Home » Community Invited To Meet Superintendent Candidate Finalist For The Mt. Diablo Unified School District

Community Invited To Meet Superintendent Candidate Finalist For The Mt. Diablo Unified School District


The Mt. Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) invites families, students, community and business leaders, and other stakeholders to meet the candidate finalist for the district’s Superintendent position, Dr. Robert Martinez.

WHEN:  Friday, August 9, 2019, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

WHERE:  Mt. Diablo Unified’s main district office, 1936 Carlotta Dr., Concord,


BACKGROUND:  After an extensive nationwide search, the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Board of Education last month identified a sole finalist for the position of Superintendent – Dr. Robert A. Martinez, currently the Assistant Superintendent of Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD).

The Board is expected to approve Dr. Martinez’ appointment at the August 12, 2019 Board meeting.

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Break MDUSD apart and fix or close Oak Grove Middle School and Ygnacio Valley High School. How many more years can this school district allow Oak Grove to fail? Have a plan and if you can’t fix it close it!

It’s not just an issue of the kids not wanting to learn, it’s more of a problem with parents not properly raising their kids! PARENTS need to train their children to be polite, respectful, focused, responsible and motivated. Teachers are there to teach, they can’t also be expected to raise all their students in a proper manor when it’s not supported at home!!!!!


The parents aren’t broken. It’s just that parents who properly raise their kids, would rather sell their kidney to pay for private school than send their kids to Oak Grove. Just close it down, redistrict the kids, reopen as a magnet in a few years and hope that parents send their kids there again. It worked for Holbrook, maybe it’ll work for Oak Grove. And in the meantime, try to fix El Dorado before it suffers the same fate.

wow nationwide search and found ?
someone in the accredited city of …..

wow whoever writes up these articles must have been searched for far and wide ….for their enamored over achieving articles to entertain the mass of voters looking for big words and admiration and shiny words like nationwide and finalist ….wow

show them shiny and they will do whatever you say

@ NoMoreFreeRide – I have been saying this for years, the district is too large and corrupt. It should be broken into different districts but the people running the MDUSD are greedy and don’t give a crap about our children…

Why did the board hire someone who never was a classroom teacher? That didn’t work before with McHenry. MDUSD needs a proactive educator and who has been there and done that. He also appears to have spent his entire career in one district, not a good sign. Fairfield-Suisun is not an exemplary district
Bad move, Board, this smells like desperation!


As usual, MDUSD hires incompetent people. They hired a bunch of unqualified dumb dumbs in HR and Personnel. Most of the teachers are inept too, so have a superintendent that falls right in with them. It makes sense.
BTW what a great job the previous Superintendent did, the teachers are talking about going on strike. Education is a joke.

If you live in this district pay for private school. Turn off your cable ,rent a room, work at the school. Do whatever you must to give your child an education.

Two words: Charter Schools.

Convert every campus in the MDUSD into charter schools.

Of course that would require the parents to ACTUALLY take an active interest in their child’s education and hold administrators and teacher accountable.

Only Clayton Valley High School parents seem to be the exception from the norm.

@ Norcon – Prior to my son entering high school we had entertained De La Salle as an option due to the fact CVHS was a complete disaster. We live right around the corner from CVCHS and witnessed first hand all the issues with no child left behind and several other programs MDUSD had enacted. Thankfully Clayton became the charter and I did not have to worry about tuition costs at De La Salle. My son had an excellent education and now my daughter as well.

CVCHS was a well intended project that should have woken up the Administration at MDUSD. The outcome for MDUSD and CVCHS students has not been good. A lot of resources have been wasted. The better plan would have been for the whole feeder pattern to form it’s own unified school district. If CVCHS was willing to come to the table and consider merging with their former feeder schools, that whole region would vastly improve.

If you think you can do a better job, why aren’t you?

I am going to be a senior at Concord High, and the problems that plague this district is hurting everyone but it feels like the MDUSD authorities cannot mentally engage with what is going down. Concord had 5 or 6 teachers laid off due to budget cuts which was a punch to our already failing education system, and despite the problems that will show up on our first day of school the district will most likely not turn their eye on us. The district needs to figure out a way to turn us back into our 70s and 80s selves, back when MDUSD schools were regarded as great. I see so many kids around me that obviously look like they will not make it in life once they step out of high school and I blame it on MDUSD. MDUSD must be broken up or someone with a brain has to step in and do something.

just wait until all ur lovely teachers walk out on u in october. they will try to tell u it’s 4 u…. don’t drink the kool-aid.

Original G has posted several times the need for technical engineering in the trades. You should meet with councelors at Los Medanos, to see if you skill set is ready for the courses. The field is very lucrative for those with a work ethic and integrity.


As for the schools, the solution is simple. They need to go back to the old curriculum, rather than social engineering vulnerable children. My brother is furious about the need for foreign workers, supposedly because our own American kids have no desire to work or even learn. This is not true, our children have been trained wrongly. It started in the 70s. You are correct about that.

I’m concerned about Mr. Martinez being our new superintendent. He’s never taught, comes from a long tenure in a much smaller district. I see another Dr. Lawrence happening again. This district is too large and complex, Union contracts are under negotiation as we speak, district is cutting FTE’s to all the schools making it impossible to balance classes. Is he strong enough to handle our fiscal, personnel and student issues? Is this forum going to be a q&a or just a “hello”?

What would happen if people actually showed up and challenged this? That is what they are counting on…
BACKGROUND: After an extensive nationwide search, the Mt. Diablo Unified School District Board of Education last month identified a sole finalist for the position of Superintendent – Dr. Robert A. Martinez, currently the Assistant Superintendent of Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District (FSUSD).
TRANSLATE: I have an uncle who works in Fairfield..he would be really good at this job…that is how it’s done @ MDUSD …

I have a friend who teaches at the Fairfield district. When I asked her about Dr. Martinez, the best thing she could say was “he tries”.. Now she can be a bit of a negative person at times, so you can take that with a grain of salt, but that combined with his lack of relevant experience has me concerned.



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