The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Several schools around the Nation are making students use clear backpacks, so administrators can see what’s inside the bag at all times.
QUESTION: Do you think schools should make kids have clear backpacks to make it more difficult to hide weapons or drugs?
Talk about it….
We have gotten down to that have we? Don’t blame this on Trump.
It begins with hate and fear. So yes blame your wonderful president.
ilovepopcorn: Your Democratic leaders are self serving demagogues.
The sooner you and your peers, recognize this the sooner America will get on the fast track towards recuperating from socialist tactics put into place by your lyin’ thievin’ leaders.
Once America is firmly recovered, the rest of the world will benefit from oure expidited generosity, as it has in the past.
There was no hate and fear prior to Trump? Wow – we’d better get started re-writing history.
I would prefer this over metal detectors or no backpacks at all…
The government should provide clothing and backpacks to all students along with free 3 meals a day! Students rights now!!!
No, because those that carry such items will just find another way….
It is a good start. WE must do all we can even if we cannot stop every nut job.
If there a playboy magazine in the clear backpack will that count?
Oh my gosh Concordejet…that’s so sexist 🙂 Well I guess if one lives in Berkeley it would be.
Playboy mag in the backpack? With all the porn available online why would any kid be lugging around a Playboy mag. Ahhh, now I get it, for history class. “See here kids, this is how young men used to get a wank.”
No, not only is it an invasion of privacy and is a violation of the 4th Amendment. Of course we all know the US Constitution is meaningless to the liberal left.
It punishes everybody because of the actions of a few students. It can also be a financial hardship on some families who will have to buy another backpack and if they have several kids, they will have to buy several backpacks. Then, what do they do with their old backpacks?
What happened to the idea of bulletproof backpacks?
Personally I’m against backpacks because of the potential back and shoulder problems they may cause.
I guess it would depend on the circumstances at the individual school, but I’m not a big fan of taking away personal liberties under the guise of security unless there’s no way around it.
Stupid idea, plus do we really need more plastic from China?
I think it’s a ridiculous idea therefore I bet California will be first to require them. They will then place a large tax on the sale of the backpacks under the guise of using the money to prevent gun violence when in reality they will be using the money to further their evil Liberal agenda which is complete control and domination of the human race. How’s that for a run on sentence?
I’m trying to picture a bulletproof plastic backpack…
I’d like to see the ballistic reports on that backpack where it claims it will stop a 44 Magnum, a .45 Hollowpoint etc.
the 44 n 45 are not rounds typically used… and if a kid is hit (in the backpack) with one of these rounds it will certainly knock them down, making them a sitting duck. other articles had comments deleted that the 223 rounds and such can go thru thoses backpacks like butter…. people need this information before they think about a purchase… and…. it is my understanding that kids are taught to leave everything behind including their backpacks and just run like the dickens .
Clear backpacks are not new. But they are a stupid idea. A kid can put a weapon or drugs in a lunch bag, inside a clear backpack. Nothing changed except now its two zippers to get to the weapon or drugs.
Absolutely NOT!
Clear backpacks are kind of geek-looking. You don’t want the kid to look geeky, do you?
Besides…having things inside a clear backpack is an invitation for other kids to steal.
Never carried back packs in my day. That’s what lockers were for.
Just carried a binder and turned books in at the end of class, unless there was an assignment.
Backpacks cause stooped posture and trouble.
Why is life getting so hard these days?
Liberals: OMG, we have to do SOMETHING to make our kids safer!
School officials: From now on, we will require all backpacks to be clear plastic.
Liberals: Oh, muh liberties, muh invasion of privacy! Just ban guns instead.
Why do they need backpacks? May sound like a stupid question but I’ve been out of school for a long, long time….