The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
When was the last time you had a garage sale, and did you make any money? Also, when was the last time you went to one, and did you purchase anything?
Talk about it….
Been a few years since we had one. Made about 60 bucks. The wife just went to one Saturday and purchased a little something for her Mother. I think yard sales are great but wish people would do the right thing and take down their signs.
I never had a garage sale, but some friends did once and I gave them some stuff to sell for me. A lot of their stuff didn’t sell but all of my stuff sold because I was asking for ridiculously low prices. I really didn’t care if I made a profit, I just wanted to get rid of the stuff. My friends wanted to make a profit and asked for more than their stuff was worth, consequently they didn’t sell everything.
The last time I went to a garage sale was about 7 or 8 years ago and I bought a VCR for 10 bucks that I use everyday to record a couple of shows and it’s still working.
I’ve never had one. I do keep my eye out for them when walking the dogs or out bicycling. I keep an eye out for tools (non powered), particularly older antique stuff. Also gardening items, including anything I can repurpose. I also keep an eye out for stuff on the curb market “free” that I can repurpose for gardening. Recently scored a set of 6 or so clay fish about 8 inches long each for garden decoration, along with a really nice matching clay pot. Have gotten some really nice free bowls for dog water and bird water, too. Also free shovels of various sizes.
Last thing I purchased was a box of misc very old tools, cool stuff. This was last summer. Over the past couple of years, I see garage/yard sales less and less often.
I haven’t had a garage sale in years. I have been to a few this year but it seems that garage sales aren’t what the use to be. I think most people use other online sales like craigslist or facebook to get rid of their stuff.
It depends… The last time I had a garage sale I was outside from 7am to 3pm. I made $300. If I think about all the time I put into prep/cleanup and then then 7 hours outside, it didn’t make sense for me to have lost my free time for that small amount. I found it mildly irritating to have something between $5-10 and people who garage sale for sport would say, “i’ll give you a dollar” and when I’d say no they would get snotty. I would have been better off making a donation and taking the write-off. My limited free time has more value. Granted, not everyone has this option and some people actually enjoy hosting yard sales I still like to browse a sale if I randomly pass by one but I’ve downsized so much that it would have to be really special in order for me to actually buy something.
@concord Mom. I feel your pain. Not only do I like getting a great deal, I like giving a great deal. Last time a had a garage sale I had some great stuff that I was letting go for pennies on the dollar. I’m selling a $200 bird cage for $10 and people are still trying to talk me down. I guess garage sale culture has changed and I haven’t changed with it. Not worth my bother anymore. If Goodwill or Salvation Army won’t take it, it goes in the garbage.
yeah non English speaking love tax free clothing
and baby gear
sell lots of baby stuff and clothes
blankets …beanies …purses
old wood …and metal …nails and screws …tarps…funnels
fenders …tires …bumpers ….
they never buy packaged razors or shoes …cant figure out why
You should see how they steal things at Estate Sales. They put things inside items and try to pay for one then act like they don’t understand when they get busted, they casually walk off without paying. It’s unbelievable..
Last time was about 15 years ago when granddaughter wanted to sell some of her stuff. Whatever money was made she kept.
Last time I went to one was about 4 years ago when a friend was cleaning out things and had a couple of boxes of fabrics. I went to see the fabrics and bought 1 box.
Of course they “work” … to get your unneeded junk into the hands of new owners.
However, I find it easier to just put stuff out on the curb with a free/gratis sign. If that doesn’t work, a notice on Craigslist usually works wonders.
oh yeah. about a year ago. made a fortune. there are lotsa people that it is their thing to go to them… I look a lot, buy seldom…
I hate going to them and I hate having them. But had one just this last Saturday as our pile of usable stuff was starting to get huge. Prepared for 2 days, sorted, marked and argued a lot. All for less than $100 in sales. We had pretty good stuff too. Advertised on Nextdoor and posted signs. We’re trying to sell the big items on Nextdoor but most is going to be given away.
For me, definitely not worth it and I won’t be doing any more garage sales.
Look into selling on Facebook Marketplace. I’ve found some great items there and it’s like a virtual yard sale: create a listing of one of your items (or bulk items), take good photos, write a short spiel, wait for interested buyers to message you. They pick it up and it’s off your hands (and out of your house) with barely any hassle on your end!
I’ve never had one, and I’ve never been to one. As far as used things we want to get rid of. We donate, give away or throw away – depending on the condition of the item.
I never have (and never will) think garage sales are worth it. To me.
Never hosted one myself (that requires a yard or garage!), but I do like to peruse them when I pass by and happen to have cash on hand (also rare). I’m big on collecting vintage and antique items and books so it’s hard not to look, though finding the gems I tend to go for can be 1 in 10 yard sales (have better luck at antique or thrift stores). I donate all of my items personally, but not against selling. Some of yard sale I’ve been to have been pretty interesting in regard to the items for sale and the owners to make conversation with.
I’ve never had one. I’ve always donated clean working stuff I no longer need, use, or want to thrift stores like St. Vincent’s in Oakland or Hospice on Clayton Road. I used to enjoy coming across the occasional fun finds while making donations at thrift stores, and starting out in life I equipped a kitchen and furnished a home with cool used stuff. I rarely visit garage sales because I don’t need any more stuff, and I’d just buy something anyway. Alas, I stopped getting used things to bring inside the house a few years back when bedbugs became a thing around here. I think that would be a nightmare. I very much need to have a garage sale. Or two, or three.
Garage sales are pointless. The profits/time spent are not worth it.
The population has changed over the years. I remember having garage sales that were fun & met nice people. Now, I would not want some of those people to know where I live or give them the opportunity to see what else I own.
You are quite correct, it’s just not worth the risk. No more Kool-aid or lemonade stands for kids either. Not exactly progress, is it?
Spill on the details JohnnyB. What made it worth $165k? Has to have some historical significance mixed with some rarity.
Never had one never been to one. When we kick off the kids will get a dumpster and fill it up. Not a bad job for what they will get.
I feel like all the good stuff just goes straight to eBay anyway.
My partner Pete and I love yard sales. They are a great way to save money, sure some of the things are used, but if you clean them up good they are safe to use.
I agree with most that if you host a garage sale for the money, it’s hardly worth it. Buyers want a deal but if I’m pricing something for pennies on the dollar – that is a deal!! I prefer to donate and list some items on CL or other sites. My time is worth more than spending a full day to make little money.
I participated in a block sale once. Cleared out some stuff quick. We made 70-80 bucks. It was a long time ago. Kissed the guitar goodbye. It went to a good home. We are more inclined to give stuff away…and have!
I have also used Craigslist. To buy and sell. Found enough Benjamin Moore paint to do the job.
I dont go to garage sales for the most part. I must have at least once. I buy used stuff though, throughout the years. I bought my first knife fork and spoon at a second hand store. It is fun to see and handle old kitchen items. I still have an apple corer I bought at the same place. Waaaay back when.
We have had several garage sales over the years. Some of them are because we live in an excellent location for sales that’s easy to find and with plenty of parking meaning we have hosted fundraiser sales for charities.
More recently we have been giving stuff away using Nextdoor. We also regularly donate stuff to thrift stores.
Generally speaking:
* If you get a tax benefit from donations, you’re going to do better donating than garage selling.
* If it is a big ticket item, you may do better selling online than at a garage sale.
* If you’re more concerned with getting it out of the house than getting a buck for it, a garage sale may be a way to get something for your offcasts.
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We’ve had them many times over the years. I’d rather try to make a few buck than throw things away. We’ve always done pretty well.