Home » University Of California Survey Seeks Input From Cannabis Growers

University Of California Survey Seeks Input From Cannabis Growers


The University of California is conducting an anonymous survey to find out why cannabis farmers are not joining the legal market.

The survey’s objective is to identify barriers to joining the legal market, specifically obtaining the needed state and local permits.

Proposition 64, approved by the state’s voters in 2016, went into effect at the start of 2018 to legalize recreational marijuana and impose taxes on cannabis cultivation and the sale of cannabis products.

When cannabis growers do not join the regulated market, the state doesn’t receive the cultivation tax revenue. California’s initial cannabis tax revenue has been significantly lower than the projected $1 billion annually, according to the university.


Research has shown that illegal cannabis production can also be bad for the environment, including poisoning wildlife.

The survey at https://ucanr.edu/sites/compliance can be filled out online until Aug. 1.

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California. A total cluster.

Oregon has so much pot, it would take six years for it’s citizens to smoke it all.


They need a University study, . . . what have they been smoking ? ? ?
Growers and sellers were already breaking the law to begin with and extremely adept at staying under the radar and all but invisible.

POT industry has been a thriving part of CA’s underground economy since 1960s. An now state government expects them to “SHARE” their profits in order to legally stay in business ? ? ? ? Didn’t Mafia do that . . . . wasn’t it called . . . Payin’ “Protection” money.

State is in next year going to spend $113 million on law enforcement activities to try and curb illegal POT. An lets not forget state is going to spend $1.7 million on an advertising campaign, trying to scare POT users into buying only from “legal” retailers. Which is funny considering in a year actual revenue from legal POT paid to the state was only $345.2 million

Must be that new math . . . couldn’t ever figure out, state forecasted One Billion dollars per year revenue from fees and taxes on POT.

So adding it up state is going to spend $1.7 million plus another $113 million to make possibly $400 million in revenue. Good thing government doesn’t have to show a profit.

Yeah…a survey of MJ growers? Best to hang out in front of Taco Bell and poll the customers. It’ll take a LOOOOONG time to complete though! Hahaha!

An “anonymous” survey of illegal farmers. Sure it is.

“We love our money, yes we do!” I’m guessing that taxes and regulations on Cannabis growers is affecting them…just like every other industry in California. OSHA won’t allow more than three people to ride one ass, and yet California thinks they can burden us with as many taxes and regulations as they wish…without consequence.

Wow, is this study from an approved Grant? Bunch of idiots..

Maybe because the state legislature and politicians and colleges are all pay to play dems and only want to allow illegals to do what they want
Fact the growers know demifornia and its gov and it’s hand in the coffers

Input, they want input! Perhaps a focus group is in order. Obviously this has to be done at the college level, not in the public sector. The public sector expects results, and for the most part already has a keen grasp of the obvious.

Who projected the 1 Billion per year the Up In Smoke League?

“Additional tax revenues ranging from high hundreds of millions of dollars to over $1 billion annually,…”

Found on page 14 of the OFFICIAL VOTER INFORMATION GUIDE for election held on November 8, 2016.

I mean gosh if ya can’t trust your own state government . . . .
Get the felling you were lied to once again, If not there’s this high speed rail project . . . . .

Well, duh!

Wait you mean demifornians are being lied to
You mean we can’t build a multi billion dollar high speed project in the union controlled state …POR qua
Voters were not studious enough to know that the costs of laying track in this state is astronomical
Let alone the months of clearing native species and taking soil samples all along the way
Then there is environmentalists that have to swarm the project

Nope just dreamt of rainbows and said we can fly
And voted yes to gving the state a tax increase for a nonsensical project that the money will be moving so fast out the door that no one could keep up and lots will be lost or diverted to supporting illegals and bonuses

the oh no’s
Are running the ship
So scared
we’re going in circles

Gee – let’s see.
Take an robust, and profitable industry operating uncluttered & efficiently for decades without government rules, regulations, licenses, fees, taxes, agencies, bureaucrats, and all it’s other intrusive, unnecessary burdens …. and impose all that upon it.
Then, expect people to abandon their freely operated (and cheaper) market for the new corporate/government one despite it’s prohibitive tangle of strings, costs, and headaches.
Like Obamacare and it’s two billion dollar website that never ‘let you’ keep your doctor or plan despite Mr. Lost Legacy’s repeated lies.



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