Home » SLOBS! Customers Trash In-N-Out Parking Lot With Garbage

SLOBS! Customers Trash In-N-Out Parking Lot With Garbage


Ridiculous. Even though In-N-Out in Pleasant Hill has about 20 garbage cans inside and outside of their restaurant, people still feel the need to throw their garbage out of their car window once they’re done eating.

Don’t be lazy. Please throw your garbage away in the trash. It’s not too difficult to walk a few steps.

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preaching to the choir

Pigs !

I’ve seen full diapers and even used feminine hygiene products. People are gross

Yeah, we live near a mortuary and some of their guests left dirty diapers and used ‘parachutes’ in the gutter on the side of our house. I’m thinking that this is what the world is like just before the Zombie Apocalypse.

Couldn’t agree more. The people who do that probably don’t have respect for anyone or anything – possibly even themselves. Very sad.

Unfortunately they are following the California State Motto, “it’s all about me”.

This is ridiculous. It’s not just laziness, it’s the mentality of the lower class. They don’t know any better, nor do they care.

Ummmmm upper class do that too.

For sure the “upper class” are also just as uncaringly messy. They can carry entitlement that “janitorial work” is the job of the less fortunate so they will throw trash out their door. It happens in all classes. I’ve seen it too especially teenagers with little self-reflection.

Classist drivel like this is unnecessary and unwelcome.

Lower class mentality has nothing to do with income, and everything to do with how you were raised, or whether or not you care. You can have good manners, and care at any income level as well. Mentality and income never has and never will be the same.

I’ve observed that some people believe that because they live in a “democracy” they can do whatever they want because “it’s a free country”. So I guess they feel they are living free because they can just throw their trash out the car window. @_@


You are conflating the adjective definition of “class” with the noun definition.

Adjective: of high quality, integrity, status, or style.

Noun: a number of persons or things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes, characteristics, qualities, or traits.

You referred to the adjective form (status) while Kentucky Derby referred to the noun definition (characteristics)..

@qwerty Clever of him, wasn’t it?

@qwerty. Dude, it’s summer, schools out. Lol

@QWERTY: Irregardless…

Yup…that sounds about right for humans.

And be darn glad your legs work. Don’t be a pig.

Yet another example of how society has degraded. Empathy for fellow man seems less evident with each passing year and each new generation. Makes one wonder about family values.

Those making the mess would likely blame the business for not having drive by garbage cans so they don’t have to get out of their vehicle.

Concierge garbage service, “May I take your garbage, sir?”

ConcordWalnut, you are exactly right. These are also the same people who leave their shopping carts anywhere they want, without walking the few steps to put them away. Not lazy, just extremely self-centered.

Totally agree with you all. This is what we have allowed our society to become and the politicians continue to allow laws not to be enforced and people not to be accountable any longer and California is right up there with the worst of them . So why are these laws continually being allowed to be passed. Seems like the majority of us are not allowed to have our comments heard any longer. Taxation without representation.
And so history repeats itself once again.

Trash tossing trash!!!

I was with my boyfriend one time and this lady was throwing dirty diapers out of the car and he went right up to her and made her pick up all those dirty diapers I was with my boyfriend one time and this lady was throwing dirty diapers out of her car and he went right up to her and made them pick up all those damn diapers. That was a long time ago. These days that same person could shoot at you.

Confronting those who are breaking the rules prompted the “BBQing While Black” events at Lake Merritt in Oakland. Some people get even more enjoyment out of doing it if they know their rule breaking is annoying to others.

When someone is caught throwing their garbage out like that they should be given about two days of picking up garbage.

Pittsburg/Antioch people

Actually the one over there is always clean. Surprisingly so. I see adults throw trash out their window right in front of the kids. They don’t lead by example…in fact they don’t lead at all.

…..or perhaps Walnut Creek/Clayton people.

Clayton leaders are using “The Sopranos” playbook.

To be expected. People who frequent such businesses are in a hurry and It’s not unexpected that they can’t be bothered with a brief trip to the garbage can.

That’s awfully disgusting.

This is nothing… you should see their house!

I’ll pass. My immunizations for 3rd world travel are not up to date.

I would bet that their homes are pig sty’s

We find fast food debris and empty alcohol containers along our street almost every week.

Back in the day, even the bad kids didn’t litter. Now? No shame, no responsibility and no consequences. Perhaps a little “Singapore Justice”, complete with bamboo canes would correct the problem.

Kids today are being taught that America is bad, and shameful. No wonder they have no respect for it.

Talk about “You kids get off my lawn” old guy talk. Tighten up those suspenders and go pick on people your own age.

Actually, I pick up trash, dog poop, etc…off of my property, the gutter, etc…every week…sometimes daily. I don’t post the offense or my efforts anywhere…I just get it done. If that is being an old man, so be it.

However, that trash eventually finds its way into our creeks and parks and can harm wildlife and the environment in general. And I object to that, and the unthinking self-centered perpetrators.

In our society today, it isn’t enough that we have fast food, or drive thru ordering, or even order ahead apps. Now we have Doordash and Uber eats, which will bring your grease bomb burger and fries right to where you are. Next there will be a service that spoon feeds you so you don’t have to actually lift your hands to eat. So is it really that surprising that people can’t be bothered to walk a few steps to the trash can?

I’d say something to them, if wasn’t afraid of getting shot!

Completely agree on all points, HOWEVER, why the hell doesn’t In-n-Out have one of their employees clean that up a the end of the night? Their customers, their garbage, their responsibility!

That is the exact attitude the litter bugs have.

Where’s Frankie?


Your name is perfectly appropriate for your comment.

Their customers (are slobs), their (the slobs’) garbage, their (the slobs’) responsibility is more correct. Don’t blame I-N-O. Blame the slobs!

If you had ever ben to In-n-Out (and paid attention) then you’d see that their employees are constantly cleaning tables, picking up trash, emptying trash cans, etc…I’m guessing the photo was taken before the final cleanup of the day.

Chucky makes a point. Five minutes before the pic was taken the area might have been clean.
Concord parks restrooms are (were) cleaned at least twice a day, but parks workers say the restrooms get re-trashed quickly.

In n Out employees, more than ANY other fast food place I have ever visited, are super conscientious about keeping the place absolutely spotless. They are constantly scouring the place for items left on tables, wiping down tables, making sure the place is hyperclean. And, it is the best burger around for the money, great secret menu, and they have shakes.

This is nothing new, actually, and it has nothing to do with Pleasant Hill, or the current batch of kids coming along. In the seventies I lived in Lafayette, on a street that was relatively easy freeway access, just a block off the main drag, and not far from Kentucky Fried, Jack In The Box, and Taco Bell. Just about every morning we were picking up the discarded remnants of somebody’s late night meal from our front yard. It was unbelievable the garbage that ended up on our street considering it was Lafayette.

In Clayton I have a hedge at the curb. You would be surprised at the list of what I have taken out of that hedge that people who have parked there have discarded. “Just stick it in the hedge, nobody will ever see it.” I won’t go into details, but it includes just about everything.

Slobs have always been around. While traveling around the country one thing that stands out is that the proportion of slobs in California is demonstrably higher in California than most other states. You rarely see things like this in other states, in California it is all too common. Not just this but people who dump the contents of their ashtray in the parking lot as well. Just part of the entitled culture.

Very well said. I’ve noticed the same in my travels. Demographics play a large part in this. I’ve seen a decline since 1990.

When a family, with young kids, go to a fast food restaurant and leave the table a mess after dropping and spilling everything on the floor, that is how kids learn. The lazy parents should clean up after themselves, and teach the little angels to do the same.

The food inside is Garbage! City of Pleasant Hill put this crappy place there to begin with. Too much Traffic and pollution from cars just waiting in line.

This would never have happened had they put an Olive Garden in there.

You know the city doesn’t just “put in” a business of its choice, right? In order for an Olive Garden to be there, The Olive Garden’s parent company (Darden Restaurants) has to first WANT to build an Olive Garden there and submit a plan to the city, which may then be approved. In this case, I believe it was either In-N-Out or a vacant lot. I think they made the right choice.

I worked for In-N-Out Burger for over 7 years and I overheard on multiple occasions, at each store in which I worked across both California and Arizona, that it was “[In-N-Out Burger Employees] jobs to clean up [customer] garbage”. This was usually said right before dumping items into the parking lot or leaving a disastrous mess all over our dining room.

It is the job of food service employees to make sure that the area is clean for the next person to eat, not to clean up your gross baby diapers, used condoms, vomit, beer cans, [enter other gross things I’ve had to clean up over the years here].

And PS: for those who say “Antioch/Pittsburg” my worst offenders weren’t at that store, but the UCLA store. Consider that.

This is what society is now. It will not get better, but worse.

This is how society has become, LAZY. Who ever did this is just too lazy to walk themselves over to the trash can which was probably within 10-20 feet from where they were and dump it.

This is probably the same LAZY people who can’t return their carts to the cart return that is 10 steps from where they are, they just leave it in the next parking place so someone else has to move it. If people actually used their brain for 2-3 seconds and thought about their actions, there wouldn’t be as much trash on the ground or carts 10 steps from the cart return.


Ha ha! Good one!

Litter of bugs are definitely scumbags. Just imagine how the inside of their houses and their yards might look. I have traveled around the world to many different countries and you don’t see that kind of stuff. Yesterday, I was at Sun Valley Mall in the parking structure and a young woman who works at Van’s, Came out and sat on the bench and there was an empty soda can next to her. She picked it up and threw it over her shoulder onto the ground even though there was a garbage can with less than 10 feet away. Many young people today Simply have no respect for anything or anyone!

They also like to throw their in and out trash out in the concord airport parking lot…so sad

I witnessed someone last week at El Pollo Loco (Clayton Road) place trash on the top of the trash can cover and drive away (it was not full) as they drove away what was placed there blew away. SMH.

The human race is doomed.

It’s been found that in poor areas of the bay area that people tend to be much better at sorting out their household garbage into the recycle, green/organic, and landfill containers. Wealthier people tend to not take the time to sort and at the extreme will dump their trash everywhere as it’s not worth their while and sorting it is what the “little people” are here for.

There are exceptions, such as people who dump out their ashtrays in parking lots. For the most part smoking is now a lower-class habit. Maybe it scrambles their brains enough that they dump wherever it’s convenient for them.


There wouldn’t be so much trash left if my parents were quicker at picking up my stuff. Picking up trash doesn’t get me any Instagram likes anyways 😉

It’s not your fault. Society has set you up and should be held responsible. Your parents have let you down. You are due some sort of reparation. Perhaps if we pay you to pick up your own trash and post it on facebook?

At least “In and Out” ATTEMPTS to take care of it. But on a similar note has anyone noticed Burger King and McDonalds have removed the outside containers so you have to go inside to deposit wrappers etc? At least on Clayton Rd….If you go “Drive through” you have to take it home or leave bags etc in your car. Wish they would put the outside containers back outside.

Years ago, I would want to slap the parent when I saw a young child misbehave. Maybe I should have.

Don’t make the Indian cry!

gosh, you’re old… 😉

LOL nyt!

Did you know that he wasn’t native american? His name was Espera Oscar de Corti and he was born in Sicily.
Al Pacino has more in common with him then Elizabeth Warren!

Don’t complain about the trash. Instead you can google up plogging – it’s popular enough to have a Wikipedia article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plogging

“I’m in with the “In” crowd…. “

These are the same people who urinate on the toilet seats at the airport and then bring smelly food on the airplane. They just don’t care, and there is no way to modify their poor behavior. The only way to keep things clean is to hire a sanitation crew for frequent sweeps.

Or beat the crap out of them.

I have seen people leave their garbage on store aisles and I don’t mean grocery stores, and at the park. I have seen people throw cigarettes butts, garbage out of their car window. Welcome to this stage of California becoming a third world country. People can no longer be called out when doing something like this out of fear to be accused of being racist, mysogynist, etc and cops can’t fine them since enforcing the law is now breaking the law.

What about people that bought fast food,ate it in their car while driving\,then dump it on the ground when they come home on Montana Dr Concord?Hello,your father is a firefighter and you rented the house across the street from him,and you do this to represent your family and the street?You know who you are…

School’s out, the rise of apathy, people generally being a-holes, laziness, etc.
I’ve also seen the well to do littering out of their benzes, rude behavior is

Btw, did the person pick up the garbage after photographing it?

Try that in Singapore and see how far you get. When you have extremely relaxed laws you get this kind of stuff happening all the time. With the liberals in control of our state government I really doubt it will ever get any better.

Forget PH. We have this problem all over Concord. What I can’t understand is the people that keep feeding the pigeons on Clayton rd/Thornwood. Also at the TJ Max center. Many, many times I see bird feed or something that birds will eat in the parking lots. Usually in the morning. Whoever keeps feeding them, please stop. We don’t need a pigeon population in Concord pooping on people and cars. If you like pigeons so much keep them at your home and don’t feed them on private property that is not yours.
Also on the subject of the TJ Max center. Everyday there is garbage in the parking lot. Yet the slumlord seems the clean up should happen once or twice a week. Concord City Council needs to wake up and use the BLIGHT laws/codes to get these slumlords inline.

Ban fast food, That’ll teach them.

Never underestimate the power of a couple MAMIL’s. That’s Middle Aged Men In Lycra. They can be in much better shape than you can imagine. Good for those guys.

I’m in my 50s and I have a perfect record of not leaving trash… something I learned as a child and hate to see people throw stuff on the ground or out of their cars


You all crack me up…as if littering was a new problem…maybe you all need memory sticks! Litter has always been an issue since the proliferation of fast food places and convenience stores and it is so not just a California thing. The hubby and I have driven through nearly all 50 states and litter is everywhere…especially bad in the south, but pretty much a feature of most all of the US countryside. Kind of shocking then to go to many European countries where litter is hard to find…partly because business owners make it a point to keep their premises clean unlike the fast food chains here that don’t give a fig about the community.

Can’t fix slob!

It’s called human behavior. It’s great to be an American! You couldn’t even think of doing such in many other countries. They could have debris containers at every parking stall and the results would remain the same!

It’s the same all over the world, unfortunately. I was in Paris visiting Sacre- Coeur de Monmartre. A Basillica built in the 12th century. A family group of about 10 got up from sitting on the lawn where they had eaten lunch. I watched as they ALL sashayed away leaving empty soda cans, food wrappers, dirty paper plates, and plastic utensils all over the area where they sat. It was disgusting to see! Such a beautiful monument of architecture.
Take a look at the parks around Concord, Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill. People leave trash all over the place without even a second thought. Park workers can’t keep up! Last week in Concord I saw a woman through a lit cigarette out her car window. Where do you turn people in for that kind of stuff? And T J Maxx parking lot is just as bad. Concord City Council needs to get after the owners.

You can’t teach people class. Unfortunately, most people think like sheep, “If everyone-else is doing it, it must be ok”. Oh-well, I can only control my own behavior.

What’s the fine for littering? I’m sure the city coffers could use an influx of revenue and with cameras and computers, catch it on video and send the litterbugs (vehicle owner) a nice little citation note in the mail. A few of those and word gets round, I bet you start seeing less trash. (Maybe.)

You ever get a nice little smile on your face when you see a carpool lane violator getting busted? It’d be kinda like that …

It’s not illegal to litter on private property.Only city owned property can one be cited for littering.

Does that happen? Some day I’d like to see a carpool lane violator getting busted.

Littering was never this bad. Wondering what could have caused such an influx of people who litter?



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