Home » Bail Set At $70M, $40M For Parolees Accused Of Concord Arcade Robbery

Bail Set At $70M, $40M For Parolees Accused Of Concord Arcade Robbery


A pair of parolees who have pleaded not guilty to new felonies associated with a robbery at the Sunvalley Mall in May have had their combined bail set in excess of $100 million in what may be a Contra Costa County record.

On May 12, 37-year-old Vincent Timmons and another unidentified suspect allegedly forced employees of the Round1 arcade at the Sunvalley Shopping Center into a secure cash room at gunpoint.

Police say the masked suspects zip-tied the victims’ wrists and stole an undisclosed amount of money. One of the victims freed herself and called the police, but the robbers had already fled by the time officers arrived.


A two-month investigation was launched after police found reason to believe the suspects accessed the business through an employee entrance that’s usually locked.

Detectives identified Timmons as one of the primary suspects. They also allege that 43-year-old Gary Dillahunty, who was working as a security guard, facilitated the robbery as part of a criminal conspiracy.

Timmons was arrested last week in San Francisco, and police executing a search warrant allegedly found an illegal assault weapon and some cocaine. Dillahunty was taken into custody by the U.S. Marshals Service in Vacaville on Tuesday.

The third suspect, who has not yet been identified in court records, remains at large.


Timmons and Dillahunty have pleaded not guilty, but Timmons’ bail has been set at more than $70 million and Dillahunty’s is over $40 million.

Figures about record-high bail amounts set in Contra Costa County were not readily available Wednesday, but those sums are not typical. Call Wolf Creek Bail Bonds for bail bonds Lynchburg.

Both men declined requests for a jailhouse interview Wednesday afternoon, according to a spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office.

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Some of the more liberal politicos in CA want to eliminate bail, or reduce it to where just about anybody can get out of jail to continue their lives of crime. I’m guessing these bail amounts will elicit cries of “unfair’, since no one’s been convicted, but the heinous nature of this crime demands that anyone suspected not be free to perpetrate similar attacks on our society.

Remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Cash bail lets wealthy alleged criminals out of jail while the average Joe alleged criminal is kept locked up. Is that fair? Missing work could result in a lost job or even lost wages which could mean they lose housing. And for something they might not even have done? Cash bail means you only get out if you’re wealthy. That’s not right. Also, it doesn’t mean that they are less of a threat to the community. Personally, I would prefer that people get pre-trial release based upon their threat level and whether they have a higher risk of reoffending or even their ties to the community. There has to be a better barometer for keeping us safe than CASH bail.

I thought monetary bail was already banned last year?

“Missing work could result in a lost job …” These people work? Then why are they robbing other people?

@ ange

Why don’t you let them come live with you until their trial since you have such a high regard for humanity? Put up or shut up…

@ange. Look up Pretrial Services in contra costa county. However, their crimes do not qualify and they are put on the bail schedule. How was that guy working as a security guard????

OJ was held without bail in his robbery… They must have priors.

They were parolees so they had priors. Does anyone here really want them free today? The one had a security job, and that is like the fox guarding the hen house. There are too many early releases already and soon probably more with our over crowded prisons.

Idiots !!!

They seem kinda old too be doing this,but that would make sense.

This would never have happened if the anti-soda coalition had their way. Tax the soda, reduce the use and use the proceeds for rehabilitation. These poor folks have had too much sugar. Damn you society!!! mark desaulnier will be holding a town hall to address this.

How does a Person on Parole get a job in Security?

Exactly, who does the hiring there? Plus it’s a kid place, hopefully no one hires a pedofile!!!!

The idiot doing the hiring thought “Parolee” was an Italian dessert.

Security companies hire a lot of people like that. Most of the time the whole job is just to wear a uniform and look like a deterrent. The security we used to have at our store barely did anything. One guy, long time ago, got the password to the money order machine and printed himself up 6 grand in money orders before they caught him.

Real, good security costs money. Most companies don’t want to spend it. So they rent the lowest cost visual deterent. And the type of person that will do that job for the low wages these firms pay, is usually someone that can’t get a better job, for whatever reason.

To be fair, there have been quite a few good dudes that have come through in the years too. Just that the chances of a bad apple are higher than the general population.

Lock them up !

You have reverted from boil them to lock them up?Boiling seems somewhat appropriate.

It all starts in the first grade when you can’t or don’t want to pay attention and there is no one around to talk sense into you.

It’s clear from reading the above comments that most people here don’t have a clue how bail works.

For the record, if the current bail system were removed and replaced, these two men would have been held on no bail. They wouldn’t be released. But don’t let a basic understanding of the proposed bail reform get in the way of your anonymous Claycord posts.

They don’t exactly make it easy for people who aren’t crooks to find out. Cops are just as the sane as the crooks out here except in rare instances. Same people are given a zillion chances; Sick of it and these types. No they don’t matter because they hurt and kill people. Pull the trigger next time so we don’t have to pay for a trial and prison. I am black, I get a criminal pass and welfare for life so I can deal my drive and dribble a 100 mph on 4. Make the offenders pay for their arrest, incarceration and trials. Losers!

Well said!

Those were the days when our county was beautiful and the air blue and clean and no disgusting drug addicted transients instead of gray polluted air and no orchards left.. BART and See no environmental rule aka Seeno type developers have destroyed Contra Costa. Feel fortunate to have grown up in Danville in the 70’s. BART was better than today and we had bus service to SF from WC. Another few years all the wildlife will be dead.
Miss the people that lived here then.and cared. Now it is the I, self, me crowd. Can’t wait to get out if this crooked county.

They don’t exactly make it easy for people who aren’t crooks to find out. Cops are just as the sane as the crooks out here except in rare instances. Same people are given a zillion chances; Sick of it and these types. No they don’t matter because they hurt and kill people. Pull the trigger next time so we don’t have to pay for a trial and prison. I am black, I get a criminal pass and welfare for life so I can deal my drive and dribble a 100 mph on 4. Make the offenders pay for their arrest, incarceration and trials. Losers!

Where ya gonna go MEV?

The headline is a little disingenuous. If they are in fact parolees they have a “No Bail” hold under 3056 PC for violation of their parole.

They couldn’t bail even if they had the money to do so.

sorry but the bail system is NOT the problem

this state is the problem …it caters to crime even made it legal to steal
BEST PART IS de slacker wants these parole suspects to be able to vote on laws that protect and better us …lol
so all this discussion is mute

the fact that a criminal is working security is the scary part and the mall and arcade should be held accountable…
the employees that had to endure being robbed at gun point is not an easy thing to deal with and should be more of the focus
yet this state is so used to crime and the lackluster approach to deal with it that the victims are now the obscurity and the forgotten and often blamed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time
we post about the losers and mug shots and follow their facebook and glorify these acts

we rant about reform and yet voters vote for legalized crime and ban manholes and straws and attack soda like its breaking into their homes and drinking their booze

it is all for not since the mentality of lawlessness and sanctuary are favored over the lives that fought and died for our freedom and security

in a presidential race a side lost and people were allowed to burn buildings and block freeways and decapitate effigies of the potus like a 3rd world country being ruled by sadam …

this country used to respect itself ..now it prefers to be a youtube star for 5 minutes rather than represent the best country in the world

you don’t get respected unless you are respectful …and a lot of people in this country are acting like a spoiled entitled poor me radicals that want everything free and don’t want to work for anything and have the most likes on youtube …in other words children ….

just like the girl who went on tv saying that the 1% should pay for them and their food and clothing and college tuition ..citing they are the horrible for bettering themselves and should have to pay for everyone else ….

the freefall will continue until the adults act like adults and not brats throwing a fit because their messiah lost a fair election


The guy got the job because he used a fake ID to apply. The security contractor must have bad background checks or the person whose ID he used was in on it. They should go through a fingerprint check which would have stopped him.

…And you know this for a fact, how?

To be a security guard you must be bondable.To be bondable,you must have no felony convictions.The owner of the security co has some questions that need answering.

Welcome to Whose line is it anyway, where the crimes don’t pay and the bail price don’t matter!

Hmmmm, seems a little excessive, but without knowing their entire background or if they had any previous criminal history or NOT, that is hard to tell. DEFINITELY a brazen and aggressive criminal act, which should be taken into account. I think $25M-$30M each would be about right…

People with traffic warrants have higher bail than that.Take into account their multiple felony past,and present,and they’ve been to prison and on parole.Please rethink before posting that your relatives are being treated unfairly.These people are so dangerous,they aren’t letting them out now.

“A pair of parolees…”
Were they on our streets rather than in State Prison as a result of AB-109 passed into law by CA state legislature back in 2011 ? ? ?

In reference to hiring and past criminal convictions see AB 1008

“SUMMARY: Prohibits an employer, with certain exceptions, from inquiring about or considering a job applicant’s conviction history prior to a conditional offer of employment, and sets requirements regarding the consideration of conviction histories in employment decisions.”

IF you vote for progressive LIBERAL politicians,
don’t be shocked when they do liberal stuff.

After all criminals belong on our streets instead of in Prison, . . . right ? ?

Your California State legislature voted in a new bail system. P
The DA and the police only advise. Judges now determine bail Sunce this new bail bond law reduced bail, bail bond companies are only requiring 1% of the bond versus 10%. They must have some type of collateral. To keep the really bad guys in jail, judges are posting super high bonds.


If that is true,then they could get out with just $400,000 and $700,000 bail,which is just someone using their house as collateral.Anyone out there want to put up their house to get these guys out.??

If they were both on parole,that in itself is a parole violation for both of them because paroles are not allowed to associate with other paroles while on parole.

The guy in the white shirt looks a little embarrassed to be next to the guy in the red shirt…….

The red shirt really looks like he wishes he wasn’t caught,and the white shirt is angry for being caught.

The problem is parenting. Blaming the system.
When parents started blaming everything and everyone else because their kids are assholes. That is the problem. Work within the school district. You will see.

Even Jeff Epstein would have trouble posting that kind of bail.

Is this where I guess that both men were turning their lives around?



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