Home » Bay Area Mayors Call For Senate Action On Gun Safety Laws

Bay Area Mayors Call For Senate Action On Gun Safety Laws


More than 20 Bay Area mayors are among 249 across the country who have signed a letter addressed to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, calling for action on gun violence legislation in the wake of recent mass shootings.

The letter by the U.S. Conference of Mayors urges the Senate leaders to “immediately call the Senate back to Washington to take action on bipartisan gun safety legislation.”

The letter notes that there have been over 250 mass shootings throughout the country so far this year, including ones last weekend in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. It asks the Senate to take action on two bills
passed in February by the U.S. House of Representatives to strengthen background checks for gun purchases.

The following Bay Area mayors signed the letter: Marilyn Ezzy, Alameda; Rochelle Nason, Albany; Jesse Arreguin, Berkeley; David Gregory, Dublin; Lisa Yarborough-Gauthier, East Palo Alto; Sam Hindi, Foster City;
Lily Mei, Fremont; Barbara Halliday, Hayward; John P. Marchland, Livermore; Ray Mueller, Menlo Park; Lisa Matichak, Mountain View; Jill Techel, Napa; Libby Schaaf, Oakland; Eric Filseth, Palo Alto; Teresa Barrett, Petaluma;
Thomas K. Butt, Richmond; London Breed, San Francisco; Sam Liccardo, San Jose; Pauline Russo Cutter, San Leandro; Michael D. Tubbs, Stockton; Carol Dutra-Vernaci, Union City; John F. Dunbar, Yountville.



Rob August 12, 2019 - 8:11 AM - 8:11 AM

Don’t worry the NRA/Conservatives calling out Mental Health – and then doing nothing about it will resolve all of this soon enough.

Commonsensenor August 12, 2019 - 8:50 AM - 8:50 AM

I hope they are pushing for better concealed carry legislation so that anyone that wishes to lawfully arm themselves can more easily obtain a permit.

Contra Costa is the worst.

Bad Nombre August 12, 2019 - 9:07 AM - 9:07 AM

Nothing proposed, unless it severely curtails Constitutional rights and liberties, is likely to have anything but marginal effects on public safety. What is the rush?

concord ygnacio August 12, 2019 - 9:33 AM - 9:33 AM

A minor point: Stockton is not Bay Area. But this is a step forward. Only when the Second Amendment s repealed will we be a better country, with all owners required to turn in their guns or face prosecution.

Sick of it August 12, 2019 - 10:16 AM - 10:16 AM

That would cause a civil war in trying to change a fundamental right of the US constitution. Plus it will not change one thing at all. With over a estimated 300 million guns owned by private law abiding citizens who is going to cover the loss to those owners. It’s funny how no one blames their person for there actions and only the guns. Until people are made responsible for there actions again nothing will change.

Dawg August 12, 2019 - 11:07 AM - 11:07 AM

@ concord ygnacio, What happened in America when the 18th Amendment (prohibition) was ratified? It created more crime and more killings.
Banning all guns will have the same effect, create more crime and more killings. We can’t even stop the flow of drugs from coming into the country, how would you suggest we would stop the flow of guns from being smuggled into the country?

Retired LEO August 12, 2019 - 12:49 PM - 12:49 PM

@concord ygnacio – and you’re going to step up and lead this confiscation?

Got news for you – most of LE and the military (which is prohibited from taking part in LE activities – you know, posse comitatus) would refuse to take part.

And that’s based on personal knowledge.

Yves Harlowe August 13, 2019 - 8:54 AM - 8:54 AM

Good luck getting the 2nd amendment repealed. Do you think 3/4 of the states would ratify it, should Congress be foolish enough to pass a repeal? Even if it is repealed, it doesn’t mean the right disappears. It’s a preexisting right, not granted by the government. Government doesn’t grant rights. The Bill of Rights is there to guarantee those rights and to protect the citizens from government that would want to remove or curtail those rights.

Old Timer August 12, 2019 - 9:34 AM - 9:34 AM

Don’t take my rights away with my guns.Pass a law.If you Commit a crime with a gun you go away for life or death penalty ASAP no sitting in jail for life.

Noj August 12, 2019 - 9:39 AM - 9:39 AM

U.S.Conference of Mayors huh? Smell the desperation…

Didn’t hear a peep out of these losers when Hussein shrugged off Sandy Hook.

It’s all a b.s. stunt to make us all believe the U.S. Conference of Mayors is somehow a relevant organization. It’s not.

Tom Cochran the Michigan Democrat drives this clown car.

Put your damn phone down and think for yourself for a change.

Chicken Little August 12, 2019 - 9:45 AM - 9:45 AM

I wonder what kind of legislation these mayors have in mind, considering that we already have thousands of gun laws that clearly don’t work. Maybe it’s about time they figured out that regulating the good guys has no effect on the bad guys.

Gittyup August 12, 2019 - 9:50 AM - 9:50 AM

Hope they’re backing open carry. Nobody messes with those guys.

RANDOM TASK August 12, 2019 - 9:52 AM - 9:52 AM

haven’t they done this several times already

the sky is falling the sky is falling ….really

some wackos use a plastic knife or even better a rolled up democratic ballot to kill someone and what special hearing to admonish democrat ballots lol

we all know the dems are trying to disarm the people so they can control them
they have been doing this for years and they still try and dilute and admonish the constitution that was formed specifically so the dems can not do what they are trying to do ….used to be when a politician started talking socialism and communist rhetoric they were brought to congress and questioned and imprisoned …now its a punch line to a single party ruling tactic ….declaring safety and sanctuary then forcing socialism and high taxes and taking away freedoms and instilling dem rules over the masses

we saw this in 1930 germany ….

can not believe America is allowing this here after 2 wars ….allowing democrats full control on embarking on tearing us apart for money and power

Sick of it August 12, 2019 - 11:54 AM - 11:54 AM

The Democratic Party as it is heading is becoming one of the biggest enemies of the US constitution and our way of life. Look how bad of a direction California is heading in. And remember they use to say how California goes, so does the nation. It leaves me very little hope for our kids future when criminals are being slowly protected from punishment for there actions and leaving us more unprotected in the process.

ConcordRez August 12, 2019 - 9:57 AM - 9:57 AM

Your turn, Mayor Obringer

Dave August 12, 2019 - 11:24 AM - 11:24 AM

She’s not much of a boat-rocker. More of a Garaventa-pleaser.

Rollo Tomasi August 12, 2019 - 10:17 AM - 10:17 AM

They use the phrase “over 250 mass shootings” so that dullards will conjure up in their minds images of a lone gunman with a “high powered rifle” wading through crowds of people executing them over 250 times this year. People who aren’t dullards will ask for the source of the numbers and will be provided with this:


Here are a couple excerpts:
“Rather than just collecting incidents of death, GVA also catalogs incidents where a victim was injured by shooting or by a victim who was the subject of an armed robber or home invader. Incidents of defensive gun use, home owners who stop a home invasion, store clerks who stop a robbery, individuals who stop an assault or rape with a gun are also collected. The overall goal is to provide information on most types of gun violence, and gun crime, no matter where it is on the political table.”
“Each incident is annotated to its associated cause — murder/suicides, hate crimes, domestic violence, gang involvement, drug involvement, police action, robbery, defensive use, accidents, brandishing and nearly 120 other possible variables.”
“Why are GVA Mass Shooting numbers higher than some other sources?

GVA uses a purely statistical threshold to define mass shooting based ONLY on the numeric value of 4 or more shot or killed, not including the shooter. GVA does not parse the definition to remove any subcategory of shooting. To that end we don’t exclude, set apart, caveat, or differentiate victims based upon the circumstances in which they were shot.
GVA believes that equal importance is given to the counting of those injured as well as killed in a mass shooting incident.

The FBI does not define Mass Shooting in any form. They do define Mass Killing but that includes all forms of weapon, not just guns.

In that, the criteria are simple…if four or more people are shot or killed in a single incident, not involving the shooter, that incident is categorized as a mass shooting based purely on that numerical threshold.”

Jeff August 12, 2019 - 10:27 AM - 10:27 AM

We in California has some of the most stringent gun laws, why are those mayors wasting their breath. And, open carry may be back very soon, the Hawaii case has been tied to the New York gun transportation case which is currently being heard by SCOTUS. 108RS

Rob August 12, 2019 - 11:07 AM - 11:07 AM

Republicans and the NRA: It’s a mental health issue

Everyone Else: Ok, so what will you support regarding Mental Health issues.

Republicans and the NRA: Nothing at all

Frank August 12, 2019 - 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

What do you propose? The mental health industry has already said they will not cooperate. Even among the population of mentally ill people their is only a small number who are dangerous. What law will help and why focus on gun violence? In spite of all the publicity more people are murdered annually with blunt instruments (hammers, clubs, fists) than all types of rifles combined. If a law works then the fact that murder is illegal should be all we need. Blaming a problem on an inanimate object is a form of mental illness.

Mitch August 12, 2019 - 11:09 AM - 11:09 AM

alternate title – “democratic party loyalist mayors got together and signed a letter to take away their constituents constitutional rights.”

Gun Owner August 12, 2019 - 11:59 AM - 11:59 AM

Good, now we know who to vote out of office.

ManBearPig August 12, 2019 - 12:13 PM - 12:13 PM

Banning abortions will just make women have them in back alleys!


Banning guns will stop ALL gun violence!

Gotta love liberal logic.

Drugs are illegal and the government can’t even stop the flow of them into our prisons let alone at the border. Banning guns or any of the claimed south after provisions on universal background checks (already in place), red flag laws, closing the gun show “loophole” (lololololo), or “assault” weapon bans will amount to anything resembling reduction in crimes.

In 2017, per the FBI more people were killed with hammers and clubs than rifles of all kinds in the US.

Mike August 12, 2019 - 12:26 PM - 12:26 PM

Ever notice that the control advocates changed their terms a few years ago from “firearm murders” to “gun violence”?

“Gun Violence” includes firearm related suicides, which accounts for 60-80% of firearm deaths each year. Ask yourself why? It’s simple statistic padding.

Next, they changed the definition of “mass shooting” (see above).

Lastly they encourage the media to use scary terms…. “high-power rifle”, (power is dictated by caliper, which AR-15s really aren’t), “assault weapon” (assault is a verb), and change the definition of “high-capacity” from 60+ to 10+.

It truly is becoming a form of propaganda

Sick of it August 13, 2019 - 7:22 AM - 7:22 AM

Truth has no meaning in the media when they are owned by entertainment businesses that are ultra liberal and support nothing but the Democratic Party with no questions asked

Yves Harlowe August 13, 2019 - 8:38 AM - 8:38 AM

I’ve noticed, too, how the language has changed. The gun control advocates seem to care only about violence committed using a gun as a tool. They are yammering about background checks, when in fact, so many of the murderous dirtbags got their guns legally and had to undergo a background check at point of purchase. I don’t know how the dealer is supposed to know what a buyer has in mind when buying a gun. I guess what we need is a Department of Precrime, with psychics and mind readers.

The use of scary terms by the anti-gun lobby and media is indeed propaganda. A good proportion of the public has swallowed it and use those terms themselves without know what they’re talking about. If they think an AR-15 is high powered, what would they think of something like a 30-06 or .338 magnum? Now they’re using terms like “military style” and “weapons of war.” So, it’s just a style of gun? The term “style” means to me how it looks, not how it functions. And “weapons of war?” Really? What military uses an AR-15? Hint: none.

ConcordRez August 12, 2019 - 12:27 PM - 12:27 PM

To those who oppose this: to what well-regulated militia do you belong?

Rollo Tomasi August 12, 2019 - 2:04 PM - 2:04 PM

I belong to Joe and Willie’s Militia and Fishing Team, not that it matters. Thanks for asking. And yes – we are well trained and supplied, which was the definition of “well regulated” when the Constitution was drafted.

Mike August 12, 2019 - 6:07 PM - 6:07 PM

Anyone who registered for the draft.

Yves Harlowe August 13, 2019 - 8:51 AM - 8:51 AM

The 2nd amendment says clearly that “the right of the people” shall not be infringed. It’s a right of the people, as are the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. In the Bill of Rights, the “people” referred to citizens. If it doesn’t mean that, then it is the only enumerated right where “the people” refers to a specific subset of “the people” and not the whole of “the people.”

caskydiver August 12, 2019 - 12:47 PM - 12:47 PM

The Constitution doesn’t give us our rights…it was written to provide limits to government and outlines its roles/responsibilities/limitations.
“The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed…” – sounds pretty clear to me. That said, background checks can and are done almost instantly in many parts of this country. The problem is that the Dems don’t want to have the NICS system working well. They are not interested in crime – they are interested in gun confiscation alone. Terrible crimes like the ones committed recently only feed their narrative that rights need to be taken away. If somehow all guns were banned, Dems think that would solve all the problems. It wouldn’t. Speed limit is also 60 MPH on Hwy 680….when was the last time you exceeded that limit? Laws don’t stop human action. It can and does influence it, but does not stop anything from happening. Same with “security” cameras. Cameras cannot and do not provide “security”..they just provide recorded documentation of an event and perhaps some advanced warning/notification. That’s it.

Mike August 12, 2019 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM

Laws are merely consequences for actions….

You get caught speeding, get a ticket.

DUI- Arrested, fined, and probably jail time

Murder- you get the point.

Bob Foo August 13, 2019 - 12:17 AM - 12:17 AM


RANDOM TASK August 13, 2019 - 8:07 AM - 8:07 AM

Hey concord Rez
Hi how are you

So to answer your question on what we’ll regulated Militia we belong to


The question you should be asking is why are democrats and these mayor-e-go round mayors ….who are supposed to talk for everyone …IE …a more median level than a radical socialist response of ….YOUR EITHER IN OR YOUR OUT ….like some old time gsnsgter heist scene

By making statements for their cities in such fashion only isolate themesleves as radicals against America and its founding rights and Pursuit of happiness

Seems foolish but here in the Reich’s land it’s absolutly ok to infringe on Americans rights while allowing sanctuary for criminals and changing laws to allow crimes against citizens of America

Which should show you just how far this movement of anti everything has gone ….why are politicians so against America and Americans …abusing our laws to place so many in power from the fbi to cia to the attorney general all used to clear a guilty person and yet not even a murmer that should scare you

Your smug comment will soon be their target

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