The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
The words “felon,” “offender,” “convict,” “addict” and “juvenile delinquent” would be part of the past in official San Francisco parlance under new “person first” language guidelines adopted by the Board of Supervisors, according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Going forward, what was once called a convicted felon or an offender released from jail will be a “formerly incarcerated person,” or a “justice-involved” person or simply a “returning resident.” A juvenile “delinquent” will become a “young person with justice system involvement,” or a “young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.” the Chronicle reported.
QUESTION: What are your thoughts on this?
I was watching the news with my daughter this morning and this was being reported…she simply said, “this reminds me of the book 1984…”
Orwell was a prophet
A perfect reason why the far-Left Democrats need to be voted out of office. I’m guessing that the insane/felon/addict voting block is a majority in California.
My first thought was of the Orwell’s 1984 also. I also think that “1984” actually started in the 90’s and we are closer than ever.
I’m never sure if we are seeing a slide into ‘1984’ or ‘Animal Farm’. Both fit our state to some degree.
Political correctness to that extreme is par for the course for the far left. “Returning resident” has a nice ring to it. If you catch me in the summer, please spare me the details of your “vacation.”
What I find baffling is that most San Franciscans are normal everyday people who are fed up with the city’s politics, yet they keep voting for the far left.
“Stupid is as stupid does” Forest Gump
Its becuase in not San Franciscans voting.
It’s a beautiful thing, the Destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn’t only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms. After all, what justification is there for a word, which is simply the opposite of some other word? A word contains its opposite in itself. Take ‘good,’ for instance. If you have a word like ‘good,’ what need is there for a word like ‘bad’? ‘Ungood’ will do just as well – better, because it’s an exact opposite, which the other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of ‘good,’ what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like ‘excellent’ and ‘splendid’ and all the rest of them? ‘Plusgood’ covers the meaning or ‘doubleplusgood’ if you want something stronger still. Of course we use those forms already, but in the final version of Newspeak there’ll be nothing else. In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be covered by only six words – in reality, only one word. Don’t you see the beauty of that, Winston?
Nothing surprises anymore in liberal PC California. I was just telling a co-worker today about a wayward youth and I said, “He’s probably in Juvy right now.” I guess now I should say, “the poor little dear is in that hotel that houses those young people with justice system involvement.”
What Chester said.
“young person impacted by the juvenile justice system”
More like facing the consequences of criminal actions, but sure it is easier to pretend that the state is oppressing our poor criminals.
It is interesting that the criminals are “impacted by the criminal justice system” and the victims do not exist in the minds of the far-Left. The direction California is headed is a dead-end. Hope I get out before the train-wreck.
This whole political correctness thing is getting way outta hand. I’m sick of it!
Sandy, clearly the authoritarian left doesnt understand that rampant political correctness is one of several factors that led to the election of President Donald Trump.
And they wonder whybthere’s a great California exodus, travel to SF is down,and homeless keep moving in? Keep it up SF… soon it will be just like the French during Lois and Marie Antonette rule…2 classes of people those who have and those who have noy… that ended well too
This is what the leftists have asked for. I’d love for one of them to show up and justify this.
“Justice involved person” means nothing. What is this individual? A perpetrator? A suspect? A convicted felon? A cop? A prosecutor? A judge? A juror? These are all “justice involved” people. Keep electing these dullards.
“Justice involved person” – pretty sure that means a judicial consort.
Kate Steinle murderer just became a “Laws and Regulations Impacted Person.” SMH
Just when I thought I’ve heard everything…absolutely ridiculous 😮
Won’t be long before everyone needs a personal guard. The idiots in charge are coming for you.
changing the name does not change what they ARE…
If that helps…..
Why do we even care what they do in SF? Their world is unfamiliar to normal rational people.
That being said, took a stroll with visiting friends across the Golden Gate bridge yesterday and it was spectacular. Capped off the evening with cocktails at the Top of the Mark. Can’t find anything like that on Clayton Rd.
Short people will now be know as vertically challenged.
Fat people as horizontally distributed
Drug addicts will be chemically dependent
Bald people hair deprived
The list shall go on……
Lol. Love it. Never thought of myself as vertically challenged before. Hum. Maybe If I start thinking this way I might quit getting so upset about being short. Lol.
And tall people are vertically enhanced. I’m the one who has to clean the top of the fridge because my vertically challenged wife cant see it 🙂
@ Simonpure,…Ha! That was cute!
And to add to the list would be “Housewife” or “Homemaker”, which can be a “Domestic Engineer”, and I am since I can sling a hammer, use a screwdriver, small electrical repairs, sheet rock, paint, build a rock wall, and dig fence post, etc. But if I say Domestic Engineer, people don’t get it,..LOL!
I wonder how much time was spent by these officials to come up with this nonsense…. how about compassion for the victims or will they just be overlooked …
This nomenclature removes victims from the equation entirely. It is a no-fault system of designating those who have run afoul of the law without placing blame. Sort of like “The Devil made me do it,” and just about as mature.
“The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”
George Orwell, 1984
Just watch. The next move will be to allow them to vote, since they’re no longer “felons”.
Nothing that comes from San Francisco or Florida surprises me anymore.
Felons can already vote in California after they completed their sentence and are off parole.
If we are going to let felons vote, and restore their civil liberties, then…they should be allowed to own a gun. It’s only logical.
God forbid we call it what it is. No one is responsible for there actions since they may be labeled a felon.
What I hate is the Department of Child Support Services insistence in using the terms “Custodial Parent” and “Non-Custodial Parent” even when there is joint custody. Why not “Working Parent” and “Deadbeat”?
Pyrrhus, the system is designed to focus on enforcing child support orders but not custody orders. It provides monetary incentive for one parent to disobey custody orders and the DCSS choice of terminology provides verbal cover. What is best is for children to have both parents in their life.
“Beam me up, Scotty!”
They have their words, I have mine.
Junkies, Bums, Parasites, Thieves, Murderers, Perverts, Gangbangers,
Add “junior” for anyone under the age of 18.
Where are our predictable HuffPo talking points from the 3 Claycord liberals? CY will be sure to praise these important, marginalized victims of The Man. They’re busy turning their lives around. I know.
This takes idiocy to the extreme. Bunch of fools running the city.
I agree Tim, but one of their own became governor of California. Gavin Newsom.
I guess they have nothing better to do…like run a city. What a worthless group. I guess homeless people are just “street residents.”
the war between bezerkly and SF is ramping up
man holes and plastic straws were the first victims
next is names …..you will be able to designate yourself as a frog if you like
or a horse or a cobra ….cool right …oooh left sorry
the best part is this is wanted ….I mean its like giving a 1 year old a huge piece of steak or chicken breast to chew on and no smashed food at all
or better next sf will be placing sniff monitors all over the city and if you don’t smell you will be ousted back to Oakland or san Bruno or marin
oh yeah and ridding the city of any police and or laws
when does martial law start ?
why not just letter designations for everyone ….or better numbers on the arm ….seriously
My first reaction on reading this was to check the calendar–thought it was April 1st–
You put lipstick on a pig, you still have a pig……
Exactly. And somebody please tell me that not 1 red cent was spent on this lunacy.
That would be a facially enhanced porcine entity.
@chicken – you are absolutely correct. Please forgive my faux pas….
Have a great day!
It’s both hilarious & sinister. While the world laughs at the left’s escalating idiocy, they continue asserting incremental control over every aspect of life & personal freedom. This is not going to end well …
They only succeed if everyone cooperates with them and adopts their idiocy as one’s own.
Orwell warned us about control of the language by the government, and SF is only happy to implement it. Mamba is right on the money. So is Savage. It’s a lot more than just being “PC”‘, it has legal implications.
Just another reason to stay away.
They should take these punk kids who get in trouble and send them to military boot camp and a mandatory 2 year military service. If they screw up there, then the military has a way of dealing with them. As for the rest of the scum including these politicians, put on Alcatraz, sink orvswim.
I am afraid people are not taking this as serious as it is. There are vocal socialists and communists that are taking over our state. The ones that yell the loudest and yell racists are winning the day. You say why worry that is San Francisco but it is already here in CCC. Crime right now is horrendous and it is going to get worse. Young people seem to be oblivious to the situation and they are going to suffer the most.
Re: Sancho Panza. Your daughter is a smart child! This constant assault on terms and other forms of language is a form of “weaponized words” to destroy a society and all culture and tradition. Simply study the FRANKFURT SCHOOL and their communist manifesto: a list of 11 steps to destroy a civilization. You will then see what America is set to become under liberalism more quickly than I expected. Mark DeSaulnier along with almost 99.9% of his fellow so-called “democratic party” politicians at the city, county, state and federal level are pushing this AGENDA along with the sexualizing of our youth through normalizing LGBTQ…XYZ and soon pedophilia (Google: Jeffrey Epstein and the MEGA GROUP); the destruction of Christian values; the destruction of the nuclear family; the destruction of America’s icons through the removal of our forefathers statues, pictures, etc. and the abolishment of the First Amendment which is completely being eradicated today under weaponized terms such as white supremacist, white GUILT, white privilege, etc. which is used against anyone who has a dissenting opinion. Funny how the people who say they espouse beliefs such ss “diversity is our strength,” “inclusion,” and embrace illegal aliens, sanctuary cities and states as if doing so benefits our country as they live off the Government through welfare subsidies are the very people supporting eradicating our very freedom of speech if we disagree with them! How American, huh? Berkeley recently banned the use of the following terms: manhole and man hour along with other terms they felt were sexist. The terms are now “maintenance hole” and “human effort” to please the policymakers quests and insatiable appetites to destroy both common sense and our very way of life. Next they will eradicating ST. PATRICK’S DAY and implement laws normalizing beastiality. Think I am kidding? I am not! People need to WAKE UP outside the Claycord.com crowd that seem to have far more sense than the rest of the populace in the state of CA.
Ministry of Truth of the City and County of San Francisco is hard at work I see. When will the new American Standard Dictionary “Newspeak” be released I wonder?
As someone mentioned earlier, this is George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Aw, yes, crazy San Francisco is at it again. Where judges release crazy people who assault women because crazy is how they ‘identify’ and the woman was asking for it because she was in her right mind.
If there is no word for it does it really exist? Sounds like a gestalt philosophy question to me. The real question is, “What will San Francisco do when they run out of other people’s money?
So we are looking for this um guy, who escaped a detention center for um, people who have done some, uh, I guess I can say it, crimes of a serious nature. As a hint, he can no longer own a gun. Even though he is under 18 he is a serious, correct me if I’m using the wrong word, threat, due to his repeated use of a substance that makes you want to use it again and again and again.
“A person of ambiguous gender and racial origins did something that may have impacted another person. We are unable to determine if it happened, was serious, or should be prosecuted because we might actually be living in a simulated reality, in which case “it” never really happened.” Press release from the S.F. Ministry of Justice
Sounds very much like what’s her name’s (The Squad) comment about 9/11, “Some prople did something.”
Its become harder to live life as a tax paying citizen who contributes to the community. Its starting to make more sense to do as I please, drugs, steel and take the tax payers money. Everything is going towards comfort of criminals.
So the idea is to minimize accountability with nice soft touchy feely terms. Only someone who sings kumbaya every night could come up with this.
It’s ironic that the article below this one talks about upcoming earthquakes. That will be sound of thousands of people who fought to make this country better, all turning over in their graves at once.
Agree with most posts
All scary sf political stupidity aside
This one is a warning shot as to how far this communist socialist government has gotten
You have no one to blame after this ….when it really gets ugly
New scum is in power and not leaving
Sf is his himler and yes the blitecreige is already here
Looks like the left has finally read and implemented George Orwell’s 1984. We are now replacing the English language with “Newspeak” vs. you know, “Oldspeak.” Just a bunch of hooey.
Frank Jordan, please come back to SF; you’re needed urgently!
You can’t make this stuff up, absolute insanity run amok. SF and Berkeley always provide lots of material for comedians, always great jokes…
We should also avoid the use of term VICTIM. It suggests that something negatively impacted a person. In the future crime victims should be referred to as those who have interacted with a justice-involved person.
Just think kids won’t play cops and robbers any more, there will be no more bad guys and certainly no more good guys.
The city that gave us the “Twinkies Verdict” in the Dan White trial has done it again.
This crap has gotten beyond ridiculous.
So you would vote for a non-republican idiot (cali has many of them), versus a middle ground, insightful Republican? Congratulations, not much of a thought process there. My vote is based on the person, not the party.
Unless you (and a lot of other people) start voting Republican…this nonsense will be the new normal. Single-Party Rule always turns out badly.
If it happens in San Francisco, it will happen in Contra Costa! Have you listened to our District Attorney? She is something straight (no pun intended) out of a Kafka novel!
It’s just another example of how in California(and especially San Francisco) the people who were once the bad guys are now the good guys, and how the good guys are now the bad guys. The bottom line is that state democrat government cares more about criminals than it does about honest responsible law abiding citizens.
Whenever I hear stupid things like this – my first thought is, how much time and money will be wasted on this. Are they going to throw out tons of paper forms with the wrong words on them, then spend thou$ands on new forms? Or is it computerized – so they’ll 86 the existing programs and pay a software company million$ to re-write, install, then train City Dummies to use a new program? Meanwhile, a guy is running down Market Street firing a gun at random. A candy store owner is put in a chokehold by a homeless freak and his son has to use a bat to rescue him. A woman is attacked trying to get into the door of her condo….. But the SF Board of Stupes are only concerned with which PC words to use.
Great post ,spot on thank you.
You are so right! The more frequent and serious the offenses become the more inane and silly the focus of the leadership.
Not like it’s maybe going to … confuse the issue … or anything …
Tragic. All we need to do is change words and the problem is gone. This kind of thought pattern leads one to think that the folks who voted in these Bozos in SF are certainly getting what they deserve. Next, time to legalize whatever behavior du jour that is unsolvable and voila! Problem gone. So sad, it’s comedic. Glad I don’t live their and try never to go there.
Do you feel anything for the person who gets $900 stolen from his car instead of $950 which would have put the thief away for awhile instead of just getting a ticket. Doesn’t make any difference what the majority thinks it is the loud mouth left that gets its way.
Annnd. YOU are the problem here. All pf this rap turns people off. Most are just too stupid to realize that voting for liberals means destruction. They are only concerned with their immediate self gratification and getting stuff promised to them for free. You all are ruining my state.
I agree it’s stupid, but it’s a non-binding resolution not endorsed by the Mayor. So not a law change, I think it’s important to note.
Are you friggin’ serious Pyrrrhus ?
Does any real work get done by this governing body? To me, this is nothing more than political correctness gone haywire. Better things to do people!
Does any real work get done by this governing body? To me, this is nothing more than political correctness gone haywire. Better things to do people!
so did I. my girl friend broke up with me. She heard I was pumping ethyl. (ok all you youngin editors…. befoe you delete this…ethyl was what we called premium gas).
This is ridiculous! A felon is a felon. Quit watering down the true meaning of the offenceses people commit. They deserve everything they get.
This is absolutely ridiculous! Honestly, it is! I mean how many months, days, hours, $$$ were wasted spent developing ‘feel good’ terminologies for criminals? Is this some Chicken Soup for the Soul Criminal edition?
Oh and don’t get me started about Berkeley and the whole manhole thing. Ridiculous! Is this what we want the focus to be on? They can rename manholes, urinals, microwaves, toasters, mailboxes and paperclips AFTER they make progress addressing REAL problems in the community!
They need to step out of the comforts of their air conditioned, catered lunch boardrooms and take a good look around outside in the areas they represent!
TOTALLY AGREE! STOP trying to pretty everything up.
~Signed a Left Lib
Cease with your ignorance and stereotyping!
Just like anyone climbing the career ladder, you earn your title. If you attempt a short cut, you earn the title of felon, convict, or juvenile delinquent. These titles are not assigned, they are earned.
Is this fair? Yes.
Next they will start calling drug dealers undocumented pharmacists.
Next using the term “Illegal Immigrant “ will be considered “Hate Speech”
Haven’t you heard? Illegals are now considered undocumented Americans.
“Next using the term “Illegal Immigrant “ will be considered “Hate Speech””
Who cares? So called “hate speech” is protected speech.
Next? I was thinking a good old fashioned book burning. Goodbye
William Faulkner
Ernest Hemingway
Mark Twain
Harper Lee
Jack London
John Steinbeck
Washington Irving
F.Scott Fitzgerald
At least we know where all the village idiots go once they are kicked out of their own village.
I can see the good in showing compassion, giving a second chance and not stigmatizing a person. We must pray for those who are trying again. On the other hand I hope law enforcement is strict when crimes are committed – for all our sakes!
Ok fine.. as long as we replace those words with Princess, Fairy, Butterfly, Angel and Tootsie, otherwise NO.
SF is beginning to make the 1960’s in Berkeley seem sane!
The current instigators are definitely from that era. The terrorist group Antifa, is probably spawned from these old Yippies. They all look retated.
In some respects, I hope you both are right because it means eventually the whole thing will burn itself out.
They should be called what they are. Stop with the sugar coating. A thief is a thief, a criminal is a criminal no matter the age, race or sex.
The liberals and Dem’s really don’t have anything worthwhile to do once they get in office it appears.
Felis Catus is your taxonomic nomenclature
An endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses
Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses
I find myself intrigued by your sub-vocal oscillations
A singular development of cat communications
That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.
A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance
And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion
Oh Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display
Denote a fairly well developed cognitive array
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.
– Data –