The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Have you ever gotten a call from your bank telling you somebody, in some other city/state was using your credit card? If so, about how much did they charge, and where were they located? Also, did you get your money back?
Talk about it….
Oh, my yes! Unfortunately I’ve been had a few times. Once, years ago when I lived in Palm Springs someone lifted my information after I shopped at Home Depot and they bought groceries at Safeway, items from Macy’s, some online orders, etc. And yes, luckily I did get my money back, but it took a while for my name to be removed from that “Retail Do Not Accept” list!! Also, a few years ago someone purloined a number from a credit card that my mother, sister and I share, and my sister called me to ask, “did you spend $697 at Target in Bakersfield over the weekend?” UH, NO! Haven’t been to Bakersfield in years!! Had that stopped right away!! Identity theft or merely hijacking an account number is a horrible thing to get through!!
I received a call from Chase bank that someone was using my debit card to make purchases in Southern California. The weird part was I never lost my card… They charged a little over $300 on their shopping spree, but Chase refunded my money.
Numerous times!
The biggest one, my number was used to buy 20-30 train tickets somewhere in Africa, ended up in the $500 range. My credit union stopped it eventually and refunded me my money. I still think the AM/PM in Santa Clarita I stopped at is where I got swiped on that one.
There have been a few more over time, but only with my Chase card. *Knocks wood*
The most frustrating one? Chase had sent me a replacement card after another incident. It’s an account I don’t use often, so I had NOT YET OPENED THE ENVELOPE THAT CONTAINED THE REPLACEMENT.
I get the text “Did you spent $bladdyblah in Tyler, TX at Walmart on card ending ###? No… I don’t think I even HAVE that card. Went and looked, it was the same card number as the one still in the envelope!
Which is why I have ZERO faith in all these “super duper safe” wallets and inserts, if my damn number is going to get stolen and used BEFORE I’VE EVEN SEEN IT? There is no point.
Never had a problem probably because card is not used for everyday purchases. Never use it at a gas station or convenience store.
Still fond of that greenish folding stuff called money.
You tend to be rational about spending when breaking a $50 or $100 bill.
We stopped for gas along Hwy 5 on our way home from LA. The card wouldn’t go through on the pump so we had to go to the cashier inside. The guy took the card, turned on the pump and insisted on holding the card until we finished. Obviously needed the time to copy down the information. Dropped into bed after midnight and received a call the next day from the bank who issued the card asking if it was still in our possession. Yup. “Okay, please destroy it and we will overnight you a new card with a new account number.” Turns out that between 9 PM and 11 AM the number was usued to buy $1800+ worth of Levis at EACH of five Bay Area Macy’s. The fraudulent charges were never posted on a statement that we saw.
I was in New York City with the card & they tried in Safeway in Sacramento without the card (probably a friend who worked there) for $490.00- card cancelled as I was using it (swiping it) around the same time in NYC. No loss to me other that time for re-doing all my accounts with a new #. The computer caught it.
The bank called to say a “suspicious transaction” had been refused. Someone had tried to use my number to buy $1,800 worth of camera equipment in Tokyo. I’ve never been to Japan.
A few years ago, my wife and daughter went to a movie matinee, and my wife bought some popcorn with her debit card. Apparently, the clerk copied her expiration date and security number, because that night, he ordered a whole bunch of game gear and had it shipped to his house. BofA stopped payment and gave us an immediate refund. But they never tell you the outcome of their investigation.
No, never, not yet anyway. I always hear on the news about retail stores being hacked and everybody’s info has been stolen, so I do not shop with a credit or debit card. I’m from an era when cash was used and no one used plastic like they do today.
After all, I’m Dawg and you know the old saying, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
It’s happened to me a few times. Somebody once did $10,000 worth of damage on my Chase card before they contacted me Years later somebody went on a small shopping spree in New Jersey, but B of A contacted me right away and stopped it. The most recent happen right before this past Xmas. Somebody in The Netherlands used my atm card for a few hundred dollars worth of take out food and taxi services. Fortunately my bank was suspicious and cancelled the card immediately and I was not liable.
I’ve had a couple of instances VERY close to home. In both cases, I bought gas at two very inexpensive gas stations near Clayton and Treat. In both cases, ATM attempts were made at the Clayton BofA within minutes of my purchase. Too much of a coincidence there. Haven’t been back to either station since.
Every time one of our cards has been compromised, BofA has always given us an immediate refund. However, my son used to have an account with Contra Costa Federal Credit Union, and when his card was skimmed at a 7-11 in Martinez, they wouldn’t issue him a refund until he had filed a police report and given them a copy.
I had the same experience with those stations. One of them used to be a Mobile station and is no longer because of multiple fraudulent charges on customers’ cards.
I tried to pay my phone bill and card was declined. Card company said they detected stange spending in Walnut Creek where I never go. They purchased gas, $220 woth of booze at a BEVMO, and tried to spend $400 some dollars at a sporting good store.I got the money back and 2 new cards.
Not yet but expect it someday. I don’t use my card at gas stations other than Costco. The few times I got something over the internet, I only use a different card just for that. I still believe cash is king. While I have heard some places don’t take cash I don’t shop at them. When I know I’m going to travel more than 100 miles, I call the card company(s) I would use and let them know the date(s) and possible areas I might use them. And cash only at strange gas stations.
I did lose a card and was able to call as soon as I noticed it. New card was issued but as far as I know, the old card never got used.
Before my son got married, I filed a travel advisory with BofA and let them know exactly when we would be in the Bay Area. We had our Rehearsal Dinner at Jack’s, and a good time was had by all, right up until I went to pay the bill. BofA locked my card with a fraud alert. I spent close to 45 minutes convincing them to unlock my card. By the time I was finally able to settle the bill, only my wife and I, our lead waiter, and the cleaning staff were still in the restaurant.
yet another reason not to do business with them. I always tell people dump BoA… They are the worse I’ve dealt with; even worse than Well’s Fargo…………..
That was my only bad experience with BofA. And every time one of our cards were compromised, they blocked the sales, refunded the charges, and sent me a new card quickly. I hated Wells Fargo when we were with them, and my banking needs outgrew our old Credit Union account. I never say never, but I’m sticking with BofA for the foreseeable future.
Yes, about 4 years ago. Upon arriving in Southern Calif. I pulled into a gas station where the pump refused my credit card. Went inside and and tried the debit card which was also declined. Paid cash for some gas and continued to my destination where I phoned Visa, who informed me that they had shut down the card when somebody tried to charge $90+ at a Walmart but was denied because the location and amount didn’t match my spending profile. I don’t keep a large amount of cash in my checking account.
I didn’t get a phone call. I checked my bank account online (everyday) and there was a charge for $216.00 from Dicks Sporting Goods…but then the charge was reversed…so it just cancelled out. I think it was online and they did not have the security code on the back. The next day I got charged $1.00 from USPS. Someone used my debit card online to try to forward my mail… to somewhere. In the mean time, I cancelled my debit card…but someone forwarded my mail..so the new card was on it’s way to …somewhere. A few days later…the USPS sent me a letter to confirm the address change & suspend my online account. The mail was going to be forwarded to TOPEKA KANSAS.
Yes, several times with my credit cards. I now have alerts set up and added the gas station alert. There was a gas station charge from Florida on one of my cards.
Yes, once when in Reno, a hotel desk clerk somehow skimmed my credit card (I wondered why she seemed to be so interested in the cards design and ‘attractive looks’) and then telephone calls were being made from Nevada prison to other outsiders. Now I black out the security number on the backs of my cards – after writing them down elsewear, which makes it harder for crooks to get that important number.
A few months ago, I got a call from my card issuers bank asking me if I’d been trying to purchase airline tickets. Nope. She then said someone in Rwanda had been trying to purchase airline tickets and something from a chemical company. Umm, what? That doesn’t seem like a good combination.
They cancelled my card and I never saw those charges on my statement.
Somebody used my credit card to buy a Go Pro camera. I contacted Wells Fargo and they gave back my money.
Well, apparently the Hubby and I own a herd of cattle in Louisiana as we “ordered” a shipment of hay – must have been on the way back from purchasing $700 of Gasoline in Florida on a swing through Iowa. Bank of America notified us of the strange purchases and overnighted a new card. Never saw the charges.
Numerous times. Never been stuck with anything.
Once, I got e-mailed and texts about fraud on my card. I ignored them all as possible scams. Then I got a phone call. Person started asking for personal info so I balked at continuing the call. She said to call the number on the back of my card. Yeah, it was a genuine fraud case. Can’t be too careful.
Just a heads up, don’t use your card at the pumps at the ARCO at Clayton and Ayers. It’s a much better idea to go inside and pay.
My bank called & let me know a small amount (around $1.50) was charged in Australia. It raised a red flag because the bank said it’s common for the thieves to see if the small amount goes thru, then charges a larger amount.
No, thank god.
You can thank our legislators that for sometime now they have dropped the threshold for Misdemeanor Theft to $950 and below and don’t prosecute. That is why this continues to happen to us honest folks. Back to carrying cash. Remember when it comes time to vote.
Wow!! After reading about everyone’s experiences I think I’m ready to go back to a cash only lifestyle!! Some of these are horrifying, especially about using the card at the Arco at Ayers & Clayton Roads – I go there all the time!!
It happened to me twice. Lucky for me, both times, the bank caught wind and declined the card. My accounts were frozen, and I had to get new cards after each incident. Its a love/hate relationship with technology. I hope cash never goes away!