Home » Ozora Sushi Issues Apology To Community After Health Department Closure

Ozora Sushi Issues Apology To Community After Health Department Closure


Ozora Sushi, the Concord restaurant that was recently closed by the Contra Costa County health department, has issued a heartfelt apology to its customers.

Please click on the image shown above to view the full apology from the owner of Ozora Sushi.

The restaurant has since been reinspected and reopened.


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Mistakes are opportunities to learn. We are all human and all make mistakes.While I find this disgusting, I feel this letter was very sincere. I would have no problem dining at your establishment in the future. Best of luck to you!

I cannot believe they are reopening. It’s sad and unfortunate that this is a family business but I’m not sure how anyone that saw the photo that was taken comfortably goes back to dine in their restaurant. We’ll see how forgiving our community is willing to be. I went back after the first closure but I won’t go back after a second and much worse incident.

A rat that was poisoned fell from the ceiling. The way that pest control works is that the vermin ingest poision and die. No one can predict where these pests will die. It was extreamly unfortunate that this rat decided to die where it did. I think it’s disgusting, very disturbing and would definitely ruin a good meal. If the restaurant passes a county health inspection I would have no problem patronizing this restaurant.
I think i will eat lunch there on Friday.

And this highlights the problem of using poison. If the rat had stumbled outside to die, it could have been eaten by one of many predators which would also have died. Traps are much better, despite the unpleasant task of removing them.

There was recently a story of a Buffalo Wings in SoCal where a dying rat fell onto a table with customers seated and ready to order. I have to assume that rat was poisoned, too.

Damn. I’m torn, we’ve been going there for YEARS, even after the last issue we gave it some time then went back. The food is fresh, the service is great 98% of the time and the price is good. Everyone we’ve taken to Ozora loves it as well. Not once have we had a bad reaction to a dinner we’ve had there. BTW, this location is much better then their one in Pleasanton.

I just don’t know if I can go back after seeing that picture of Splinter and the look on it’s face, it was just too comfortable there, like it was used to roaming around that place.

Let’s see if they can survive. My wife and I were eating dinner the other night at a new place (Thai Thani) and we agreed we just can’t go back.

Sorry Ozora, you had a good run.

What’s with the negative comments? It is rare to come across a restaurant that has NEVER has insects or vermin in their establishment. Living things flock to food and shade. It’s hot outside, the rat found a way to get in and live the good life while it could. While I do find it extremely unappealing and dirty, I do not think that the presence of one rat equates Ozora as an always dirty health-hazard of a restaurant. Give them a chance. If you liked their food before, odds are you still will and if anything, they’re going to be more hyper-aware of the restaurant’s cleanliness and will do whatever they can to meet the standards we set for them and that they set for themselves.

“I do not think that the presence of one rat equates Ozora as an always dirty health-hazard of a restaurant. ”

Problem is, there never is just one rat.

I work in retail grocery. There have been times over the years when rodents become a problem, usually in the backroom out of sight. They are always addressed aggressively and taken care of quickly when seen, and an outside company sets and checks traps in an ongoing basis to get any that sneak in. But they will happen from time to time. We had an opossum one time that we shoed out, and I have seen a bat once.

Social media makes it possible to ruin people and businesses with one bad snapshot. A picture of one rat doesn’t tell you a thing about how diligent they are in cleanliness and pest control. If I ate there, I’d give them another chance. They at least had the integrity to own it and make a heartfelt apology and commitment to address it.

I am not seeing an image to click on

I believe this letter is a sincere apology. Kudos for reaching out to the community… in a heartfelt manner. I’ve never been there, nor would I return. You can’t un-ring the bell. Or the picture.

Images should not go through doubleclick to be displayed. Doubleclick is a tracking and advertising business with the extra steps needed to track us that slow down the delivery of images to people surfing the web.

The direct URL to Ozora Sushi’s letter is at http://ozora-sushi.com/img/expression-of-regret.jpg

@Eddie van halen – were you expecting a squat toilet?

Love Ozora, the food is great, and the family is really nice that owns the business. Have been going there for years now, and never once gotten sick (unlike another WC sushi place).

Ozora will probably be the cleanest restaurant in town now. The rodent issues are kind of troubling, but am noting the restaurant backs up to the high school (probably all kind of litter that attracts vermin there). So, am going to keep supporting Ozora, love their salad dressing and double dragon roll!

I believe that this is the best (only?) apology I have ever read from a restaurant that was closed down by the Health Department. Most of them say nothing, accept no fault, try to pretend it never happened…nothing but crickets. This apology sounds very humble and sincere.

I have never been to Ozora Sushi, and I really like good Sushi, so I am going to give them a try. I’m always game to trash a restaurant when they get closed down, however, it is equally important to reward good behavior and support a business when they correct their errors.

I totally agree Chuckie. You see more public
apologies in the Asian culture. The gentleman
in charge of the bullet train in Japan has
apologized for trains that were a minute or
two late. (Have we EVER seen that with BART).
Restaurants aren’t the only places that can
have trouble with pests. That’s why exterminators
come to so many peoples homes. Have you
ever heard of someone who had a pest in their
kitchen say “I’ll never eat at home again”.
I didn’t think so.

@shoulda -good points!

Agreed…👍🏻 to owner for honesty and sincerity

I agree! It took courage to write this letter.

I still won’t eat sushi, though. I ended up with liver flukes from fish at some unknown time in the past, and it’s much more likely to get them from raw fish than undercooked fish. I probably had the parasites that were compromising my health for a looong time before I was diagnosed and treated.

Next door at Ygnacio Valley high school rats are everywhere. In the classrooms and office space. In the walls and ceilings.

Maybe the rats prefer sushi to school food.

That should be concerning.

@Mika – I’ve read similar comments several times on Claycord.com. I just checked health dept. inspection for YV High School’s Cafeteria. It was shut down twice last year by the health dept. Looks like 1 time for rat infestation, another time for no running hot water.

Sorry, but I’m still one and done.

What’s this, an owner actually accepting responsibility and apologizing? That takes some guts.

I believe him.

I’ve never been and I don’t eat out much, but if I did I wouldn’t hesitate to try it (now). If they share adjoining walls with other businesses, the critter problem probably isn’t consigned to their place alone..

So here is the problem, CCC has known about the rat and vermin infestation for years. They have chosen not to deal with it. When people would call vector control they would be ignored or told to contact the county, Now, public places are being shut down because of it. The vermin will go where there is food and water in supply. It is normal.

This is not Contra Costa County’s problem. Every county has rats.

@OverWhelmed – Mosquito and Vector Control is a Contra Costa County Gov’t entity. Regarding rats and mice, Vector Control does rat prevention and control in some public areas, including creeks and sewers. They will not bait/trap on private property, but they will come to your home (no charge), inspect the property, and point out any areas that need to be corrected to address rodent issues.

And concord ygnacio is correct: rats are everywhere, just 1 female rate can produce 200 rats in a single year. People just have to be diligent in rat prevention. A rat’s skeletal system is soft. If a rat can get its entire nose into a hole, it can get it’s whole body into and through a whole.

Vector Control is responsible for mosquitoes and some rodents in some public spaces. Private property owners are usually responsible for maintaining their own property. The County Health Department is responsible for inspecting commercial kitchens (think caterers and Churches) and restaurants.

But folks, the State EPA has made it almost impossible to bait for rats. And LA County is (or was) looking at stopping use altogether, even though they have had people, including police officers, contracting rodent-spread disease.

For all you people falling hook, line, and sinker for that letter, you do realize this same restaurant was closed by the health department in 2018 as well:


My friends and I used to frequent there back in 2011 and so on. They used to have a DJ playing on Friday nights so it was a good place for groups and sake bombs. I got really sick after eating there 4-5 years ago. I had the worst food poisoning that lasted 3 days and had to go to the hospital for fluids. I never went back and definitely won’t be back after seeing this. House of Sake in Walnut Creek and Tachi sushi in Clayton are pretty good. Sasa in downtown Walnut Creek also has really good sushi but is pricy.

I’m not a sushi guy, but this owner’s letter has me considering giving it another shot at Ozara.

Huge extra step disposing of their entire inventory on their own initiative. That probably doubles their corrective expenses on top of the extermination job.

This world needs more accountability and Mr. (or Ms.) Sang has displayed a shining example.

I’m not a sushi guy, but this owner’s letter has me considering giving it another shot at Ozara.

Huge extra step disposing of their entire inventory on their own initiative. That probably doubles their corrective expenses on top of the extermination job.

This world needs more accountability and Mr. (or Ms.) Jang has displayed a shining example.

Nice letter.

I looked at their record on the Health Dept. and they have had other Major Violations going all the way back to 2014.

I’d feel more sympathy if this weren’t the SECOND TIME in just over a year they were shut down by the health department. What this tells me is the owners really don’t care about the health and safety of it’s customers.

Although it is appalling to see a rat in a restaurant, the whole city is infested with them. It’s not just a restaurant’s issue, it’s a issue all around. Hell, theres one in my house right now that is bypassing the traps, bait, and just feeling as happy as a clam within the walls, and only comes out at night when we are asleep.

Why is the county health department only picking on Concord, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek. They should look at the seedy restaurants in Pittsburg and Antioch.

I would recommend to everyone to download the app California Food Inspector before dining at any restaurant in California. I travel all over the county and all cities are checked on a 30-90 day basis.

I don’t know why this region of the county seems to have a higher level of issues with vermin compared to other cities in the county but it seems to be a bigger problem in this area then any other in the county and region.

I applaud the owner’s attempt of making lemonade out of lemons but infestations do not suddenly appear overnight. They had the same issue in March of this year and other minor issues in April of this year.

Systems should have been put in place back in March to avoid this from happening again so soon. Staff should have been trained to report any signs of droppings to the contracted pest company and the owner.

As an owner you could have stopped by weekly to inspect for yourself but from the article it sounds like you are more involved at your Pleasanton location that has had no violations.

Infestations can happen anywhere but multiple infestations in a short amount of time is signs of a broken system.

Michael, do you own a competing sushi restaurant by any chance? The neighborhood is not gleeful at the prospect of Ozora going under…why not help support a small business?

30 years in hospitality and food service and this is as big of a heart felt apology as I have ever seen.
Social media warriors set out to destroy people and small businesses daily.
Not all restaurants have front windows for rats to hang out in,
but they have store rooms and kitchens we’re Vermin abound. Away from any camera.
Any restaurant who says they’ve never dealt with Vermin is not being truthful and honest. It’s an ongoing issue in most establishments at some point or another. I appreciate this owner owning his problem. I believe now is the best time to try this restaurant because they do indeed have all there cleanliness standars in place.

The issue isn’t limited to Ozora the shopping center as a whole has had problems with rats and vermin, Ozora was always one of the best kept shops in that shopping center but all the shops are interconnected. I know first hand as I use to be involved with the cyber cafe there, have had many friends who worked at traders Joe’s and use to semi frequently visit the bar. Ozora like any restaurant is beholden to its location and I definitely believe they’d take care of the issue above and beyond what would be required.

Very Impressed the owner not only took responsibility for what occurred but she also apologized publicly. I have never read about being so forthcoming, open and honest.
Best of luck to the owner!

Kudos to the owners openness and honesty. I admire her for taking responsibility and apologizing publicly. Best of luck to you in the future.

I love that they said “OUR immediate response was to close”. NAH DAWG, that wasnt your choice, you were SHUT DOWN

Seems to be much more open about it than most of the other restaurants that were closed due to vermin infestation…

After reopening, the others just “issued statements.”

I hope these good people do not suffer losses because of living in the world. Really! It sound as though they were diligent. Who on this earth can claim they have never had a bug or mouse on their property?

I once rented a house in Pleasant Hill that backed up to open space, on Bifrost Ave. This house had a huge rat problem. They chewed through wire mesh and a door that housed the furnace. We and the professionals could not eraticate these critters. Nothing like sitting on the couch having your first cup of coffee and feeling a tickle on your ankle. Looked down and it was a rats tail. They also crawled up into the oven and would die, dripping juices as they decomposed. We kept that housed very clean, and this was a problem way before we moved in.

sounds like a pas personal problem is influencing your judgement of this recent apology. biases are very real, maybe you should consider that before jumping to conclusions and making claims about management when you clearly have 0 experience / knowledge in the food industry.



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