Home » DIRTY DINING: Corner Bakery Cafe In Pleasant Hill Closed For Second Time In 10 Months Due To Vermin Infestation – (Rat Feces In 2018, Cockroaches In 2019)

DIRTY DINING: Corner Bakery Cafe In Pleasant Hill Closed For Second Time In 10 Months Due To Vermin Infestation – (Rat Feces In 2018, Cockroaches In 2019)


Corner Bakery Cafe, located in Pleasant Hill’s Crescent Plaza, was closed this by the Contra Costa County health department after inspectors found cockroaches inside the restaurant, according to the inspection report.

This is the second closure of the restaurant by the health department within the past year. In May of 2018, Corner Bakery Cafe was closed due to the discovery of rat feces after a customer claimed to have seen a rat inside the restaurant, according to the health department.

Please click on the ‘Dirty Dining‘ link to view all the most recent restaurant closures in Contra Costa County.



Noj March 9, 2019 - 11:52 AM - 11:52 AM

“Lemme have the one without the sprinkles please…”

Dorothy March 9, 2019 - 12:51 PM - 12:51 PM

Not that I’ve ever been there but what is going on with these places that they don’t seem to do anything until after shut downs or tags? Even then some of them come up more than once.

For me, if your business shows up once that is enough to keep me away.

Badge1104 March 9, 2019 - 3:40 PM - 3:40 PM

In my opinion, and it will anger some if you, but the great increase of these occurances is a result of cultural tolerances. Different cultures don’t see this as abhorrent as us Americans do, so it is not a priority. Thank goodness we still have a health department that tries to hold the old standards up.

Eastbay Babe March 9, 2019 - 7:29 PM - 7:29 PM

I agree,especially the Chinese Restaurants. Not sure with this Bakery Some cultural do not consider it unclean.. That is why I hate going out to eat. I rather cook at home.

Giddyup March 10, 2019 - 1:50 PM - 1:50 PM

I think you’re right. If I’m not mistaken, cockroaches are on a par with cattle in some sects of Hindu religious philosophy.

S March 10, 2019 - 2:13 PM - 2:13 PM

@Giddy, say… Isn’t Cockroach Milk to “New” Health food???

Kirkwood March 10, 2019 - 2:52 PM - 2:52 PM

Right, 1104. In China and most Asian countries, anything that moves is considered food.

Giddyup March 10, 2019 - 10:01 PM - 10:01 PM

@S IDK How would you milk a cockroach, anyway? Very carefully!

E Newman March 10, 2019 - 11:50 PM - 11:50 PM

This post is about Corner Bakery. I used to work there. It has horrible upper management. That’s it.

Michael March 9, 2019 - 3:51 PM - 3:51 PM

Not sure if it is something new but most places are shutting down at 2-5pm….staff stays onsite unpaid so no cleaning. Any restaurant people current or past want to chime in?

jeff March 9, 2019 - 6:50 PM - 6:50 PM

contra county environmental department does a job in inspecting these food establishments. the do it foe our safety and well being. I TAKE MY HAT OFF TO THESE GREAT PEOPLE WHO WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN THESE FOOD SELLERS.. IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT. THEN GO EAT IN OAKLAND OR SAN FRANSEWER……YOUR NEIGHBOR

TPC March 9, 2019 - 8:06 PM - 8:06 PM

Rats gotta eat like the rest of us.

sideline March 10, 2019 - 11:28 AM - 11:28 AM

you should visit restaurants in San Francisco….Contra Costa county health would probably shut down most of them down there.
I always wondered why in the world standards vary so much from county to county.

Silva March 10, 2019 - 6:32 PM - 6:32 PM

Thank heaven for the Contra Costa County health department. Socialism is alive and well, and hard at work.

jbelkin March 10, 2019 - 10:39 PM - 10:39 PM

Corner Bakery Cafe is not a Chinese restaurant but hey, if you’re a crazy old coot – guess you cannot tell the diff – yea, YOU should stay at home – we don’t want you in public.

Giddyup March 11, 2019 - 4:30 AM - 4:30 AM

Right, somebody call PETA. Cockroaches are being mistreated.

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