Home » The Water Cooler – The Most Used App on Your Phone

The Water Cooler – The Most Used App on Your Phone


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Which app on your phone do you use the most?


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1. runkeeper
2. spotify
3. pandora
4. old radio shows
5. gas buddy

CNBC and the Gasbuddy apps

WAZE most definitely! Then the handful of games I play, followed by FaceBook.

“Podcasts” and its not even close, I use it 3 times as much as the next app.

The Safeway Shopping app for home delivery.

Me too, Just wish it worked better on 5c.

My grand kids have been trying to convince me to buy a fancy apple mobile telephone. The thing costs an arm and a leg, and for what? I still don’t know what an “APP” is. I guess old dogs can’t new learn tricks.

Regardless, I don’t see a need for one of these things. They say it will help me get around town, but that’s what my Thomas Guide is for. And I won’t believe you if you say its faster to use one of these devices.

GOOD for you. My smart phone is much too smart foe me. If it weren’t for the mobile hot spot for away from the house internet, I’d just be using it for calls. I guess it’s good for looking up phone numbers in a pinch as well. I only ended up with it when my last plain old phone broke and they told me at the T Mobile store they didn’t have them anymore, so I paid all that money. As it turned out, I think they mighta lied.

Smart phones are a powerful computer that fits in the palm of your hand. It is a phone, but so much more. It’s also a phone directory, a calculator, a calendar, a compass (in case you get lost), a GPS navigator, world and local maps, a weather prognosticator, a radio, a device for listening to audio broadcasts like podcasts on a variety of subjects, a camera, a photo album, photo editor, a video recorder, a voice recorder, a video player, a note taker for your grocery list, an email sender, an email receiver, a text message machine, a clock, an alarm, a timer, a stop watch, a fitness tracker, any of several browsers for visiting the web including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, a device to post to social media, you can download apps to play games, learn guitar, access YouTube with videos on every subject imaginable, there is so much available it is mind boggling. And, you can take it with you where ever you go easily.

There is an app for just about anything you could possibly want. Whatever your entertainment, interests, hobbies, work assignments or records, basically any information you want, need, or use regularly you just download an app from the app store to manage it. You can even broadcast to your tv from your cellphone with the right equipment. The versatility is amazing. You can customize your cellphone to be anything you want it to be. You can even set it up to be a Pet Camera and check on your pets during the day while you are away.

Almost forgot, it’s also a flashlight.

1. Spotify
2. Pandora
3. Facebook
4. Instagram
5. Booking.com 🙂

What’s an app?

@MoJo “App” is short for “application.” It is a small bit of software used to access various websites, i.e., Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the like, supposedly more secure than a browser. You download it to your device. Usually it require you to create an account with a password in order to sign in to the app where you can then view content, They may also be more effective than browsing the website for gathering information on the user, particularly with the increasing use of ad blockers and your ability to clear cookies and block trackers when using a browser.


Did anyone just feel an earthquake??? Sorry to change the subject….it was a 4.4 and centered in San Ramon / Black Hawk area…

Didn’t feel it but some did here at work.
According to the USGS, a 4.4 magnitude earthquake hit Contra Costa County Tuesday at 1:11 pm which they say originated out of Blackhawk near Los Vaqueros Reservoir.

There’s an app for that! I have the QuakeFeed app on my phone. It shows the location and severity of each earthquake, along with other info on the quake.

CHP Ca Roads
Paint By Number


My jitterbug operator button.

Email the most, then the following (in no particular order):
Messages – texting
Find Friends
Amazon music
Safari – browser
Apps – updates

Google & facebook

Easy to tell who keeps their nose in the cell phone all day. I turn mine on about once a week. I have no idea how society is going to end up walking in traffic looking at their cell phone. It looks weird. Worse yet is driving and texting. Even if you talk on the phone coming through the radio it has to be distracting.Then we get to kids on phones. What a disservice to kids.

Alarm Clock.

Yeah, I’m kind of a napper.

Me too, but I forgot, since it is automatic 😉
Also timer & calculator

iHeart and Radio.com

I was kinda with Ricardoh on phones, though I looked at mine everyday, it was for less than a minute as I check messages and headlines. And Claycord.com of course.
But then I found this tight little app, and now I can’t stop playing with my phone: http://ballisticapp.com/. Man if they had stuff like this 10-15 years ago, I’d have been all set.
And Twitter. I had and still do have serious misgivings about that platform, but there is no lack of content. And reading Trump’s tweets in realtime before Fox tries to spins it one way or CNN the other has value I think. Surreal though. And yeah, kinda sad. Any remaining myth about the sanctity of the office now…well,no need to finish that sentence.

You don’t like our president. No surprise there. If you looked into ‘the rest of the story’, you might understand the real story. But, you don’t like the way he talks. No surprise there.

I dont know anyone whose mother or grandmother would find his return volley acceptible at the dinner table. But if truth be told, his fans snicker at the pure bombasity of his retorts.

Some things need saying. If some one doesn’t, we will end up in a concetration camp.

He isn’t the fowlest president though. Rape, or covering for your husbands repeated offense of rape, might take the cake. Clinton rings a bell. Barry told some woppers. Frankly, a couple who is ashamed of being American should not occupy the White House. And since when does loving your country make you a racist.

I don’t want you to agree with me, but I Do EXPECT you to preserve my beloved country in favor of what these freshman congresswomen have in mind for us.

@Thraxx The “sanctity of the office” was brutally murdered by the Clintons, and buried six feet under by the Obamas. If anything Trump, in his own strange way, is trying to resurrect it.

Spot the Station
Sky View Lite
Open Table

The phone.
The camera is convenient but mine has trouble sending and receiving images. The phone store people don’t know. They just want to make commissions.

Apps come with landmines,spyware and auto-updates. The intrusion into our privacy is too much. They are running psyche analysis on everything we do. Give them more info quickly by doing a survey. What kind of house/ animal/ rock band are you?

Two more apps I use all the time:

Health (includes pedometer to track the # of steps I take each day)
Calendar (to keep track of my schedule)

Both come with the iPhone.

Google Maps and the Rush Limbaugh podcast.

I use Facebook a lot, but I don’t play any of those “Just for Fun” games, since almost all of them are designed for data mining. The latest craze is the FaceApp that uses AI to show you what you will look like when you’re older. When you run it, you give the App access to all your pictures and information, and allows them to keep all your stuff, in their facilities in St Petersburg, Russia.

So go ahead and post those stupid notices on your timeline telling Facebook that you do not give them permission to use your information. You already gave them permission, and you can’t take it back.

somebody showed me the other day that I can make phone calls from it…. I was in shock….

But they were wrong. I dialed P-O-P-C-O-R-N; it didn’t work.



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