Home » Lafayette Adds Indigenous Land Acknowledgment, Bilingual Street Sign

Lafayette Adds Indigenous Land Acknowledgment, Bilingual Street Sign


Lafayette will honor its indigenous history with a land acknowledgment and bilingual street sign recognizing the Ohlone name for Mount Diablo, Tuyshtak, or “dawn of time.”

Lafayette Mayor Gina Dawson will unveil both at a ceremony on Monday.

A new street sign at Mount Diablo Boulevard and Lafayette Circle incorporates both Mount Diablo and Tuyshtak, city spokeswoman Suzanne Iarla said Sunday in a press release.

The land acknowledgment will appear on a utility box wrap that features an illustration of Saklan women, Iarla said.


“The Bay Miwok and neighboring Ohlone people have lived in and moved through this place for thousands of years,” the text says in part. “We express our appreciation and gratitude for this profound legacy, which enhances and contributes to our lives to this day.”

The City Council adopted the statement in 2023 as part of a yearlong recognition of Lafayette’s more than 175-year history, according to Iarla.

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At this time we are in it’s very important that Lafayette has the time to invest in this project. What a wonderful waste of taxpayer money.


This area was inhabited by the Saklan tribe, who were part of the Bay Miwok tribes.The Ohlone
tribes did not live in Lafayette by all accounts. They were over the Berkeley Hills from Lafayette.
The Saklan remained here until a battle with the Spanish in 1799, which they lost and were taken
to Mission life and all that came with it.


I find it best to not correct virtue-signalling in progress as

A: Facts are fluid to them

B: They will always succeed in making bafoons of themselves without my assistance.


You spelled “Buffoon” wrong.


Blame Apple


I feel much less guilty about the transgressions of this country, thank you. But why should I fee guilty? My ancestors came to this country long after whoever did all the native displacement, slavery and other bad things done to Irish, Japanese and others.


Upon further thinking a better sign would be don’t look directly into the sun during the eclipse.


It’s weird to me how in many discussions regarding the past, folks jump to the “why should I feel guilty” thing. Why does guilt need to be a part of acknowledging history? Why are you even bringing it up? It’s so bizarre. We can acknowledge the past, we can honor those who suffered, and we can even think about how those people have been treated in the recent past without doing the guilt thing. In fact, guilt does nobody any good and I hardly think it’s ever the point. But generally insensitive people will ignore the meat and potatoes and focus on how they don’t feel guilty. Way to make it about you lol.


Because who cares about this history? Why do you need to have it acknowledged? Why does it matter? I don’t honor people who suffered. There is zero “meat and potatoes “ to any of this nonsense. You think anyone except soy drinking fools have any care to waste their lives honoring long dead people they have no connection to? People are out here trying to survive RIGHT NOW. You think long dead people care about a street sign? Delusional. Staring into your vegan soy latte with your mushroom hangover as a tear slowly travels down your face for the fake “indigenous people” who by the way were pure savages is your bag? Cool man. Peace, love and macrame brother. Waste of tax payer money as usual. You little hippie types are always doing the government’s bidding. Wonder why. World has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, just because these savages were here at some point doesn’t mean it was their land any more than it’s my land right now. Lost hippies wishing they didn’t have to shower change nothing, ever. Always doing the government bidding…always. Guess what, in another 200 years the mexicans won’t be “honoring” you. What a soft, waiting to be conquered little man you sound like. Go cry next to a homeless creek camp and ask them why they don’t care.


Because THAT is the only reason that leftists bring up history. To make people feel guilty and lay it on thick. Then they go for your money.


Well isn’t that just dandy!
We have to remove the image of the Indian Maiden off the butter tub but it’s OK to slap it onto the street sign…
We can’t name any sports teams after Injuns but if we don’t call our mountain “Tuyshtak” it will be offensive?
These woke rules are stupid & confusing.




So much pandering.

“Profound legacy.” That’s rich.


Ohlone is a word the Spanish used to lump Bay Area tribes together. Why all these haters? It’s just acknowledging the original residents. Don’t fear history. You might learn something.


“original residents” You sure about that? What evidence do you have? Your theory is what you call indians were here for thousands of years and then white people came and ruined it for them? You sure about that? How about having an original thought? History is faker than the news. You know nothing


How do you know they were the original residents? Are you sure your “original residents” didn’t conquer some other “original residents” and steal their land?


The Berkeley Hills tribes had a better view and cooler weather than the Lafayette tribes did, probably better hunting too.
I’ll bet they were snobs & considered the East County tribes to be red trash.


All that fighting and protesting for a little sign on a utility box that no one will look at twice. I kinda love it. I’ve been in the Bay Area all my life and have never even met an “Ohlone” although I’ve met a few Caucasian looking folks who love to claim that 0.005% Cherokee, so who is this really for?



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