Home » Sacramento PD Officer Killed Wednesday Was Pleasant Hill Native; Suspect In Custody

Sacramento PD Officer Killed Wednesday Was Pleasant Hill Native; Suspect In Custody


A Sacramento Police Department officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty on Wednesday evening has been identified as a Bay Area native, according to Concord police.
The officer, 26-year-old Tara O’Sullivan, was shot by a suspect armed with a rifle while mediating a domestic dispute at 6:10 p.m., around 30 minutes after arriving at a residence near the intersection of Edgewater Road and Redwood Avenue, Sacramento police said.
The dispute had started earlier in the day, and police had gone to a home to help a woman gather some belongings from a residence when
O’Sullivan was shot in a yard. Police said the suspect then kept shooting at officers, which forced them to retreat to a safer location. Just before 7 p.m., officers used a Bearcat tactical vehicle to serve as cover to help transport O’Sullivan to a hospital, where she died.
According to Concord police, O’Sullivan grew up in Pleasant Hill and graduated from College Park High School in 2011. She later attended Diablo Valley College before going to Sacramento State.
Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg said she was a child development major at Sac State and was enrolled in a Law Enforcement Candidates Scholars program, graduating in December 2018.
Steinberg said it is the first time in more than 20 years that a Sacramento police officer was killed in the line of duty. Officer William C. Bean Jr. was shot and killed during a traffic stop in Sacramento on Feb. 9, 1999.
Police said early Thursday that the suspect had surrendered and has been taken into custody. His name hasn’t been released.

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So sorry for her family.

Adel Sambrano Ramos is the perp according to the Sac Bee.

Multiple Domestic Violence charges in his past.

No death penalty allowed because of the Radical Left in this once great state.

Votes count.

Condolences to the family of this officer.

5 cops were gunned down in Dallas in 2016 – which has the Death Penalty.

It’s almost as if the Death Penalty has no bearing on what bad people do.

Actually according to Gavin Newskum votes do not count. He ended the death penalty the minute he took office even though we had already voted it in. Chaps my hide!

This young lady’s life has ended senselessly. My heart goes out to her family, her friends, and her fellow officers.

My friends and former colleagues at Sac PD say that the city council took away the shotguns because they deemed them too violent. This is an outrageous policy that should be repealed. This officer may have had a chance to survive has she received timely medical care.
RIP Officer O’Sullivan.

Most agencies do not carry shotguns anymore. They were phased out after the North Hollywood Shootout in favor of rifles in 1997.

People hate change, which is why some people may have speculated that some weenie politicians deemed them too violent, even if there is no truth to that. A quick Google search turned up nothing about city council taking away shotguns, which surely would have been in the news.

In this case, a shotgun nor a rifle would have been carried, as they were speaking with a victim of DV. A longgun would have been secured in the patrol car. It was just an ambush. The guy came through the front door with his rifle and started shooting. Nothing could have been done, realistically.

As for police tactics on helping her, I can assure you his rifle would have downed more officers whith inferior shotguns. There is a reason military used rifles not shotguns.

Just my take on the situation.

RIP Officer O’Sullivan

The military doesn’t use shotguns? You’d better double check that with your google overlords.

@rollo Tomasi You are correct. I didn’t word it very well. I am active duty and we are qualified on a pistol, shotgun and rifle. In a situation like this, a rifle would be the gun.

Aunt Barbara- No offense but you are living in a video game. What you are talking about isn’t practical.

Can there be one post without political opinionated comments? I don’t think you internet politicians understand how you are perceived, nobody asked nobody cares.

It’s horrible what happened, come together and support the young woman and her family during this difficult time.

May you rest in peace Officer O’Sullivan. I’m surprised the death penalty wasn’t invoked the moment this clown was taken into custody. Should have been!

This is so sad. Prayers to her family. Absolutely heartbreaking.

This is so awful. That poor girl. Prayers to her family, friends and fellow officers. God Bless.

everytime it is a latino killing someone the name is not posted

seems demifornia is already socialist communists ..blocking us from truth and feeding misinformation

ahhh feel the iron curtain upon you
best part you followed and voted to be enslaved and ruled
and what did you get ….nothing but high taxes and bad schooling as well as labeled and separated ….the few things needed to enslave and persecute ..gratz
at least we have toll lanes right ….oooohhhh left my bad ….new flag and all takes a bit getting down the throat

The first commentor listed it and the Sac Bee listed it. Looks like all news blurbs didn’t get the name.

News sources said the suspect is Filipino.

My heartfelt condolences go out to officer O’Sullivan’s family, friends and law enforcement family during this incredibly sad time.

I would also like to express my gratitude to law enforcement for their bravery going out into the force each day to serve our communities.

Graduated a little earlier than she did but still went to the same high school go Falcons .
I feel the same Justice should have been given to him as he gave to her When he surrendered and came out.
Damn I’ve been meaning to get that hairpin trigger fixed on my rifle….
I’ll get it fixed after the funeral maybe ……!!!!!!!!

You better check your source on Depts
Not using Shotguns anymore.
They still do..

This is such a heart breaking news article, it is always so sad to hear about an officer being shot, the suspect must have had nothing to live for or he was just BatCrazy, its too bad because everyone who wants to join a department wants to help their community in some way, this is so tragic,

Case and point we need stricter gun laws to keep this from happening. Curious if she was a rookie cop and what kind of standards are taught at the academy nowadays.

She was ambushed from behind while helping
A Domestic Violence Victim gather her belongings.
This state already has the most Restricted
Gun laws in the nation.
Her training had nothing to do with it, a cowardly
Scumbag did.

Female police officers have a higher chance of fatality on the job than the male counterpart.

What stricter gun laws do you think would make a difference here? The killer had a lengthy criminal record and is ineglible to own firearms, would never pass a background check if he tried to buy one legally, so he got that rifle illegally. As already noted, California has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the country. Seems like he’s the kind of dirtbag that should never have been released from prison.

“Female police officers have a higher chance of fatality on the job than the male counterpart.”

Here goes Trauma again. Spewing inaccuracies! We’re just seeing more female officers killed because there are more joining the ranks. Sex has nothing to do with it at all. The female officers I know of are all VERY capable and just as well trained as their male counterparts. Local stats alone would show you’re wrong, but that’s nothing new!

She was ambushed and shot in the back. Typical cowardly move.

Also Trauma, the suspect was restricted from owning guns under California’s gun laws. He had all of his guns removed following a previous domestic violence incident. Just goes to show that stricter gun laws DO NOT stop these incidents from happening. The criminals still get and have guns.

Gun laws don’t work why?
Criminals don’t follow laws

@ TraumaRx
Exactly where are you getting your statistics?

According to the FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services Division’s Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted (LEOKA) Program 2017 study, from Table 103:

From 2008 to 2017
The number of Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted and Injured by firearms, knives and cutting instruments:
1094 officers were shot or cut between 2008 to 2017
By Sex
Male officers: 1037
Female officers: 56
Not reported: 1

I fail to see how the job is more dangerous for females than male officers. Stick to your seatbelt mantra.

Incidentally, the suspect who killed Police Officer O’Sullivan was already prevented from possessing a firearm by both California and Federal Law so other than confiscating all firearms what law was going to prevent this?

Don’t get your hopes up, folks. TraumaRx has never shown the intellectual honesty to support the claims he/she makes.

“Case and point we need stricter gun laws to keep this from happening”
Chicago has some of the strictest gun controls in America also has extremely high gun violence and deaths by firearm.

Then the counter argument comes up, guns come in from from surrounding areas. Then why don’t those areas have a higher or equal amount of gun violence as Chicago.

‘Most violent weekend in Chicago this year: At least 52 shot, 8 fatally’

was warmed to see the flag was lowered at College Park High School

sympathy to all……………….

Never bring in a cop killer alive.

Amen. These officers showed more restraint than I could under the circumstances.

Domestic disputes are the worst calls. I went on a ride-long in Oakland and 5 of the 11 radio calls for my “partner” were domestics. I felt very naked being unarmed, and I could tell he was nervous even with all the gear. It was my first and last ride-along.


Yes, “partner” – the cop with whom I was riding; hence the term, ride-along. Did you gather there was some sexual connotation in the word? That would be quite twisted.

Not at all…. You were an Observer not a Partner,,,

Get your mind out of the gutter.

As the police were securing the area trying to keep people safe and away from the scene as they were trying to get to the officer down, those lovely people heckled and cussed out the officers. So disgusting!

but you’ll notice little to no media is showing that, are they? Scum….

I know right? But if it were reversed, it would be all over the news.

Where is the funeral at I also graduated from college Park high school I graduated in 1996. Condolences to her family and friends fly high falcons will always rule!

takes a few days to plan. there will be announcements.

@Becky, per the sacbee… but I am sure other media will post it as well… Expect huge crowds with additional outside seating…

The public will have an opportunity to pay their respects to slain Sacramento Police Officer Tara O’Sullivan next Thursday at her memorial service.

O’Sullivan, 26, was killed in the line of duty Wednesday responding to a domestic violence call in north Sacramento.

The service will be at 10 a.m. June 27 at Bayside Church Adventure Campus at 6401 Stanford Ranch Road in Roseville

How sad, she was a youngster, condolences to her family. Regardless of gun laws, there needs to be extremely enhanced consequences for injuring or killing law enforcement. Perhaps an express lane to the death chamber would be a deterrent.

God bless her soul. Prayers to her family and friends. Prayers for her department and all that responded… an unforgettable call for the dispatchers and those that responded… and dealt with the scene. May she Rest In Peace

Extremely sad, The world that we live in with so much hate towards Law enforcement 😢 My heart goes out to her family, coworkers and friends.
Thank you for your dedication and your life taking so young and so unfair 😔 😢

45 mins to evacuate her???

Whatever happened to laying down covering fire???

I know that’s a military thing, not sure I’ve ever seen it in civilian police work…

Arm chair quarterback. I can assure you that if there was a way to get her out without getting others killed, they would have done it! Officer’s put their lives on the line everyday for the citizens they protect. They’ll take on even greater risk to save one of their own. It wasn’t possible, or it would have been done!

Just not done in police work, you have to have a defined target, there is no such thing as “collateral damage”, that equals lawsuit.

108RS formerly LA County Sheriff

A terrible, pointless tragedy. If you’d like to help and show your appreciation for the sacrifice this kid made, please donate here: https://cahpcu.org/OfficerTaraOSullivanMemorialFund



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