Home » Bay Area Study Links Increasing Number Of Teens To Vaping

Bay Area Study Links Increasing Number Of Teens To Vaping


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It took a study to figure this out?

Maybe another half cent sales tax, or so, can also fix this.


Just how dumb are parents????? ALL of the vaping products have a smell. If the parents do not realize that their child is doing this it is 100% their own fault. I talk to my child ALL the time about that and we have an honest conversation about smoking and vaping AND drinking.
It is up to the parents to be aware of their own child.

I could not agree more mattfromconcord. jimmyjam must not be a parent, clueless or both.

yes Matt from Concord, your kid will NEVER vape because you had an honest conversation about smoking, vaping and drinking. you should teach a master class on perfect parenting in a mad mad world.

Teenagers try things. That’s what they do. As a teen I tried cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, a pipe, a stogie and various alcohols. Pot didn’t hit my town until just after I graduated. Don’t panic. It’s normal.

the title makes it sound like vaping is increasing the number of teens, a terrifying prospect for sure!

Ok… another hint… Vaping odor doesn’t necessarily cling to ones body and clothes like smoke from weed and tobacco. If your kid doesn’t have allergies or a cold, but is still hacking up a lung…. HINT HINT HINT…

Vaping is much less intrusive than smoking outright perhaps behind the times a tad. I vaped inside my own house nobody knew if I just opened a window and (for the lungs) it is 90% less harsh than smoking outright. I lit a joint at Eric Clapton ’90 was a kind of embarrassed lol -was his well it blues set- but vaping produces 90% less harshness and coughing by a factor of 10. Long term effects… it gave me acne just tell kids that and there is no problem.

Ban all nicotine products. Make it illegal and with stiff punishments if caught using. I compare cigarette smokers to crack addicts. Smoking will not only kill you but others around you. Ban it all!

Ban all alchohol, soda, fast food, where does it stop. Maybe parents shouldb be more engaged with their kids. Alchohol kills thousands of innocent lives every year. Why not alcohol to traumarx.

this is a very serious problem in our schools. I work at a local school, and the kids we catch vaping in the restrooms are many. vaping is more concentrated and they are getting high and staying high. we don’t worry about mass shootings at our schools because we had not had one. god forbid the day but i have had kids run up to me high off their butt from vaping. this is a very serious issue. to parents, educate yourself on this and stop vaping yourself !!!

Goodness. I hope you’re a janitor…

Trauma I agree partly. I guess we should also ban alcohol, high calorie foods,soda, fast foods too since most Americans are obese. That is high on the list of health issues, obesity causes heart disease , type 2 DM, high blood pressure, etc. Seems like everything is bad for us nowadays 🙂

I literally own millions in tobacco company stock. It’s one if the best investments I’ve had for 40 years that allowed me to retire very early.
Everytime I see people smoking it’s money in my pocket.

Banning tobacco products will never happen.

There are “Socially Responsible Mutual Funds”. Maybe it’s time to start a “Socially Irresponsible Mutual Fund” to provide some diversification. There are a lot of companies to invest in that make dangerous products.

I had pneumonia as a kid. Extremely painful. Had to force myself to breath. Scared me off of smoking or doing anything else to mess up my lungs.

I vaped for a spell (in leu of smoking) and it actually created bad cystic acne on my face. Took me a year to realize. It was the heavy metals heated in the process so I knew after this was bad juju never went back.

why are Parents so afraid to talk to their teens? NOW IS NOT A GOOD TIME TO TURN YOUR BACK ON THEM …You will live to regret it and so will they,. in an iron lung.

Because today’s parents are as (if not more) checked out than their teens.

Huh – so inhaling chemicals into the lungs can cause problems…

Who could have ever foreseen such a thing…

Given the road we went down with tobacco – I can’t believe (well actually I can) that this crap is legal…

Do people have any idea how ridiculous they look sucking on one of those stupid vape pens? Probably not, I guess.

Here is a generation that did not live through the whole tobacco revelations, nor see their loved ones struggling to take a breath at the end of their lives, their fragile bodies racked with lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic lung disease. It’s a lesson too late.



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