Home » TONIGHT: DeSaulnier Hosts Second Town Hall On “Protecting Our Democracy & The Mueller Report”

TONIGHT: DeSaulnier Hosts Second Town Hall On “Protecting Our Democracy & The Mueller Report”


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) announced that he will host a second town hall on “Protecting Our Democracy & The Mueller Report” on Monday, June 17th at 6:30 p.m. in West County at Harding Elementary School in El Cerrito.

During the town hall, Congressman DeSaulnier will discuss The Mueller Report, the ways in which it detailed outside interference in the 2016 election, and what needs to be done to safeguard our democratic systems as the 2020 election draws closer.

“Protecting Our Democracy & The Mueller Report” Town Hall
Monday, June 17
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Harding Elementary School
7230 Fairmount Ave. in El Cerrito


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Is this concerning the Project Veritas tapes where the Democratic party was caught on film saying that they pay protesters to start fights at Trump rallies?

Fake news created by James O’Keefe, again.

Wow, he’s really good and totally fooled me, DOH! Amazing how he faked the DNC officials (that were all fired or stepped down because of the tapes) to say things on hidden camera, knowing that it would all be fake news. Voter fraud? What voter fraud!


That will really advance our country. To where? I don’t know. The guy is such a labor faker.

We know how to protect democracy Mark Moron, vote Republican!!!

I wish I could be there and ask him why he is wasting so much time on an investigation which has been conclusively proven to be created with false information paid for by the Clinton’s from a foreign spy who admitted he never verified any of his bogus claims. The left has gone so far left now, I fear they will tip over and actually become China.

Another Trump bashing party….
We pay him for crap like this?

RIGHT ON!!! Voted for This Guy 3 Times, NEVER AGAIN…!!!!

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Step # 1(and this is important) Vote Mark out of Office. Meeting ajorned.

A solid plan. Followed by replacing literally everyone representing California with a “D” at the end of their name.

It’s a done deal. No collusion found. Quit making this an issue – it’s over. Vote the ding dong out.

No thank you because when a politician speaks, they’re lying.
Next Town Hall Meeting Topic Suggestion: “Why illegals are taken care of better than Veterans in California and America!”

Amen brother.

Tsa wins. Best insight on the whole current situation.

In trump’s latest interview he said he took care of the veterans.

So what more do they need that he didn’t provide? Or is he lying?

Cup of water, another.

Mark- it’s over; the Mueller report is toilet paper the democrats have been taken over by socialist fascists. Go back to TR’s and run your restaurant – you were good at it. As a politician you are a disaster. A man has to know his limitations

DeSaulnier and the democrats need to forget about the Mueller report and impeachment and focus on their core values such as gender less bathrooms, open borders, unlimited welfare, free medical care for illegal immigrants, raising taxes and replacing GW birthday with May day as a National holiday

This clown is such a big joke. Who ever voted for him better feel guilty for supporting this ding a ling

You have to hand it to him for going forward with these meetings to nowhere. They are clearly rhetorical in nature and will have zero effect on anything. Yet he proceeds…….Like a dog gnawing on an old shoe.

Wish he would spend time on things hes supposed to doing and getting paid for. I dont care what this guy has to say about anything. He has proven himself to be full of crapp over and over.

He ain’t no George Miller, we can do better

I second that

Has no one let Mark know that this isn’t a democracy?

Can we please move on from the Mueller report? It’s over, it’s done with. Stop wasting time and my tax dollars on your fantasies. Don’t we have actual problems to address? You know, like the $22 trillion debt? That’s seems important.

It would be nice to hear a Democrat refer to us as a Constitutional Republic every now and then…. I don’t think they can muster the words.


Congress’ approval rating is in the toilet. Its well below that of Trump’s. Say what you want about him, but he’s done a whole lot more than Congress has since your party retook the House. This Congress must be on pace to set a record low amount of legislation that’s been passed.

Get Americans working, cut red tape, fix immigration, secure the border, work on streamlining the tax code, work on streamlining the immigration process AND force legal & illegal immigrants to pay back every cent of welfare they take from us, and let Barr investigate whatever he wants concerning what appears to be your party’s attempt at a coup of a duly elected President. If you’ve got nothing to hide, there should be nothing to fear right????

If you can’t get behind any of these, then please by all means tender your resignation tonight.

Mark, get me a clean glass and make it a double.

Mark, get me a order of Buffalo Wings.

What a total J— Ass.

What a great meeting. The plan is to change “Father’s Day” to “Non-designated Life-form Day”. mark really is getting things done.

I wonder how many commenters in this thread will feel when the 14 referrals of potential criminal activity that were forwarded to outside offices come home to roost?

Mueller played it straight down the middle, and some things he found were outside of his jurisdiction. He could not and did not comment on them, but rest assured they will be investigated.

Meanwhile, Iran is “violating the treaty” that Trump tore up, we wonder why the international community is not backing a “WMD 2.0” run up to war with Iran after we’ve been damaging any and all diplomatic connections with other countries for two plus years, and let’s cut off any aid to countries south of us and make it so bad down there that people will stop coming north(great logic!), climate change gets kicked down the road, and the vaunted tax cuts are never going to pay for themselves, admit Republicans.

But yeah, let’s do something about flag burning.

Some one needs to change the air in your basement

It’s nice to see someone post here who actually reads and pays attention.

Anytime anyone of of these posters say collusion, it only proves they don’t know what they are talking about.

People here are full of hate, yet not one of these people actually read except to parrot Fox News talking points.

It’s a sad state when people act like they know what’s going on in our politics and actually have no clue.

Btw republicans funded the original Steele dossier and that isn’t why they started looking into conspiracy. I can’t believe some people don’t already know that

“Potential criminal activity…”

We live in a society where one is innocent until proven guilty. Potential charges and potential criminal activity mean nothing. Wild accusations against someone doesn’t make them guilty, so matter how delusional you are.

And from past experience w/ him on the county BOS and the state legislature – he is NOT interested in what you have to say, unless it agrees with his already-assigned opinion.

Facts be damned.

And again – that is based on personal experience.

“Potential criminal activity” – how about “Innocent until proven guilty.”

Or are you of the same crowd that lambasted Kavanaugh because of Blasey-Ford’s accusations… none of which could stand on their own. Yet the democrat politicians (and we all know who) believed Blasey-Ford because she……..”sounded so believable…”

It was Hillary and the crooked Dems who have forced Trump to not be able to keep his campaign promise to totally eliminate the federal deficit, which is on track to hit $1 trillion this year. Without the administration–approved legislation, this year’s budget deficit would have reached its lowest levels since 2007, at about $360 billion instead of nearly $1 trillion.

And they also cooked the books about the trade deficit, the trade deficit has grown over $100 billion, going from $502 billion in 2016 to $621 billion in 2018, an increase of 19%!

How about another tax cut?! It’s treason to report such financial news!

It’s everybody’s fault but his! Some leader!

Gonna believe someone who ignores an inauguration and does a sit-in?


Mark is good sitting on his ass.

@Wiz – and you’re right… He’s good at sitting on his ass.

Not much else, though…

As usual, shut up Marky!

Do you read this Mark????


It’s time to Rethink this. There was an election and he won! Accept it and move on with the people’s business!!!

@ KenInConcord

You don’t speak for me and I voted for Mark. Let’s exercise oversight over the president and start the impeachment process.

Trump doesn’t speak for the majority of voting Americans. He didn’t win the majority vote. He’s acting for the minority

Randy – apparently, you have an issue with reality. Let me clue you in….

1. Trump won the election via the Electoral College.
2. You are (presumably) in the US and a citizen of the US
3. Therefore, Trump is YOUR president.
4. If you claim he is NOT your president, the I suggest you renounce your citizenship and move to some POS third-world country where you’ll be happier.

The Electoral College was put in place to protect the minority from the majority. If it were your choice, you’d have all democrats in office resulting in a single-party dictatorship,

You have the gall to accuse others of not sticking with the original post – yet, you’re doing the same damn thing.

Your hypocrisy is evident, snowflake.

The true title of his town hall meeting(s) should be”How to do and accomplish nothing and make yourself look and feel important in the process.”

Wow you guys are so negative and cynical. You are the haters that love to complain. Mark can help fix the pig stye. There will always be the nasty folks to ignore but they need to be pointed out. So go about your way. Puff puff puff is all you guys can do.

“ilovepopcorn” – Get off your damn high horse! This is a free country and everyone is entitled to their opinion – no matter how much it “upsets” your precious widdle ego. If it upsets you, then don’t read it! But apparently you want to stifle opinions from others that don’t agree with you!

Yes – marky as a democrat was elected by democrats in a democrat-controlled area. However, you have to remember that he is supposed to represent ALL constituents in his district….not just the ones that kiss his a$$. He’s done nothing except ride on the coattails of George Miller and other politicians – I’ve watched since he was at TR’s and on the county BOS – useless then and useless now….

And by the way – “a stye, also known as a hordeolum, is a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the eyelid.” I believe the word you’re thinking of is “sty”, not “stye.” What a difference one letter makes. A pig does not live in a stye, it lives in a sty. If you’re going to use a word, make sure you know what the h3ll you’re talking about. Back to bonehead English for you, snowflake.

And you – as a member of the party of tolerance, diversity and inclusion – are nothing more than a hypocrite when you insult people that don’t agree with your opinions. That comment you made about “haters” applies EQUALLY to you!

Many posters want to ignore what the Mueller report actually says. By law or policy Mueller was not allowed to charge Trump with a crime. Mueller held a press conference and said the report does not exonerate Trump.

Ignoring the Mueller Report for a moment, how about what Trump admitted to George Stephanopoulos? Trump would commit collusion and accept information from foreign agents and not tell the FBI. Even though Trump has said don’t believe your eyes and ears or what you read, maybe you should.

First off Trump said if someone from Norway wanted to tell him something he would listen. (like everyone else in the country would) He then went on to say he may or may not call the FBI depending on what he was told. If you find fault in that you have a problem.


So you wouldn’t even listen to know what they offer?

I think everyone in these comments thread should tell “Doh” they have deragoratory information about his neighbors and Co-workers, he would have to file separate FBI reports for each of our mentions of dirt……

Now tell us how hard the left has been on the anti-Semites Omar and Tlaib, the call to violence from the idiot Waters, the false ancestry claims from Warren…

This desaulnier guy is a LOSER! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!!

–The popularity of representatives in the House is about 20%.
—But their re-election rate is between 90-98 percent.

It would very hard to vote Mark out. He knows it. He serves the interests that fill his campaign coffers. We, the local, little people, District 11 voters don’t matter.

Follow the money.

The problem is that everyone thinks Congress as a whole isn’t worth sh***. But everyone thinks their own representative is doing a great job – it’s always the “other” rep’s fault…..hence the high re-election rate.

Again, it’s all about me, me, me…. and the people aren’t taking a wider view of things. And the politicians depend on that.

@Fred P. I agree. But my point is that Mark doesn’t even need voters.

District 11 is solidly blue. As an entrenched tool in the Democrat machine, Mark could spend his entire term ranting about President Trump. And he would still get re-elected.

Or to quote Nancy Pelosi (from April 16):

“When we won back Congress, it wasn’t in districts like mine or Alexandria’s. Those are districts that are solidly Democratic. This glass of water would win with a D next to its name in those districts,” she said, picking up the water at her table.


Forsyth – agree 100% with you.

Mark, this horse has been dead for two months, why are you still beating it???

Agreed !!!

We don’t have a democracy. We have a republic.

Gag me!!! Honestly, Mark has transformed being disingenuous into Performance Art.

What a waste of time….will be a one-sided presentation where you already know what will be said. But will be great for the dems to get together and do their “group-think” thing.

They can continue their childish sit-ins there…..

I think they used to call that a circle-jerk.

You can contact De Saulnier’s office by email. Like Pelosi’s website, you have to enter your zip code plus four to verify you are in his district. Copy your comment here and paste it to an email to him asking him why he isn’t addressing the concerns of ALL his constituents. You will probably have to give your name and maybe your address. Or, edit your comment and submit it to him with your name and address.

Unless he reads these comments, he is out of the loop, and these town hall meetings just reinforce his belief that what he is doing is right. His cheering section are likely the only people who show up. He needs to know the conservative members in his district demand he address their concerns. It wouldn’t hurt to remind him liberals and conservatives alike are signing his paycheck. He needs to represent them all since he is their elected public servant.


The Democrats will lose the next election, they have a lot of work to do but they keep spending all their time and money going in circles. If they dont change their focus they will had the election to the Republicans.

This guy is a complete waste of a politician. He was once a Republican and switched when he realized that it would be politically advantageous for his career. He is wasting people’s time and taxpayer money discussing a matter that has already been resolved and never needed to be investigated in the first place. This “investigation” was nothing more than an attempt to make it impossible for Trump to govern – and that’s how Democrats always react whenever they lose elections. This so-called “town hall” is just a shameless anti-Trump fundraiser that’s being guised as a “town hall” meeting.

Agree 1000%

If California politicians were really interested in protecting democracy, they could start with remembering the US has a two-party system. The current sad condition of our state can be attributed to the one-party dictatorship that has been allowed to go on for far too long here.



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