Home » Concord Delegation To Visit Sister City In Kitakami, Japan

Concord Delegation To Visit Sister City In Kitakami, Japan


Representatives from the City of Concord will visit their sister-city of Kitakami, Japan this fall.

Every five years, the anniversary of the relationship between the two cities is celebrated by a delegation visiting the sister-city, led by the Mayor and city officials, Ambassador members and interested residents.

Concord and Kitakami alternate the five-year official visits. This fall, a delegation from Concord will be visiting Kitakami.

“We are honored to engage in a longstanding, culturally vibrant and educationally rich exchange program with Kitakami, a city that has so much in common with Concord,” said Concord Mayor Carlyn Obringer.


This year, the Concord Ambassadors will host a 12-day trip to Japan that includes tours of temples, pagodas and castles, UNESCO World Heritage sites, gardens, old world villages and Samurai homes in the cities of Kitakami, Kyoto, Takayama, Shirakawago and Kanazawa. The tour will also include a three-day home stay, where participants can experience Japanese culture.

The Concord Ambassadors still have 10 spots available for the tour, which departs on Oct. 18, 2019. The total land package costs $4,600 per person.

For more information, please download this flyer or visit to learn more about Kitakami, the history of the sister-city relationship and view photos from the 2009 35th Anniversary Tour.

Kitakami, Japan became Concord’s sister-city in 1974.


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OMG I want to go!!!!!
I will talk about Claycord all the time I’m there. LoL

tell them ur a stones throw from SF; cause nobodies heard of O-Town.

Let me guess, we all get the honor of paying for the mayor and “ambassadors” to have a nice vacation there.

We’re not “really” paying for their trip……. They’re using their “Sidewalk Repair Slush Fund.” 😉 Seriously, though… a well-placed donation to the Ambassador’s slush fund can take you a long way.

Is this a perk for the Mayor and city officials? We most likely will never know

Seriously? All the problems in Concord and they have to blow money on this?

The Concord Ambassadors is a 501 (c3) club, not officially tied to City government. Club members pay their own way, I don’t know if the City pays for our part time politicians, the Ambassadors might pay their way.

Strangely enough, I’ve lived, worked, played, prayed, paid lotsa lotsa taxes and raised my family here for 52 years… and I’ve never been invited to join anything called The Concord Ambassadors Club. Not even waaaay back when I was still a nice person and liked living in Concord. 🙁

Concord city officials better be making friends in Japan because they sure aren’t making any in Concord. If the city is so BROKE, how are they paying for this? If I’m BROKE, I stay home.

Your Measure Q funds at work.

Who pays? If it’s not me can I go? I speak 2 words of Japanese.

deduct it as a business expense.

Well….. since taxpayers are picking up the tab, you’ve got to have at least one meal at shikinoaji Chinryutei !

It is $$$$ but Nom! Really nice view too.

Then the mayor can invite our sister city over and take them on tours of our homeless camps.



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