

That’s not to say the insurer could cancel the policy after paying the claim.

Just swangin in the Concord ‘hood, showin the homeboys how it’s done. Obviously the driver had been watching sideshow videos from Oakland. Keep in mind the Oakland guys never put their Mom’s car at risk. And that girl he was trying to impress will never go out with him now.

Didn’t many of us do stupid things back when we were that age, and equally stupid? Some of us learned, while others continue their stupid ways into adulthood.

Um, no. Many of us did not. A big part of the decision not to do stupid things was knowing that our parents would hold us accountable. This is why free range children will have a difficult time.

But who “swangs” a Jeep? And there was no girl that he was tying to impress. Literally nobody swings AWD vehicle. Just another adult with no current facts in your claim

I don’t think you understand the term “free range children.”

Perhaps the driver didn’t understand the difference between spinning and rolling.

This “Fast and Furious” wannabe is a BIG FAIL! When have you seen a suv doing donuts!? Those seem to me done in cars that are low to the ground. Scary to think he has a license. Bet he was was screaming YOLO, but when he crash he must have thought YODO.


Let it be that this “kid” worked and saved all summer to buy this car. And please let it be that he’s uninsured.

My daughter goes there and sent me pictures. We had a conversation about it and the school did a call to parents. Nobody is supporting this obviously very poor decision or making light of the situation, but maybe we could make it a learning opportunity. Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt and it could have been so much worse. I hope this can serve as a reminder for everyone to hug those they love tightly and remind them the possible consequences for stupid spontaneous decisions.

My daughter goes there and sent me pictures. The school called and informed parents of the accident. Nobody is supporting this obviously very poor decision or making light of the situation. Thankfully nobody was seriously hurt and it could have been so much worse. I hope we can all take this opportunity to hug the ones we love and make it a reminder of the potentially very dangerous consequences of very stupid spontaneous decisions.

A fool and his Parent’s money

Boy that’s better than what they bring in for “Every 10 minutes”…..Glad no one was hurt seriously…..or killed…Wonder how he will explain this one……

Ban reckless teen drivers!

We should change the driving age to 21!

(Sarcasm Off)

If you think the accident in the parking lot was bad you should have seen the one when he got home.😭

Certainly we make bad decisions when we are young. I had my share of stupid and bad decision, fortunately it never involved putting others in danger. I grew up in Denmark and was a teen ager in the late fifties and early sixties, at that time young people in Denmark did not have cars, often neither did parents. We took our bikes, and if we wanted to get to town ( I grew up in the country) we took the bus or rode the bike to the train station and then took the train. On Saturday’s when we often went to a Club, the last train left at 12:30 so those of us who lived out of town had to be on it. At times we went into Copenhagen (30 miles away) to go to a popular jazz club (American jazz players was a stable there Dexter Gordon) and we could take the what was called the milk train, around 3 or 4 in the morning.
The worst I remember in term of accidents is when my girl-friends bike was broke she got on the back of mine, and we came tearing down a hill and ended up in a snow drift, very soft landing. I think when young people get a drivers license they need to understand that a lot of responsibility comes with it, if not handled properly it can cause great harm to not only others, but the driver as well. In worse case scenario it can ruin a young persons life, if the are found responsible for killing someone by driving recklessly.

what a moron highschooler, get your L’s up kid, thats a small parking lot to flip in… you really have to have low brain cells to pull that one off, why dont they do some more whip its and moutain dew.

Kids being stupid. Hopefully they learned their lesson and their parents revolk their driving privledges and divide all costs incurred between the fools involved.

Well, there goes that driver’s license.

If this had happened at Mt Diablo, I can guarantee that comments would be different and very negative because it’s Mt Diablo. I just hope the driver and other students learned a valuable lesson and one they’ll never forget.

I believe the young man is lacking in good character values.

Character values are taught and reinforced by parents who have good character values.

Life seems so simple in your black and white world.

He just upped his popularity with the other clowns at CHS. Man, you’re BAAAAD

The kid made a mistake! It’s rude and inconsiderate to put the entire school down. Oh and where does your child attend school?

But, does it top this one


Get the Student Body together for a viewing of “Red Asphalt.”

It’s a shame that drivers ed and so many other program are cut from school budgets because California thinks the money should be spent elsewhere.

His next move is to go to Oakland for one of their dazzling street corner car shows. Probably what he was trying to do in the school parking lot. Good humor going today.

Please let me be his parent for few hours

Lucky all they did was flip and not kill some one…

Young and dumb!

Does Driver’s Ed these days cover the fact that you need a rear wheel drive car to do donuts? Hard to do with FWD or AWD cars (which most SUVs are).

Mom, my CHILD is a 53 year old very successful business man. When he was in school he knew how to push the envelope and also had the good sense to stop. Discipline is a lost art these days.

you’re kiddin’… Right?

My friend just moved into the townhouses next to the school and we heard the student screeching their tires before the roll. There is no reason to drive like that ever. Lesson learned don’t drive like an asshole. Also, the driver could have killed someone, which would be so much worse than wrecking their car. This is a common occurrence in this lot there was a cat last Saturday doing doughnuts for 5 minutes, with no one even batting an eye.

Events like this are the reason CHS is losing so many good kids to other schools, and left w/ so many transfer students. I have seen others label this kid as a “good” kid. Um- what is the definition of “good”? have we fallen that far to realize that good kids do not break the law by having others in the car when they are not supposed to or driving reckless in a HS parking lot? CHS deserves to lose good kids then and be left with the scum.

There are idiot teen drivers at every single high school in the nation. They are not “scum.” And they certainly are not the reason for CHS’ decline. Though, I would point out, it’s just different. It’s not a rich white school any more. Deal with it.

No surprise… the kids today are dumb as rocks! That’s why they had to lower the standards for the test to pass high school a few times over the years.

Good thing nobody was seriously injured. Mandatory lic suspension coming…

18 years ago a Concord high student named Tamin was in his brothers car as they drove recklessly down Concord Blvd after school. He died about 20 yards from where this SUV flipped over.



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