A missing Discovery Bay woman found dead in the water Wednesday night died by asphyxia due to drowning, according to the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office.
A man flagged down a deputy shortly before 9:30 p.m. Tuesday to report that his wife, 53-year-old Ching “Ping” Chen, had gone missing around 7 p.m. from their home in the 5500 block of Beaver Lane near Cornell Park, an area surrounded by water, sheriff’s officials said.
Deputies were not able to find her during an initial search or during subsequent efforts Wednesday morning. At about 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Chen’s body was found submerged in the water behind a residence on Beaver Lane, according to the sheriff’s office.
Chen’s body was recovered and turned over to the county coroner’s office. The results of her autopsy were released Thursday afternoon.
Drowning after she supposedly went outside to water plants. So many questions in this matter. I’ll just leave it at that.
Alot of the Delta dwellers like to use river water to water their plants, just fill up a pail or a planter’s water can. The city water isn’t too bad but well water out here is nasty.
Unless you have actual facts, stop with the suspicion. She could have slipped and fallen in her sandals, as she was cleaning her back dock area, or as Dr. Jelly describes, reached in for water and fell in and swept to a neighbors back yard area. Her poor husband has enough to deal with without your two sense.
Aunt Barbara, Do you have any actual facts? If not then you are no different than Mary with your suspicions. This website is designed for discussion and that is exactly what Mary is doing, posing a question that could possibly get a discussion going.
Yeah, Dr. Jellyfinger stop with your two sense. I don’t care which two you stop with either; sight?, hearing?, feeling?, smelling?, touch? You pick. As far as your comment goes, you have just as much of a right to an opinion as Barbara, but that’s just my two cents.
If we had to wait for facts before discussing an issue, every thread on Claycord would be blank. And which two senses do you think we don’t need?
@Leoclown: You mean Aunt Barbara.
@ Leoclown ~ LoL!
Thanks, but I think Aunt Barbara was addressing Mary Fouts.
@Mary Fouts
That is a callous statement.
Is this the everybody pile on Mary Fouts thread?
Dr. Jellyfinger was presenting some legitimate context based on his knowledge of the area which might have otherwise been overlooked. As such, it is helpful to those feeling the need to resolve the ambiguity of the event at this juncture. Since he is familiar with the area, and seemingly with the habits of those in residence, I believe he is competant to speak with authority regarding a possible scenario.
Did she even know how to swim? It’s a water-based community. Too many boaters who don’t know how to swim don’t wear life jackets and end up in the water. Could be something similar here. I hope they continue to release info on this matter – it’s a curious incident.
So sad. My condolences to the family.
So sorry..Rest peacefully..
The circumstances are a bit odd, but accidents happen. Maybe she had some kind of disability or injury that made her unable to swim. Maybe she fainted or had some kind of heart attack. Maybe foul play… I hope more details come to light in this case.
Any way, my condolences to her family and loved ones.
@John P. Not very well.
Barbara, Dr Jelly Fingers never said anything about her slipping & falling…
Just chill folks…RIP
Wow, what a debate we have going. Jut sorry to hear of a tragic death, so sorry for her family.
I was sorry too. Such a compelling face. Quite likable.
Two cents.
Two bits
Dime piece
Chump change
Kings ransome
Pieces of eight
Bank notes
Checks – don’t laugh, the newest generation won’t know this.