Home » ALERT: Sheriff Reminds Residents Of Contra Costa County Fireworks Ban

ALERT: Sheriff Reminds Residents Of Contra Costa County Fireworks Ban


The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff would like to remind all county residents about the use of fireworks during the 4th of July holiday.

Contra Costa County is a ‘fireworks-free zone’; the sale, possession or use of fireworks of all types and sizes (including Safe & Sane fireworks) are banned in the county.

Deputy Sheriffs and officers on patrol will confiscate all fireworks. Typical fire-works problems in the past have included aerial skyrockets of varying sizes, from bottle rockets to three inch mortar launched shells. Fireworks purchased in neighboring counties, other states, or over the internet are illegal to use or possess in Contra Costa County.


Offenders could also face up to $500 in fines. Possession of dangerous fire-works, like M-80’s or cherry bombs, constitute a felony and could result in fines of up to $5,000 and imprisonment.

Violators may either receive a citation in the case of a misdemeanor, or they could be booked in jail for felony use or possession of fireworks.

If you’d like to watch a permitted fireworks show, please visit Mt. Diablo High School on July 4. The fireworks show will begin at 9 p.m.

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Whew, whew, I am sure they will abide by the law with those harsh *extreme sarcasm) consequences. Guess someone has to die before the police will get off their arses and do anything about anything any more.

@ Mev

Don’t blame the police for the fact that there is no longer a penalty for most crimes in California! Place the blame where it belongs. Right in the hands of the voters!


If the Concord Police were sitting on their collective arses Concord would look just as bad as San Francisco or Los Angeles and be more dangerous than Oakland.

I know first hand that CPD works as hard as the law allows to keep Concord residents save.

Don’t make such ill-informed comments.

It only makes you look even more uninformed that you obviously already are.

Its as if the Concord PD doesn’t even do any outdoor crime fighting,its all done from their station,as they investigate everyones computer or phones thru their electronjc backdoor.They believe they are quit clever..Eventually,CPD will eliminate its car,send out drones with cameras,and when they see you commit a crime,they will send you a letter saying you need to go to court.They are so backed up with paperwork on trivial things that fireworks?they wont even be visible on patrol that night.Its a sanctuary city,anything goes.If a murder happens,they do show up for that.Concord is not very hands on.I was a witness to a violent felony a few days ago;and they haven’t even contacted me for any follow up and im the only one that saw it.They have a hidden agenda and they aren’t telling.

Of course they will….. stay off the pipe

When I used to live near the Pleasant Hill BART Station someone set off a firework every year like clockwork that sounded more like a bomb and was so powerful it actually shook the rafters. I was at a loss as to why this occurred and how such a bomb was acquired. Who makes these things and how do you get them especially when they are illegal?

Who makes these things
********** They are made in Mexico & China.
especially when they are illegal?
********** are you kidding ?? Dope is illegal & so are many weapons & you can get them also

they will also confiscate your unopened beer and dispose of both “properly” after their shift. (wink wink nod nod)

Pleasant hill has a nice family friendly fireworks show at college park high school.

Lately, night after night you hear fireworks being set-off. Last night there was a very powerful one set-off. I would like to know how many citations are actually being issued from each agency or is this just a PSA.

For all of the people who fire off fireworks irresponsibly as well as illegally, I can only wish a pox on your house.

Your lack of responsibility and accountability is matched only by your lack of redeemable character values, integrity and common sense.

Guess someone forgot to let my neighborhood know…

I wish the largest illegal fireworks were M-80’s or cherry bombs. I have heard a few in my neighborhood that were much larger.

Are the Pleasant Hill DVC/Sunvalley fireworks still a thing?

You jerks who blow up BIG fireworks ruin things for the rest of us… blowing yourselves up or starting fires.
When we were kids sparklers and firecrackers were fine… bottle rockets were a bit riskier (since the Chinese found some way to make those destined for the USA to automatically seek out wood shake rooftops) but we used them safely for the most part, as far from homes & dry fields as possible.
I remember one jackass who teased a lizard till it opened it’s mouth to bite and he put a lit firecracker in it’s mouth & let it run off to explode.
Another kid I knew threw a firecracker into his sister’s big hairdoo & it caught fire… she still answers everybody with “what?”
Those guys are the kind that ruined it for the rest of us… got all the Mommies and sissy boy types to rail against fireworks till they got everything banned. Thanks Jerks!

Your neighbors hope you meet new friends in County Jail or your house burns down…that would be your landlords house



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