Home » Black Angus Steakhouse In Pleasant Hill Announces Temporary Closure

Black Angus Steakhouse In Pleasant Hill Announces Temporary Closure


Black Angus on N. Main St. in Pleasant Hill is temporarily closed, according to an announcement on the restaurant’s website.

The reason for the closure was not announced, and it’s unknown when they plan to reopen.

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Usually, a “temporary closed” means that it is gone for good.

On that subject, I noticed that Zuum Burgers, where the Wendy’s on Alhambra in Martinez was, is closed for good. That restaurant didn’t even last 2 months.

Did Zuum even last 2 weeks? I saw it sort-of open a few times but that was it.
What was the story with that place, anyway?

I’m wondering if Zuum was just riding out their lease. There’s a fence now around the property. Perhaps another Wendy’s franchisee has taken it over and will remodel.

BTW, I used to know Stuart Anderson back in the 1970s. He was an Ellensburg, Washington farmer who raised cattle and had the chain of restaurants. He also was a fan of jazz and the jazz trio in played in played his Beef ‘n Bird restaurant and lounge in Spokane.

I bet the health inspector called to confirm his inspection tomorrow….

That’s what I was thinking also. 🙂

County health inspections are not announced in advance; that’s why they are so effective. Knock, knock, I’m here to inspect your facilities.

Antheron: my mom worked at a public school cafeteria and they always called first. Are you sure they are now drop I said?

@ Michael ~ The Health Dept. was probably just making exceptions for govt. institutions.
They sneak up on restaurants without warning… I dealt with them for years.
I don’t know how it is nowadays but they’d always find some little violation like a dirty drain or grease build up near the fryer.
They’d give us a recheck in a week or so & be satisfied.

Nooo! I love that place. Missed it when it had to remodel after the kitchen fire.

Curious, has anyone eaten there recently (past year)? I remember going as a kid, but have never been since. Probably been 25yrs.

Ate there 2x in the last year. It was closed for a long time (6 mths at least). They had a kitchen fire, so I assumed it was to fix/remodel.

Back in the day, that was a very busy popular restaurant. Time has taken the Black Angus away from us I am afraid. We all need more restaurants that offer the same delicious food. Also reasonable prices.

Ive eaten here a few times in the last couple years, most of the time we left disappointed, service had really gone downhill and the place was always dirty. One time i remember they were so slow we didnt get out of there for 3 hours, and we were just eating, no drinks or anything special.

Curious, has anyone eaten there recently (past year)? I remember going as a kid, but have never been since. Probably been about 25yrs since I was there.

Back in those days, 25 years ago, wasn’t it the Nut Bowl, owned by Vern Snedden, who also owned the Nut Bowl in Walnut Creek?

I worked there from somewhere in 1973 through most of 1975. I forget exactly where the Nut Bowl was.

landlord kicking them out so a multi- story hotel can be constructed?

My guess they won’t be back. There has been interest in the property by developers.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent offer to purchase that site and an adjacent site, for a new hotel. If so, I’m sorry to see BA go because they had a good, daily happy hour, although the regular menu was on the high $ide. Time will tell.

That’s why I used the Campfire feast coupons frequently.

A hotel is being put up here. This is a permanent closure.

Good Riddance! They were marginal at best before the fire. Last time we went in, after the fire, the $30 rib eye tasted like they boiled it. Sent it back and the new one tasted the same. Sent it back and walked out! Won’t miss it one bit!

Realize,as in most restaurant,but esp. one serving typical American food,do not have typical American chefs…they hire whatever they can find to fil the position.

They likely did boil it. Commercial sous vide machines can be found in most restaurant kitchens.

I heard that they were going to put an Olive Garden in there. 😀

Anyone else remember live bands playing there in the 80s?

I swear it’s true.

Yep… It’s true.

We called it the Meat Market then…All the guys had vests or leather jackets. And all they played was that Rosanna song again and again…That was the San Leandro site.

Live bands in the 70s too. Anyone remember when it was built it had a stainless steel dance floor? I don’t know what that was all about, never having danced on it. I walked on it once, it was hard.

That was a little before I turned 21 Silva… and I didn’t go there too much in the 80’s. I was more in the WPLJ’s, Abernathy’s & Mountain Jack’s crowd…. probably because I hated that Rosanna song.

Give me Sheena Easton “Strut, pout & put it out!”

Oh yes.. that was great fun. I actually got all dressed up and would go there with a date. Good old days.

Dr. Jellyfinger, that was before I turned 21 too!

A few months after I quit working there my mom and I went to eat dinner on my 21st birthday. I’d prepped and cooked everything but the steaks, but had never eaten any of the food. I asked for a glass of wine, and the waitress (who knew me) carded me. She seemed resentful to be serving us. It was the last time I was carded till I was 51 in a TJs. That time made up for never being carded all those years.😁

Mountain Jack”s had great bands every night. Would go to Abernathy’s too. Miss MJ”s and those days. Wasn’t into Black Angus scene. Rosanna, hilarious. That fits.

Some of those places were into the “Disco” crap, but a few were rock n roll bands only (thank God).

A little embarrassed to say, but I’ve been to WPLJ’s. Some guy stepped on my foot on the dance floor and broke a metatarsal. I was in a cast for six weeks.

Dancing with girls is safer.

The Black Angus Property @ 3195 N Main St is one of three being used in the proposed Cambria Hotel Development: 3131 & 3195 N Main St and 1531 Oak Park Blvd. Public hearings have just started. The project will require rezoning and a PH general plan amendment, among other things. Details can be found at the PH City website, click on the Interactive Map button.

Perhaps Black Angus will relocate, although I have no knowledge of such plans.

With the Funeral Home next door, People were dying to eat there!

Smell those steaks grilling………oh wait………..

A strip club would be a good mix there.

Bring back the Wicked Eye!

My father started the Wicked Eye in the 60’s. Can’t remember what is was called before. Maybe the Fire Plug? He named it the Wicked Eye, and as a graphic designer, designed the sign and logo. Was just a go-go bar then.

I went to one called “The Brass Rail” down in Milpitas? I think… not sure…. that was a few years back!

Years ago I remember driving by on I-680 and could see the lettering on BA all lit up at night. Unfortunately the “G” had burned out. We had quite a laugh over the temporary verbiage!

It seemed that it stayed that way for MONTHS.

I ate there last Sept. For my birthday and food was bad and service even worse. So I won’t miss it. Back in the day it was great.

Looked at yelp & they claim that BA will reopen on Sept 1, 2019. We shall see.

Yelp is incorrect. I submitted the correction to that today.

I actually ate there … once … when it first opened.

Did you order the lobster tail? It was just ghastly what they made us do to fresh beautiful Maine lobster tails.

I might have. What did they make you do to the Lobster tails?

Not many were ordered, but when one was they had an aluminum industrial pressure steamer that it was thrown into. After two minutes out came a tough white rubbery thing that looked like a lobster tail, but not appetizing. They smelled aluminumy. I didn’t know what all the fuss was about lobster till years later when I ordered it in Boston. I was only aware of one ever being sent back. Maybe that was you!

That dies dound gtoss. But, I’ve never sent anything back. If it’s really bad, I just won’t eat it. I ordered a live Lobster at Pacific Fresh one time and when they brought it, it was so beautiful and I felt so bad about having them kill it for me I couldn’t eat it. It was the last time I ordered Lobster. Brought it home and fed it to the cat.

“That does sound gross …” geeez …

Aw, you poor thing. I understand.🙂

When I cooked back in the 80’s we always used big Australian Lobster tails…. we’d split the back open and pulled the meat up on top of the shell & into the broiler they went. 10 minutes or so & out they came and we sprinkled a little paprika on the meat then serve with drawn butter & lemon wedges. People loved ’em.

Where did you cook, Jellyfinger?

@Silva Yep. It was sitting there on the plate, completely intact, bright red, staring back at me. It was such a beautiful animal, I felt horrible.

Dr. Jellyfinger, We also split the back open and pulled the meat up on top of the shell, put paprika went. Then when an order came in the Anderson brothers, Stuart and Dave I think, had us destroy them in the 2 minute rubber lobster machine. Eight more minutes and they could’ve been broiled and scrumptious. They still would’ve been ready with the steak orders! Silliest restaurant thing I ever saw.

Dang it…. I’d like to tell you Gittyup , but there’s too many people I’m afraid would know who I am if I provided details and I really want to stay anonymous. I will tell you I was born in Walnut Creek and worked in WC in Restaurant biz from 1980 thru ’92 as a chef, bartender & manager in 2 different restaurants… both very fine dinner house establishments.

Silva… they microwaved lobster? Really? Gaaah!
Isn’t that against the law or something?

It’s understandable, Jellyfinger. Obviously a dumb question on my part since it would be giving away too much information.

They could always move the prior Tahoe Joe location.
Im still waiting for something to go in there..


Tahoe Joes was a great concept…BUT once again ruined by bad hiring, where employees are not only careless, clueless and uncaring but also dishonest.
That’s what went wrong with Marie Callender in Walnut Creek.
It’s such a sad story when it happens to a once great place.

Bull….. that’s management’s fault.

Ugh, again?!

I normally go there maybe once every two months or for special occasions. I have a special occasion coming up, but I guess I’m not going to be able to go there now. The last time they closed, I had to find another place to go, which is why I go there less frequently now.

Haven’t been there since the 80s. Really enjoyed it back in the day.

I worked in the MDUSD Cafeteria’s for 18 years. We never got a call that the Health Inspector was coming. It was always a SURPRISE!!! Plus I worked for Contra Costa Health department back in the 80s. They NEVER gave notice they just showed up. That is their job. Some do it better than others. We as patrons need to be just as diligent.

25 years ago it was great went there 5 years ago the lobster I ordered tasted like boiled socks the waitress was rude the glass of water I begged for never came and the bill for 2 would have been a down payment for a house in the 1950’s they priced themselves out of business with lousy food and crap service.



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