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Affordable housing. Thanks God rent control is in place!
The voting citizens of Concord still have the opportunity to try overturning Concord’s “Rent Stabilization and Just Cause for Eviction” ordinance in the future.
Why would he care?hes a freebie dude.Affordable housing,so hud wont drop his case he relieved
For all the taxes we pay, it’s terrible that the roads suck and street people are living all over the place.
The big lack of housing, period.
Thousands empty ,no shortage ,propaganda spreading is all that is
Not enough Olive Gardens.
It all comes back to Democrats and liberals. Homelessness, crime, economy/inflation…those things are symptoms of the real problem. Look at those liberal DA’s who refuse to prosecute, especially for certain races. That is what the people have voted for. They are in favor of those policies. To them, crime statistics are racist.
The Bay Area (and other major cities like NY and Chicago) are examples of what liberal policy does to a city. And Biden is showing what it does to the US on a Federal level. But they continue to vote against their best interest because they are close minded and brainwashed.
You are watching the wrong new network
TV? All anyone with an iota of brain cells has to do to see what’s going here in the state and the country is look out their front door.
hes NOT watching CNN so hes not getting your required brainwashing
You are actually right!
It is true that all the cities that are democratic control are cesspools.
You are so right. It’s the democrat politicians and their supporters. They have abandoned the values of America and the working middle class,
In a word, liberalism. Most of the issues in question are a result of liberal policies gone amuck. But if I have to pick one issue, it’s the liberal catering to the inundation of illegal invaders. i.e., local and state government material printed in their language, free healthcare, education, jobs, homeownership, driver’s license, food stamps, and welfare. All on the taxpayer’s dime, and all the while our veterans are not properly being taken care of, and the homeless population continues to grow.
Hear, hear.
Harrumph !
Are you kidding me Illegals by far
Does anyone know what was happening in the vicinity of Cowell/Treat/Ygnacio this morning around 7:30’ish?? Heard lots of sirens heading in that direction from Canterbury Village. And as I left for work, turning right onto Cowell from Cape Cod way I saw a lot of emergency vehicles and lights somewhere in that vicinity in my rear view mirror. Appreciate any information.
Yes. It was about 7:45 AM. I was on Turtle Creek approaching the the intersection of Treat. Save for a small backpack, there was a totally nude man walking up Turtle Creek. He didn’t appear to be homeless or in distress…he was just strolling up the sidewalk. Thirty seconds later I was stopped at the light to turn left onto Treat when two Concord PD cars turned left onto Turtle Creek. As they were doing so they sounded their sirens to clear traffic. Shortly after the nude man ran past my car, and dashed across Treat, dodging traffic. I then saw at two more Concord PD cars and at least one motorcycle going the guy’s direction. Not wanting to get caught in traffic I turned right on Treat. I don’t know what happened after that.
I’ve been commuting to work for 42 years. I’ve never seen anything close to that!
Could you recognize who it was? Was it deSailnier, or Adam Shiff?
It was Weiner.
It isn’t nearly warm enough for that kind of thing!
what a wiener
I suppose it’d be lawlessness, as it will erode our quality of life quicker than bad roads or the NWS development will.
Lawlessness contributes to vagrancy, drugs, retail theft, street food vendors, safety, arson, car break-ins, school fighting, catalytic converter theft, etc. The lack of swift prosecution and deterrent penalties has fed the lawlessness beast and we may not be able to ever recover. A whole generation has been raised with little to no consequences for their anti-social activities.
I’m definitely no conservative but I agree with you Whatever.
“Lawlessness” is very vague and open to interpretation. Concord City Councilmembers are known to read Claycord so adding some context or suggesting a specific area of “lawlessness” might help here.
As if they care! They are the ones who brought it to this point!
Recycled Water Cooler topics! 😁
And just what is your favorite restaurant Bebops?
My kitchen of course. 😎
global warming. The changing of climate is real and undisputed.
You’re 100% correct. But science deniers will take the opposite view.
Not much you can do to chance the natural cycles of the Earth that have been happening for millions of years. But science deniers certainly try to tell us that humans can prevent nature!
the usual ill still untreated
It is, and it’s been happening for billions of years. The democrat politicians, the media and their toadies have it all totally figured out, because they’ve seen the weather change thats happened in the last 20 years.
The only thing they figured out is that it represents a tremendous business opportunity.
Political opportunity – to CONTROL PEOPLE in the name of “Climate Change”.
They still think that spraying barium salts will solve the issue (if there really is one). A week ago on Monday as I was out for a walk one of those planes flew over spraying and at lowest altitude for that and I could clearly see the chemtrail was not coming of the engines but off the sprayers. For those that don’t know the cat has been out of the bag since Tennessee recently banned such spraying. MSM has been doing a lot of tap dancing since that.
someone elses money cant fight nature or change it
It’s not just one issue. CA has a 300B budget, note this is more than 90% of countries in the world.
Power not reliable, water not reliable, streets, crime, schools, homeless, drugs, crime.
I dare anyone to state what we do best other than tax everyone and everything!
Lack of funding to address homeless situation and lack of political will by local council to pressure state officials on this issue (see Concord City Council meeting 4/23/24 where grant for proposed homeless plan denied & research the missing $24B spent by the state on homeless).
Poor & slow pursuit of economic development in Concord with lack of imagination for future growth possibilities and failure to acknowledge pandemic shutdowns permanently altered the Bay Area economic landscape with elected officials relying on the same management and public appointees who haven’t had a new idea in 10 years
Tie for cost of housing and unreasonable increase of essential utilities (all with Concord Council clinging to their regressive extra sales tax)
Maybe not lack of funding, but rather lack of accountability?
mary poppins,no money will ever fix homeless it because they dont address the real problem,mental illness these people dont want or need a home..stop imagining things idealistically
Lack of competent leadership, voters voting for the incumbents, power, water, porous borders, lack of transparency by Calif politicians, lack of will power to take on the CPUC and PG&E, taxes that never go to infrastructure improvements like they’re supposed to instead to pet projects by Newscum, etc. … that’s a start
Diana Becton/lack of prosecution by DA
How about all of them?
Gentrification and the insane need to build unaffordable housing in already densely populated cities.
they want to even things out so every city is a ghetto,its called communism
Media’s lack of real journalism. They have caved to left wing politicians and never cover stories properly or ask difficult questions. I find it difficult to picture editors meetings when discussing topics and coverage that no one says is this right or even balanced reporting.
California State Senator Steve Glazer has introduced a bill to create $500 million in tax credits to “revive local newsrooms.”
This will just make it worse. Legacy media is already little more than mouthpieces for corporate and government interests. How much worse do you think it will be when the government starts paying their salaries?
Much worse! Congressman Mark DeSaulnier was also working on something similar.
Overpopulation from unfettered illegal immigration’ as well as legal which at this point is just as bad since we lowered the standards 60 plus years ago. This has stagnated all innovation by bogging down our school and hospital systems. Simultaneously as all this has played out over 60 years u have a hostile foreign/domestic enemies controlling our officials thru blackmail and bribery. The corrupt have caused a cultural decay and economic nightmare meddling with our national treasury/financial systems. The rot is so bad they can’t even build roads properly as was the case with the fall of Rome. Lower citizen requirements and these are your results.
they never once mention how many of them came here pregnant or how man babies they had in the last 3 1/2 years,anyone notice that? they dont dare tell
Need more signs warning folks about Coyotes.
The idiots in office and the bigger idiots that elected them there.
We need new laws to ensure no broken windows are left behind and they have a room key too and build it better.
thats the build back better plan
50 years ago we had rain this time of year. We have rain this time of year present day. WHAT has changed?
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