Home » Gov. Newsom Appoints Contra Costa DA To Judicial Selection Committee

Gov. Newsom Appoints Contra Costa DA To Judicial Selection Committee


Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton has been selected by Gov. Gavin Newsom to join the Bay Area region’s judicial selection advisory committee.

In a statement issued by the district attorney’s office, Becton said she’s proud to help ensure that Contra Costa County and the Bay Area at large has a diverse set of judges.

“For the first time in our state’s history the governor has made the list of advisory committee members public and I applaud the announcement,” Becton said. “This brings additional transparency and information not only to judicial applicants but for the public.”

Becton served more than 20 years as a judge in Contra Costa County, including a stint as the Contra Costa County Superior Court’s presiding judge.


She’s the only elected district attorney joining the committee, but Becton will be working alongside prosecutors from Santa Clara, Alameda counties as well as attorneys and judges from San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa
Cruz and Monterey counties.

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Here come more pro-criminal judges.

When it comes to civil liberties, erring on the side of caution is not always a bad thing. Yes, we might have gone too far in some cases.

It is when people die because some violent criminals civil rights are violated and he/she is released from prison.

We pay a price to enjoy the our freedoms and liberties. We pay for it when young men and women die in combat. I’m willing to pay the price a few guilty individual might get off on a technicality to lessen the chance than an innocent is wrongly convicted. You might not be willing to pay that price and I respect that. We each make our own choice.

May I say “I told Ya’ so”? There was an article about her not long ago in Claycord where my comment was she is following in Newom’s and Harris’ footsteps…
Step 1 complete…..

Newsom is probably trying to get a feel for how she’d be as his VP.

Soros funded Bectons election.

Wonder if she will be checking applications for plagiarism? She has some expertise ..

Keep failing up!

there is no benefits to diversity,itonly causes a riff inany situation.

Let me guess more judges to release illegals
The agenda here is clear and now no way to stop the dems
And their crusade to socialism and communism
One political group at a time
Wonder what the illegals will do when the dems actually make them legal and they are allowed to vote and the dems tell them capitalism is done now you have to work in the sewers and live in shacks no moving up in socialism
Unless your on the take and ruling the lemmings
Wake up pawns your overtrowig the American freedoms for a false promise of a letter designation and no plastic straws oh and lest we forget only criminals are allowed to have guns and oh yes welcome to aids becasue it’s legal to infect you through prostitutes thanks to newscum

“Becton said she’s proud to help ensure that Contra Costa County and the Bay Area at large has a diverse set of judges.”

I guess well qualified and judicious will continue to take a back seat to other more politically correct qualities.

As long as it is based on merit and simply NOT on a person’s skin color. But, having said this, I will bet, most people will be appointed strictly due to affirmative action and because sold out politicians, many of whom are caucasian, feel like they have to toe the line of the “WHITE GUILT,” WHITE PRIVILEGE” nonsense and AGENDA! Hell, Joe Biden, in 2014 giddily said: “in 2017 white people will no longer be the majority in America, and that is a GOOD THING!” Sad to see so many white people fall for this crap! Seems to me that teaching our children in the public school system that simply being white is a sense of privilege and that they should have guilt for being so is TRULY a racist statement or AGENDA against Americans of European heritage! Yet…..NOT a peep from ALL the socialistic, communistic Dems or even the vast majority of so-called conservative Repubs either. For those of you who hate your own white skin you are traitors to your ancestors many of whom fought valiantly for the establishment of this once great country! And to those who hate being white, stop driving your cars, using your computers and admiring great architecture in Europe and here in the states, etc., after all, those were ALL invented by white people too. Love ALL people based on their merit and don’t fall for the social-engineered trap that white skin is, always has been and always will be inherently evil! In other words, think logically and with common sense while your children are being brainwashed by the media, politicians, Hollywood, the entertainment industry along with our public, state and university systems to think otherwise for those who are pushing these issues for their own malevolent agendas: to rid European and Christian values, pride, tradition, culture down the drain! Wake up people!

There is no such thing as “white guilt.” They’re pandering for votes. This has been going on for centuries. Anyone who believes otherwise is being played.

So whether you qualify or not, if you’re a person of color or the correct gender, you get the job. That sounds familiar..

Anyone that voted for Newsome should be ashamed of themselves.

Wow, California , land where the criminals roam free !!! Becton is horrible, get ready it’s about to get worse folks .

This lady is a terrible judge and I know by experience, she hear a civil case friends of mine had and the other side played the crying drama card and it worked with her. She doesn’t look at the law she rules on emption. The law is blind and needs to be, you can’t see color, religion, wealth etc. I was talking to another judge a few weeks ago and they agreed that she was not a good judge because of that. They weren’t surprised when she went to DA because she was not well respected as a judge.

She’s literally Willie Browns new political toy and he and his big money backers will make her go far, she’s good at pushing their agendas. She’s not what we need!!



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