Home » Concord Police Cite 61 During Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operation

Concord Police Cite 61 During Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operation


The Concord Police Department conducted a bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation aimed at educating bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians on traffic laws, rules and responsibilities this week.

Officers were looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that put roadway users at risk.

The results of the operation are as follows:


  • 67 people contacted (vehicles/pedestrians/bicyclists)
  • 61 cited for vehicle code violations
  • 1 person arrested for public intoxication

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Good job CPD!

how many in each category and cites per???????

That’s $12000 they just made that wont be spent on anything to improve (dis) functional life in Concord.Good job,boys.

I disagree. It is money well spent. If it prevents just one pedestrian fatality it is well worth $12,00 to the community. A major injury can cost that much to the individual who was hit. Also the increased insurance cost for the driver. And lastly, there were fines for those cited, so the actual cost was well less than $12,000.

This is great, I see lots turning right at a green light when pedestrian is crossing, people Jay walking, bicyclists going thru red lights or crossing wherever they want, good job CPD

Yes, thank you Concord PD!

Saw another idiot just this afternoon in the landscaped center median on Clayton Road waiting to Jay-Walk. These people should be automatically at-fault in case of an accident.


61 out of 67 were cited for vehicle code violations? WOW!
Need more info.


A lot of the jaywalkers are so oblivious to the world they will never stop taking the straightest route from point a to point b. It’s probably the only thing straight about them. And holding them liable for any accident they might cause? C’mon, they don’t have any assets anyway. They might be criminally liable if they caused an accident that caused bodily harm or death, but do you think the CC DA would prosecute a druggie or homeless person with limited brain function?

Grant = overtime
this is why they all want a M/C to patrol on
nice gig if you can get it

If Concord PD cited 61 of the 67 people contacted then it appears the purpose was citations, and the resulting revenue, rather than the claimed “educating bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians on traffic laws, rules and responsibilities.”

Issuing citations is “educating.” Please keep in mind they’re law enforcement, not school teachers. They learned a valuable lesson, an education and now they have to pay the fine.

I’ve been pulled over and warned twice. Both were very educational for me, and I appreciate what the officers did to this day. While my driving citation was also educational the citation end of things was not. Curiously though, I got a great, and free, lesson on the way home from the traffic school.

Many of my most important life lessons were offered freely.

How many of those who cited do you think will actually show up in court?

Now CHP MUST do an enforcement between Morello Ave and Pacheco Boulevard exits since people not only use the emergency lane (right side) to cut through to exit on Pacheco but they also use that emergency lane to cut through traffic and merge back on the freeway. I saw 8 cars doing that today in a matter of couple of minutes.

The emergency lane? In what country is that occurring?

Do you mean the left shoulder when the lane merges? If so, I have seen multiple CHP enforcements with multiple CHP vehicles during the commute time. Problem is for every ticket they write there is another 8+ that continue to break the law.

They should just put spike strips on the shoulder and let the tow companies have a field day.

Right on !!!

67 contacted, 61 cited, and 1 arrested. 5 lucky

5 were bicyclists

All CPD needs to do is sit in Turtle creek in the parking lot at the tennis courts by the duck pond and watch every single car that came from the Treat Blvd direction,run the stop sign as they turn right at that 3-way stop intersection,They are all just too good for that stop sign.That’s a citation that is almost $500.They could write about 2-300 perday.Hello CPD,are you listening?I’ve seen this go on year after year.The residents and the police don’t seem to care.

Wow, that’s almost as many tickets as car break in’s for a week.



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