Home » Concord Sushi Restaurant Back Open After Closure Due To Vermin Infestation

Concord Sushi Restaurant Back Open After Closure Due To Vermin Infestation


Ozora Sushi on Oak Grove Rd. in Concord was closed by the Contra Costa County Environmental Health Department last week due to a vermin infestation, according to the health department.

According to the inspection report, some of the findings in the back kitchen area include:

  • 4 rodent droppings on the floor underneath the mechanical dishwasher
  • 1 rodent dropping on the plate to the tier storage rack
  • 1 rodent dropping on the floor across the ice machine
  • 1 rodent dropping on the floor next to the walk-in freezer
  • 10 rodent droppings on the lid of the plastic food storage container

The restaurant has been re-inspected and re-opened since the closure.



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Interesting, that place seems so clean.

Sounds to me like we have a inspector on a power trip. This area has Rodents and it has a lot of them. Even the cleanest store, shop, or house is going to have a minor issue with rodents.

Yeah if they found rodent droppings on the food container not so much.

Town, Really? Thank God we have an inspector on a power trip. Better that than the opposite.

My point is that 100% rodent free any place around here is about impossible. Even in our own homes. One of the reasons food containers have lids which is where it was found at Ozora.

Hmmm…agree with Max excellent food, and it always seems tidy. I will go back.

I was gonna order lunch to go there today, I’ll wait until follow up inspection!

Another one and done place to not eat at.

I hate these type of articles with a passion. Used to go to Ozora all the time. Now I’ve got this stuck in my head.

The rats are everywhere , it is a plaque .

so question ….a restaurant is shut down for multiple violations
and you say you will go back eat the food and not have any cause to maybe oh I don’t know not go there because they obviously don’t care about patrons and yet you offer up your money to them

like oh yeah sock me in the gut …kick me and oh yeah ill pay for some more of that

no hurt feelings or circle of shame time …..?

If you live in Concord, You, at one time or another will have rats. They are EVERYWHERE. So, @Random Task, I hope you have a bubble around your house cause you have them too

Never been there and now never will! Disgusting.

Good job ,thats very good that the inspector did his job !

That is my favorite sushi place around. I had rats in my house also those damn rats are everywhere is kind of out of control. I will go there again.

Now I’m gonna have to try it.

sounds like they need pet patrol

hire a snake at night to patrol heck maybe more snakes the rats just like bums move on when it becomes work to forage



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