Fuddruckers, located at 1910 N. Main St. in Walnut Creek, is closing on Aug.18.
The business, which has been there for 22-years, will close to make room for a six-story, mixed-use building consisting of 135 residential units and approximately 7,000 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor.
The Concord location will remain open.
It’s odd how Walnut Creek seems to be the only city that is constantly adding more housing. I used to enjoy walking around down there but they got rid of all the “regular” people places and it’s just high end stores now. Crime has increased, parking is ridiculous.
I too miss the old regular stores. Broadway Plaza was walkable with awnings to protect from the elements and no fear of being robbed or witnessing one strolling down the lane
Emporium, Livingston and I Magnin was the high end.
Hofbrau, Lyons, Emporium cafe served great comfort food at reasonable prices. I miss the good life
Yes, having a Starbucks on every corner just isn’t my dream cup of tea. And forget about riding a bike down there in cutoffs, tee and tennies.
I had my first Chefs Salad at Sizzlers, the older ladies loved showing me around back when I was still a teen at my first job. It was a kinder era. More open and honest in many respects. A perfectly laid back and atmosphere, as I remember it.
Just what Walnut Creek needs……1 more condo building.
Wonder who on the city council is making the money allowing a new condo/apartment on almost every corner.
A city council member was in my dentist reception area and I asked why so many condos? She said the State of California is forcing the city to build them!
I call BS on whoever that person who said that.
@ilovepopcorn: Interesting. Well if that is the case, it that does go along with Agenda 21. Start moving everyone out of their homes and into urban centers. Fires leveling towns (see: Paradise, CA) and forcing people to relocate. I had thought it was a conspiracy theory, but looking around at all of the condos being built next to BART and, well, everywhere, it does make me wonder. Who the eff wants to live there?
INSANE! When is this going to stop? How many more luxury condos/apartments do we need in this area? From what I can tell the new luxury apartments that were built across from WC BART are mostly still vacant – how about building affordable housing instead of ‘luxury’ living on every damn block in town? WC has lost almost all of its character – just very sad… I guess I should consider myself one of the fortunate ones since I grew up when this place was a nice place to live.
Yes you are so right. I grew up here when Ygnacio was a two lane road and there were many walnut orchards. Very sad. No more skyline. Ugly hideous buildings. I could cry.
Just wait until all the entitled Techies from SF filling these new condos live here long enough to influence the local politics… Going to be SF East before you know it.
So agree with you.
It’s not going to stop. Remember, the state took over zoning 1/2 mile from a transit center, and they are the ones who set the height limit.
I don’t think the city would approve a 6 story development there on it’s own.
The new “downtown” will be a cluster f___ around BART, and state will make the calls. NOT the city of Walnut Creek.
Jack’s Fan
Who do you think is running the city now? Remember when we had the slow growth people in office? They are dead or gone.
Progressives take over everything. That’s how they work.
WC has been dying since the late 90’s/early 00’s.
Tiffiny’s opening was the coup de grace.
The soul, I mean
@Bob. I’m not going anywhere yet….
Not sure about the crime but the parking is easy if you park in one of the numerous parking garages.
I think people are upset at the ridiculous COST of parking, not that there is a lack-thereof…
Yes, the first hour free and .50-$1/hr charge (in city garages) and certainly onerous. I can see how that would spawn a revolt.
Or perhaps you mean the 3 hours free in the Broadway Plaza garage?
Looks just like the building next door to it (used to be a motel)
correct. It used to me “Motor Lodge”. Now it is high end apartments called “Ave”.
I used to work in that building when it was the Sizzler, back in the 80’s. And Gemco was where Target is now. My how things change…..
What exactly is a “rift raft?” Is it like a catamaran made of sticks?
I rather the City keep building luxury condos instead of affordable housing. Who wants section 8 rift rafts in their town. We already have the Trinity center that bring in all the transients! If you can’t afford to live get here then I suggest you move or get a better career.
Many people on “Section 8”, as you pejoratively call it, are seniors and disabled. They need the break on rents.
BTW, the correct name is “Housing Choice Voucher”, which HUD adopted to help eliminate the stigma.
Oh please get real now. Majority of people on section 8 are driving BMW’s and living in 5 bedroom homes popping out 3 more kids stealing my hard earned money. Yes my taxes go to them!
You know some of that “rift raft” are single parents trying to make it, or just families trying to make it in a very expensive state.. You’re awfully judgmental for someone who isn’t in that kind of position. What about the seniors who need a place to live?
Developers build luxury housing for bigger profits. They never learn. We’ve seen it before. A recession comes along and they find themselves in trouble as the units aren’t selling or even renting. Build, go bankrupt, repeat.
Section 8 is for low-income families, not single or a house full of seniors, I have never seen that ever. The majority of Low income families do have many children and use them as a pawns to gain assistance among other things and other ways to cheat the gov. As for having a ton of kids, yes they do that for security. As a matter of fact there are many single parents with 3 kids or more that go to work and work hard and provide for the family in every way. These people deserve assistance, not the able bodied people that take advantage of the system.
@ TraumaRx I absolutely agree with all your statements. People have to stop complaining that Walnut Creek is getting expensive, it’s reality so deal with it. If you can not, there are other states besides California that are just as beautiful that they can call there new home. Buh-bye
The ignorance is appalling on this thread.
@Mike Cod: The HUD HCV is confidential. Police cannot access that. There is no cross-referencing of anything.
@Face Palm:
“Section 8 is for low-income families, not single or a house full of seniors, I have never seen that ever.”
Many HCV renters are disabled or elderly. Many are single. Any size family is eligible. The fact you have not seen any single person doesn’t make what you say true. I am single and disabled and get a Housing Choice Voucher. So there goes your “facts”.
I don’t care. I stopped going to Fuddruckers years ago when they noticeably cut the quality of their meat.
I don’t even go to the Nordstoms sales anymore thanks to parking.
So sad! I love Fuddruckers. We definitely don’t need more condos.
We do need much more housing. Stop being so selfish.
Not a fan of Walnut Creek’s gauche new style. But in this housing market I would trade a Fuddruckers for more housing any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I’m sad for those who remember a nicer time in this town, but really, Fuddruckers?!
Yet not affordable
I’m one those who has a full time job but can’t afford a place of my own so I have to rent a room in someone’s house.
Its tough out there, keep your head up, you have a roof over your head. keep moving forward 🙂
The Fat Cat. There wouldn’t be a housing shortage if immigration – illegal or otherwise, was slowed down enough to assimilate them properly. That is just one of the many reasons we used to vet them.
@Justifiable Languor The reason for the housing shortage is the acquiescence of local governments to the loudest NIMBY voices and interests. Local governments around the Bay Area have been so ineffective at foreseeing and assuring an adequate supply that some areas are decades away from meeting their housing supply goals: https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2019/02/28/bay-area-years-away-meeting-affordable-housing-goals-next-10/.
In regards to your “argument” about immigrants, I will say 2 things:
1. It makes no sense on its face. You are saying that if immigrants were better accustomed to American culture, there would not be a lack of housing supply relative to demand? Please provide some evidence to back up that wild association.
2. Please consider that despite what many pundits, politicians, and personalities may claim, simplifying causation of any issue down to ‘if it weren’t for immigrants’ is an unfair, inaccurate, and ultimately dangerous precedent.
Yes jl. And there would be no water shortage, no traffic,our roads would be in great condition, we could lower taxes,and unicorns could run free.
The Fat Cat: The key word is assimilate. Take a venue held at a stadium. One does not cram one hundred people through the doors at one time. They are filed in, in an orderly manner.
Re; #2 That isn’t at all what I said. As a people, Americans love their ethnic Festivals and population. We grew up in schools populated with a variety of races and cultures. Slow it down is a reasonable request.
Again, key word: Assimilate Properly. Hoards sneaking over the border by the thousands is not assimilate properly. ON the other hand, what is happening at the border IS dangerous.
We both know this has been orchestrated to create havoc.
And lastly. The suburbs were created for those who wished to escape the dangers and high cost of the metropolis. So, I understand your quibble with NIMBY mindset. I have used that method myself when describing wealthy suburbanites that vote against the welfare of the lower classes when it comes to basic safety and education. They remain hidden behind their gates and pretend they aren’t the cause of the ruination of California.
It is definitely a conundrum. Slowing immigration will cause a pause, so we can better consider our community standards.
Justifiable Languor:
There are many other reasons that have lead to the shortage; population growth combined with lack of significant building for decades will obviously result in a deficiency in supply compared to the demand. And population growth in an area is driven by many factors, including existing residents having children, people moving to the area because of the hot economy, and immigrants. You claimed that “There wouldn’t be a housing shortage if immigration – illegal or otherwise, was slowed”, but have shown no evidence that the rate of foreign immigration is the driving factor.
The stadium can be expanded and the people trying to get in are not all immigrants.
And regarding #2, I don’t believe I mischaracterized your argument at all. You stated that if immigration were slowed there would be no housing shortage. Which, I characterized as “simplifying causation of any issue down to ‘if it weren’t for immigrants'”. I’m not sure where you see a large leap in logic between the argument and the characterization.
And lastly:
“We both know this has been orchestrated to create havoc.” No, we don’t both know this. Who is orchestrating said havoc? And for what purpose? How have you come to know about this orchestration?
Pyrrhus enough condo building in WC! Somebody on the city council is making money and that’s the bottom line. The streets
can’t take any more traffic and BART is a mess due to overcrowding and fewer places to park in the garage. I don’t go downtown very often. It’s getting to be wall to wall condos. How about having a park every so often?
Anon, trying to leave work in WC everyday is a complete drudgery. It can take five minutes or more to go one block. It’s oversaturated already.
I doubt that people in section 8 housing are driving BMW, there might be a few who can fool the system, but it isn’t as easy as you think. If the government are providing housing food stamps etc. they know everything about your income etc. I don’t know why someone thinks that people who need help with housing etc. are able to fool the government and live high on the hog. I just don’t think that is the case.
@Hanne Jeppesen ~
A friend of mine is a 5th grade school teacher in Pittsburg. 55%+ of the kids getting free breakfast & lunch, live in beautiful section 8 homes. Wear fancy shoes and clothes, and have the latest cell phones. Mama’s have their medi/pedi’s and hair do-ups,….and YES, driving around in BMW’s and SUV’s. It depends a bit in which city you live/visit in, so some are living high on the ‘Hog’, which are our (MY) tax $$$$.
It makes me sad that our Veteran’s and Senior’s aren’t benefiting as wonderfully.
As Roz said, there are the ones who know how to work the system and reap all those free benefits.
@Roz: A HUD HCV allows low-income people to lead a normal lifestyle and buy iPhones, etc. That is the purpose of the voucher.
cy: There are many American citizens that do not live up to “normal” standards.
Elderly, working class, homeless, veterans. children and special needs people for instance. Many of us have never had mani-pedi, modern dye-hair styling, iphones or even stylish clothing. New cars and upbeat zip codes? No. Paid for college education? Never
What we are providing illegals and other foreigners is way above our collective pay grade. We chose instead to live frugally in order to alleviate the tax burden on fellow citizens. So what do our politicians and municipal managers do? Increase their pay and perks. Annually.
@Justifiable anger. You are so right. Newsom, Schaff, Breed, and others are dangling a carrot in front of illegal immigrants with their offers of free education, free healthcare, free legal representation, sanctuary cities, and so on, enticing them to flood our borders. It is time they took responsibility for what is happening at the borders, the mess the state is in, the housing crisis, the lack of forest management, and every other problem they have created in California since Schwarzenegger was Governor.. Meanwhile, we are all paying fir it.
Most people who own property these days are living close to the bone because literally everything has become so expensive in the past few years. The costs of maintaining a home leaves no disposable income for things like lattes. Property taxes have skyrocketed in the past ten years, creeping up every year as those apartment dwellers vote in every bond measure that comes along because they think they aren’t paying for it. Well, yes, they are! It gets passed along to them as a rent increase. So, if housing is not affordable, they have only themselves to blame.
Fuddruckers was always fine by me. Conveniently located and they still cooked my patties V E R Y rare when I asked. If you’d’ve asked me,😉 that’s the end of one of the very few semi-pleasant things left to do in WC. I’ll always remember, maybe…
Sad, I’d much rather have a casual, affordable place to eat than see another eyesore condo building built so cheaply that it will have to be completely redone in 10 years to attract tenants. Get ready for another big boxy building with neutral earthtones! I spoke with the great kid helping me there two months ago, and he was clearly being led on by the management to continue working there.
@Pyrrus Tell that to people in Beverly Hills.
You’re totally wrong, if you think apartments like these bring DOWN the cost of housing. Check out any of their websites – studio & 1-bedrooms go for up to $3000. How is THAT affordable or even an option for seniors or families?
Walnut Creek is beginning to be a 5 pounds in a 3 pound sack kind of City. Sad.
I think Walnut Creek is very forward thinking. They are certainly adding to the housing supply. They are concentrating their building near BART / transit hub, and they have numerous parking garages that are very low cost. They are intelligently planning for growth and they are adding tax revenue to their city coffers. There are people that never want anything to change. They get their piece of the pie and they want it to stay that way forever. But it won’t, no matter what you do, so better to plan for it. I wish Lafayette, Orinda, and some of the other BART communities would follow Walnut Creek’s lead a bit.
“May God Bless This Wonderful City”. Betcha don’t see that much any more ☹️
It’s sad about Fuddruckers because it was a nice inexpensive alternative for young families and seniors. Same with Mary’s Pizza Shack.
I see a lot of people mention supply and demand in this thread. Job growth in the East Bay will continue to stimulate housing demand. Housing will never get to capacity as the city continues to build vertically. When downtown is maxed out they will redevelop Saranap and Northgate area in a similar fashion. All the while ignoring infrastructure.
Which bring us to : Quality of Life, which has been on a downward trend in WC for some years now. So in a few years, a lot of us will move on and turn the keys to our homes over to some very nice trust fund babies.
I worked in WC for years. Used to enjoy going there for various reasons, but anymore it is just another overcrowded city without many reasons to deal with the traffic and crowds. People need places to live, but watching city after city pack in as many people as possible into every square foot is depressing.
@Pyrrus Okay, then explain why the new Lyric apartments (on California Blvd), which opened for leasing less than 2 years ago, have 19 available rentals between now and September. That’s an almost 15% vacancy rate.
If there is such housing demand, as you say there is, wouldn’t Lyric have a year-long waiting list? Or have these open rentals been given up by tenants making an even bigger upgrade?
Because this concept worked out so well for the Mercer. *Eye roll *
There’s nothing “luxury” when your upstairs neighbor’s sink overflows while they’re at work and floods their kitchen eventually raining down on you. Or, their bathtub, or toilet, overflows doing the same.
That is life. Are you saying living is a single family home is better? To me, that is excessive, both in term of carbon footprint and exacerbating our housing problem.. In Europe and the rest of the world, as well in parts on NYC, where people own their own apartments, high-rise living is common and the norm.
You couldn’t pay me enough to live in a high-rise apartment.
And the housing “shortage” is because California is full. Actually, it’s overfull. Time to stop letting anybody in until more leave.
@concordygnacio Unlike socialist countries, we here in the United States have freedoms which permit us to live the way we choose to live, not in a manner dictated to us by the state. As far as NYC, you can have it lock stock and barrel. If that’s what you want, go to NYC. Don’t bring New York to California. Buhbye, buhbye, no really, buhbye.
@Chicken Little You’re absolutely right. There is no housing crisis, there are just too many people and they need to close the door and not let anybidy else in. I think a “No Growth Initiative” is long overdue in California.
Nice personal attack on me. I just state the facts and correct ignorance on this blog.
It’s great to see someone standing up to the ignorance and bigotry rampant on this site. Love thy neighbor. Thanks, CY, keep up the good work.
We moved from WC 4 years ago because the cost of housing was too high. We own a successful business and had been in WC for 18 years. We just moved to Concord due to rent increases. We are now in a beautiful office/warehouse space, new everything, abundant parking, and all for $5000 LESS a month. Before we moved our business, driving to work took upwards of 40 minutes to drive less than 10 miles. I love downtown WC but it is becoming overcrowded. The business turnover rate is high, especially restaurants. The rents on all of the new condo’s are a minimum of $3000 for a studio or if you are very lucky a 500sf 1 bdrm. They are not creating any housing for those who need it. It seems like every available space is being zoned for some sort of luxury condo. I say enough. But then again…I am done with CA. It is a beautiful state with wonderful people but it’s time to head out and find something more affordable and a slower pace.
Does anyone remember a club at the site of the old Pets Smart in Concord behind the Park and Shop Center? It would be specifically 1967 in June when the Who played the Monterey Pop Festival on June 18th and the Fillmore on the 16th and 17th. Several years ago, Claycord ran a piece on the club/dance hall that suggested that The Who played here in Concord around the same time on the same tour. Can anyone remember the name of the venue and if, in fact, the band ever played there? I have a hunch they did. A friend in Italy is writing a book on the group and wants to confirm whether or not they played in Concord. I would appreciate it if anyone has any information on the venue that they would share it here. Thank you so much.
Here you go Tom.
@concord ygnacio Who’s doing the attacking when it is you calling people “ignorant” and “selfish” just because they don’t agree with you?