A youth summit scheduled this weekend in Pittsburg has been postponed due to concerns about safety in the wake of recent mass shootings, Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover announced Tuesday morning at a Board of Supervisors meeting.
“We will be working with our stakeholder groups to look at various active shooter scenarios,” Glover said.
“We do not want our students to be in harm’s way,” he added.
The Y.Assemble Youth Conference and Empowerment Summit, which hopes to help young people succeed through developing healthy attributes like self-esteem, honesty and integrity, was scheduled to go from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg.
“The last thing we want to do is to not be able to respond to the call, so law enforcement will be very much involved,” Glover said. “The other thing is, as we look at the summit, it really focuses on things that are taking place within our society and trying to make sure that we mitigate through those with our students.”
Glover said another date will be selected and announced in the near future.
In other news, the board approved a raise for the county auditor-controller, clerk-recorder and treasurer-tax collector. A recent study of other Bay Area governments found the salaries for those positions to be below the regional average, and Tuesday morning the board approved a motion to remedy that.
Bringing the three positions up to average pay rates will cost the county an estimated $55,000 a year.
Absolutely absurd. Who are the snowflakes running that show?
Let’s close down or cancel functions at churches, schools, Walmarts, festivals, concerts, random streets where shootings occurred, freeways, homes, business offices…
This is too much. I agree. We can’t stop living.
Like @ZZ said.
How ridiculous, it’s one thing to be safe, but it’s not OK to be paranoid. Let’s just pay people to stay home and shudder in hysteria…
Postponing the “summit” for that reason is ridiculous. (By the way, the definition of a summit is “a meeting between heads of government”)
This isn’t fair for our kids.. I understand our country has issues, but this is just instilling fear into our kids. Don;t get me wrong, I’m scared to death to let my kids out of my site, but they can be hit with a stray bullet from a drive by taking our dogs for a walk any day of the week.Our kids need to be kids, and grow up as kids. Taking away their activities just isn’t right.. If the city is concerns, get some law enforcement back up.
The sky is falling. Why doesn’t he just tell everyone to stop going out in public. Just another Politian grandstanding and trying to make himself look great.
Better than implementing stricter gun control. We will do anything we possibly can to protect innocent lives, as long as its not stricter gun control. We know that can’t possibly help.
LMC is a Gun Free Zone. Plenty of gun control already in place for those willing to obey the law.
What? That’s dumb. Should we close all malls, arcades, parks, etc.
This would have been the perfect opportunity to create positive in a negative situation but they clearly don’t care about this message they are supposed to be about.
Like @TT said.
Why don’t they just be honest and say they don’t want to spend money on kids.
Way to play politics Supervisor Glover…denying students trying to better themselves a conference so you can virtue signal, bleah. Kids are probably safer at this conference than on the streets of Richmond and Pittsburg.
There must be some of the reason and they’re only using this as an excuse to cancel. It’s a shame because this is giving the wrong impression to these kids about fortitude in life. They were supposed to be inspired and motivated but instead are now encouraged to go hide. Wrong message!
@Badge1104 – Preach it! Terrible message to send to the general public, especially the children who would have benefitted from this event.
Just called Glover’s office and stated that cancelling this event that they are allowing fear to take over. The woman who answered the phone said that they just want to make sure they have the right security in place. I asked her wouldn’t that all be said and done prior to the event? Then I said that planes still crash, car accidents happen but people still travel by plane and still drive; she didn’t say anything. Then I asked “what if the shootings hadn’t happen, would the event still be cancelled?” —- dead silence. I asked her again and no answer. I said “that’s what I thought” and I hung up.
Wow, you just harrassed customer service over a policy they have no control over. Aren’t you a brave soul.
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Customer service? It’s a politician’s office!
I called Glover’s office and I said that cancelling this event is allowing the negative take over and that you can not live in fear. I told the woman who answered the phone what others were saying and should we just cancel everything and live in fear? She said that they just want to make sure that they have enough security. I asked her that prior to the event that the proper security would be in place? No answer. I then said that people still fly and still drive when there are plane crashes and car accidents still. I then asked her if the shootings didn’t take place would it event still be cancelled? No answer. I asked again and again no answer. I said “that’s what I thought” and hung up.
Better safe than sorry Who knows, They could have gotten a threat.
Everyone needs to pause and rethink the safety of larger crowd events and better skills in educating our youth and helping the mentally unstable with their outrageous anger. Twenty somethings need to start doing more for change in society, If they have strong beliefs, they need to use their anger to make change like in the 60’s, not end up dead or in prison for life.
Guns can’t make positive change, only humans can..
.I respect their decision to reevaluate the event.
I wonder who’s “concerns about safety” the article refers to? Parents concerns for their kids attending, staff concerns, or some other group? Was there a threat? There must be some group the County must have had pushback from. Sounds like a good event that many people worked hard to coordinate. Best of luck to the kids when it does happen.
As Former obama Chief Of Staff then Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel Said, “Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste”
Side benefit, of generating additional publicity and media interest in “Summit”.
Life is a series of choices, and as such a series of calculated risks. We can do our best to plan ahead and protect ourselves but ultimately statistics come into play.
In light of these recent mass shootings, I agree with those that say we can’t just hide indoors. However, you have to weigh out how important the event is to you, and what are the odds of violence? So once again, it’s back to statistics.
Total politics.
Dems have painted themselves into a corner that No Politician (even their own) is going to be good enough for them.
They’re so far out of touch with America that they are guaranteeing a Trump 2020 sweep.
No one knows the security details of the Youth Conference other than those directly involved. They have the responsibility of keeping all people involved safe. They are making the wiser choice to cancel, and reschedule the event. Those of you who don’t agree with this decision would be the first to holler if something tragic happened (God forbid).
I can’t help but think that those of you who want this event to happen, don’t have a child that would have attended. And possibly are not understanding the seriousness of the latest epidemic of mass shootings!
So, how many people were scheduled to attend this event? I had never heard of it before reading about it here. Were there thousands of youth coming, or just a few. I wonder how the mass shooters would have found out about this event.
Anyone read the last paragraph they snuck into the article?
In other news, the board approved a raise for the county auditor-controller, clerk-recorder and treasurer-tax collector. A recent study of other Bay Area governments found the salaries for those positions to be below the regional average, and Tuesday morning the board approved a motion to remedy that.
Bringing the three positions up to average pay rates will cost the county an estimated $55,000 a year.
Right or wrong, if they can use this for themselves, they should use it for all county employees. It’s amazing how the top levels of government can use the argument that they need to be paid at the regional average, and then deny the same argument for the people they oversee!
The real skinny:
Glover’s staff screwed this up . Totally disorganized . He is trying to link cancellation with mass shootings to cover weak performance by.. him.
Not surprising .