Home » Two Ways To Help Monument Crisis Center This Summer – Summer Food Boxes & Back-2-School Backpack Drive

Two Ways To Help Monument Crisis Center This Summer – Summer Food Boxes & Back-2-School Backpack Drive


Monument Crisis Center has two programs this summer, and they could really use your help.

Summer Food Boxes is the first program and each year their goal is provide 1,000 boxes of food for local families in need.  There is a list of the most needed items available on their website.  To donate you may also text “MCC” to 41444.

“The most vital thing we can help someone with is food and nourishment” says Executive Director, Sandra Scherer.  “Each month we provide food to over 1,100 households and 3,000 people.  It’s the most basic thing that we can do to help families feel whole again and it’s the heart of our mission.”


The second program is the Annual Back-2-School Backpack Drive.

They are seeking donations of backpacks and will gratefully accept them between now and July 25.

They are also looking for a variety of supplies for each backpack and that list is available on their website.

The most critical need is for backpacks for middle and high school-aged students and they are encouraging donors to be creative in your backpack choices.


Please, no solid blue or red backpacks.

Visit their site for a complete list of supplies, donation hours and deadlines available at www.monumentcrisiscenter.org.

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“Please, no solid blue or red backpacks.”

Beggars can’t be choosers.

Ever heard of the Bloods and the Crips?

I agree that beggars can’t be choosers, but “please, no solid blue or red backpacks” is a very thoughtful, logical request. He’s looking out for the kids.

No red or blue backpacks so they won’t be targeted as gang members is the reasoning this

You might as well ban red and blue cars then too.

Let’s let the families decide if they want to wear red or blue. I certainly am not giving up on those colors and stopping to the gangs’ level. I won’t be dictated by them what to do. I make my own choices.

@silvia… of larger red/blue concern around here is Norteno / Sureno (if I spelled them right..)

S, You must be right. Norteño / Sureño then!

no ty
my kids school money already feeds monument
my taxes and now gas tax feed monument
now soda tax and bridge tolls and higher bart fees all for monument
so pat your own back and keep the inflow coming eventually you will see we can not feed our own citizens let alone millions of illegals

Oh my gosh, people, get over yourselves. If people were secretly rolling in dough while being supported by Monument Crisis Center, would they live in crappy apartments in the Monument corridor? Would you? Nice clothes? Do you only donate to people who dress like crap? Oh no, that would mean they are worthless deadbeats who can’t even be presentable. Gimme a break. This is all just self-justification. And why so defensive anyway? Nobody has to donate. I’m not a fan of the open borders crowd, but this is just simple charity. There is nobody getting rich off backpack donations: it’s just stuff for kids, for school. It doesn’t mean you have to be a bleeding-heart progressive in your politics, it doesn’t mean you support illegal immigration – it just means you are helping out some people who are actually here, trying to live their lives. Sheesh.

And what special arrangement do you have with your taxes so that state gas taxes and higher bridge tolls “feed Monument”??? You’re living in a fantasy land.


I couldn’t agree with you more!

Glad to see the haters gonna hate showing up right on time to post…

No hating involved…. but not fooling ourselves…. it’s just the way things are…. so don’t hate us for dealing with reality…. you should try it yourself sometime.


I disagree that it is hate. Don’t know about you but I have 3 kids in school to provide for so no I am not going to support any body else but my family. My taxes do enough as is.

“encouraging donors to be creative”? Oh, so they want Eddie Bauer, LandsEnd, Northface etc. backpacks so they can keep their iPhones in them? I wonder who buys all their nice clothes (just take a look at them walking to YVHS). Who pays for their Starbucks drinks (now Peet’s) after school everyday? And they get free school breakfast and lunch. Nope, no pity here.

To be fair some of those nice clothes may be stolen. It’s how a few of my friends scored nice clothes back in high school. Now that stealing is basically legal I’m sure it easier than ever to five finger discount the good stuff. Or buy what the criminal gangs stole by the armload at Dicks, Victoria’s Secret, etc.

There are kids in genuine need of clothing/school supplies/etc. and the fact that some people really feel the need to post hateful comments is honestly sad.

Donate your old, unwanted stuff and help out a struggling child!!!

LOL! “old, unwanted stuff”??? They want new backpacks only (but not red or blue!!):


Moreover, most of what you donate goes to the staff, in the form of salaries:

“Each donation of $50.00 will provide a new backpack filled
with school supplies for an at risk student.
Text “MCC” to 41444 to donate or visit monumentcrisiscent”

Seems like $50 would buy a lot more than a backpack and some supplies if it was all going to those things.

If you are a fool, go ahead and donate and be suckered.

I see a lot of kids these days walking slightly stooped over due to backpacks. The only thing a backpack is good for is keeping the chiropractors in business.

Oh brother,better drive em everywhere so they don’t get any exercise at all…..
Its part of being a kid.
Maybe they should drop out …..like you did

Studies show that only about %3 of cash donations or less actually make it to the intended source.The workers need jobs and the buildings rent paid in a costly location, and utilities etc,insurance,then what ever is left a portion of that goes to the proper people is what charity is all about now,because nobody is volunteering,unless its cleaning cages at an animal shelter.It makes one wonder how much of the food and clothing actually get to the right people.

LOL, what “studies?” I’ve been involved with this charity for years – it goes to the “right” people – I guess I’m wondering who you think the “right” people are…

Studies like this:
Of course, it says nothing about MCC. But the general caution that anyone with half a brain should do a bit of investigative work before donating is justified. Unfortunately so.

If you are looking to help anyone out, this is the time and place to do it, if not, then pass along the Info for someone else. There are actually people that live here that have children that can’t work because the kids are too little and they don’t have the support system to help. They are trying to get their lives together and need help with their Babies. THEY don’t have a tight community those who are attempting to upgrade their life and get away from bad people have to make a choice. Moving to MCC is the next best step for them. Helping them is helping the community. Those kids could be helping your grandkids someday.



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